It's not so obvious that Josy meant Maya because Maya is a tolerant feminist. If Josy meant Maya, then she described Maya poorly. DPC also has a hard time getting us to know the family circumstances. I don't even need to give examples.
You can't predict the other person's reaction during conversation, especially in the case with MC and Josy.
MC was talking about men's stuff in general terms and Josy reacted by mentioning and referring to Maya, who is a feminist. MC then clarified what he meant exactly. And Josy wasn't able to excuse nor explain something to MC, because she was hiding it.
Nor Josy, nor Tommy never mentioned any other siblings. Josy was pretty open and shared a lot about her family during their second date. Explain me, what's the point to hide something about other children in their families and especially if Tommy have a sister? Tommy constantly calling Josy his "sister" while it's not so. She is a STEP-sister to him. He used to it and he probably like it. Why? Maybe because he haven't a real one?
He calls her fat and ugly behind her back, he don't like the idea of her at B&R at all. And we know the reasons. Because she is the one, who could learn and report quite not flattering things about him and tell it to her dad (his step-dad) and his mom (Monica). He was pissed off of her saying to his parents about his attempt to get high from her nail-polish years ago. He don't want this situation to repeat but in much MUCH worse circumstance. Only DIKs and some of the HOTs know a full truth about him. The rest suppose that he use weed and other stuff, like mushrooms. And even Sage can stand it. Just imagine the shitstorm after exposing injection drugs usage and so on.
You're forgetting something about Tommy. Pete is just his stepfather. What if his biological father also has children? What if after Monica and Tommy's biological father divorce, the sister lives with Tommy's biological father. Tommy describes his sister as fat and ugly. But all DIKs knew Josy before and she is the opposite of that. What if Tommy meant another sister. But in the end I don't care.
Yeah, and all of them are in B&R. Such a magical place. Like it's still not enough with all this friends and family members met at one place already. Let's add more, very plausible. Very convincing.
Anyway, Dany is not fat and ugly too. And how it's add up if Tommy is ok with Dany being fucked by Jamie, but not ok with Josy being fucked by someone else, while Dany is his "real" sister, while Josy is not? Tommy is in love with Josy, indeed. This crap again.
By assuming such things you think of the DPC as of a narrow - minded one, literally. There are already more than enough of friends and relatives, and we haven't figured out the part about Jill, Lynnet, Bianca, etc. yet.
But for me Dani is the absolute number one when it comes to harming the DIKs.
It doesn't matter if Beth has ties to the Alphas because I'm assuming it's just Beth hanging the pictures. Beth’s connection is gender studies. Everything is included there.
She is the least "fanatic" one among the feminists we know, or better to say group of them. She from time to time trade her principles for Jamie, while others not.
How was the DIK laptop accessed? On Jamie's cell phone. The DIK cell phones are connected to the DIK laptop. This communication works both ways. Connect Jamie's phone to another laptop and search the DIK laptop. Don't start with Arieth because she only has a picture of Jacob on her phone. It's Arieth's cell phone, we even know the unlock code for Arieth's cell phone. I think so it's just a profile avatar picture of Rooster, like Josy has one of the MC on her phone. Matter resolved.
Sooo far fetched... why Rusty find laptop in the library then? What a connection do you mean exactly? Network connection (wi-fi / bluetooth) have nothing with access to the Rooster account. And Jamie don't have access to the other DIKs folders data. So even we assume that DIKs or some of them can browse files on laptop remotely it just doesn't help a bit. And the laptop must be always turned on and be online then for this stuff to work. But as we know, Jamie data is partially in a full-access state. Was it for the sake of lulz and just showing us how he is crazy about Dany and a source for vault numbers (some of them in his poem)?. Admin login (Rusty) is a much more plausible source for getting all desired stuff with photos of all DIKs, Hell-week photos and proofs, etc.
For some reason, you always start with the most confusing and complicated versions, although any investigations should start with simple and logical ones. And only if it does not help and does not work, you should move onto more complex ones. But you always start in the opposite direction just to find that things were really simple at the end and most of the times.
I think I found a good reference inside the game itself to describe your approach and attitude to writing theories and the approach to different investigations as accurately as possible. The scene with Maya and Josy in Rusty's room, where they are investigating a "crime". They are seriously making assumptions, although they know perfectly well who made all these decorations and for what. Almost complete lack of meaning, template decorations of a typical murder scene, etc. The guy on the floor was shot, that's all...
But Dani has a reason for stealing Jamie's cell phone. Why? We know from Leon that Jamie constantly cheats on his Dani. Who will Dani blame for this? Not her Jam Jam, but his friends who are a bad influence on Jamie. That's what Dani thinks and that's why she pits the DIKs against the Alphas
Oh my... and since the Dany is not a frequent guest on the DIKs parties she asked Beth for help, right? Halloween was the first time, when she attended their party.
Spontaneously assuming that something might provoke the Alphas to pile on the DIKs. And she did it all through the Beth, who "found out" that they didn't get along. Well, they're like best friends... And of course Dany is Arieth's best friend, they have a lot in common and they have a lot to talk about. You think too highly of Dany's intellectual abilities and guile.
Dani has a sporty figure. I would almost call her Buff Dani. Oops, someone must have trained incorrectly. Wrong tips from the jocks perhaps? Maybe Dani caught Troy and Chad and took some photos too? She would also have been able to take photos of Cathy.
No, because she should look like she is to make it plausible for player to believe that Jamie really like, date and fuck her. Just replace her with Minny or Wendy. Let me know how do you feel then. BADIK has a lot of humor and comedy but such couple would look ridicolous. Jamie even trolls Derek with Wendy in such way. Like my girl is a feminist, so nothing bad.
Who do we see there? Ashley, Leon, Beth and Jamie. Arieth is a little further to the right. This is in EP2. What's happening there? Leon convinces Jamie to let them fuck Arieth together. I'm just wondering if Ashley and Beth noticed how Leon was exerting his bad influence on Jamie and causing Jamie to cheat on Dani with Arieth. If Beth tells Dani that, she even has a witness. Ashley. Beth, Ashley and Dani are attending the same course. What was it again? Gender Studies.
Well, now Ashley and Beth know so the DIKs can't stand the jocks.
And now Beth and Ashley know that the jocks don't like the DIKs and the reason why. HOTs and Sage.
The gender studies in EP2 are after the cum petition. Look who's sitting behind the MC? Sarah. Is Sarah currently talking to Dani about gender studies topics? For example about homosexuality? What if Sarah and Melanie didn't know beforehand that Chad was cheating on Sage with Troy. What if Sarah found out about Dani so Chad was gay? Sarah could then have talked to Melanie about it because she didn't know how to deal with this information and subsequently with Sage. Sarah and Melanie are friends with Chad and talk to Chad about it.
The image is from the same gender studies in EP2. Who is sitting in the place where Sarah used to sit? Beth. It's a shame that we can't see where Dani sits in all of EP2's gender studies. But I could imagine Beth just telling Dani that her Jam Jam fucked the HOT girl Arieth under the bad influence of Leon. She has Ashley as a witness.
In this picture we see Beth talking on the phone after Cathy Cluck and I assume with Dani. Beth finds out here that Dani has deposed Cathy Cluck by remotely controlling the DIK laptop and Dani makes Beth a co-informer and thus forces a certain amount of control over Beth.
I had written a huge text but deleted it because it was simply too long. But I think so Dani is behind everyone because she wants revenge on the HOTs and the DIKs. She has help from Beth and Ashley. Why Ashley? This can have two reasons. Firstly because Derek cheated on Ashley with Wendy and secondly Ashley is later dating Anthony and will definitely want to party with her HOTs sisters along with her new boyfriend Anthony. Ashley tells Dani what she knows about the DIKs so that Dani can write it on the DIK posters. But how does Ashley know all this? Ashley shares a room with Arieth and she likes to tell stories. Ashley can also listen to all of HOT's sisters without being disturbed. Ashley is Dani's ear to the HOTs.
Beth is a cafeteria worker. She know much MORE people in this way because of her job. She haven't to attend to parties to learn and notice things. All your assumptions going in the way that she is literally spying. And the single explanation is that she doing it for the sake of Dany.
And again, Dany wants revenge on DIKs, where the only motivation is their "bad influence" on Jamie, but not directly to those with whom he is cheating on her - HOT's. Ashley becomes the sister of the HOTs and starts living next to them only at the end of episode 6, you describe the events starting from the episode 2. So what are the "ears" in HOTs and stuff? So, you assume that Ashley is a rat, right?