
Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Hmm... they both were raised by him mostly single. Helen were not able to help a lot and was worse with each year. We haven't seen the whole story and how he treated them until the Maya relationship reveal. Derek said he was rough with them, but both Derek and Maya told he wasn't hitting them. But physical violence is not the only one thing that may turn child life into a nightmare. And thurthmore, they wasn't able to do anything with it. Report him in any way, then what? Who will take care about Helen? What both Maya and Derek will do after that? It was clearly pointed that their mom needed their dad. A boarding school or an orphanage?

It's both psychological and physiological. He used to hurt her this way frequently. Grabbing/holding her hands, etc. So, sometimes she cover her hand reflectively even when she just feels bad or uncomfortable, but sometimes after he abuse her, as it happened during Thanksgiving. There's no way that it happened for the first time, it was frequent and probably became especially frequent after he learned about Josy.
As much as I hate Patrick, he deserve some mercy and Derek explained it pretty well. Just put yourself in his shoes. It absolutely doesn't excuse him for what he did and still doing to Maya, but it's as it is. Derek just in a bit better situation.
It opens up better if you played the way to return to Maya early from the DIKs party in EP2. Then, she shows MC photo from graduating the school. That time Patrick already knew about Josy. J&M flashback scene happens before this photo, they talking about what it will be after graduating the school and mentioning B&R.

And all this reminds us that you can not divide everything into white and black. It won't lead to anything good and life is mostly shades of grey. Something truly white or black either does not exist or these are extreme exceptions that only confirm the rule.
If you look deeper into the situation and start looking for the culprits (which is also counterproductive), then you can even accuse Helen of being religious and it spread like a virus to Patrick later as his only escape from situation. And how brilliantly the DPC played it out. She was a religious one, full of faith and confidence, but her illness broke her down and they completely turned the tables on her husband.

He became a literal fanatic to the vows he gave her times ago. He got blinded because of this, not realising what he is doing to his children and Maya especially. Being forced to live with a parent who tricked you into a loan, not being able to escape all this because of mother, being forced to act normally with parent who said you sometime that you are "not the daughter he wanted", etc.
That's a really good way of looking at it dude.
I just got so angry with Patrick for hurting Maya I wanted to kick his butt.

Stuff like the Patrick situation is why I like this game. It isn't just a boring fuckfest like most of the garbage on this site.
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Aug 16, 2017
Agreed, exploring other avenues is ideal.

I can understand fight over flight if it's a super vicious woman though. If they're trying to claw your eye out or bite piece of your ear off, it's increasingly difficult to be calm. People get freaked out by spiders, further-more someone trying to disfigure them.

I never hit a woman and luckily I've never had to, but I also couldn't judge another who has been put in a tough situation. People are reacting the best way they can quickly in a super-heated moment. Tough to have a clear head there.

Temperament is another variable. If someone is raised in violence and someone attacks them, their instinct might take over and instantly defend themselves.
Yeah it's not easy man. Had a woman at a party cracked off her head hitting others and going nuts. The situation needed de-escalating so I wrapped her in a bearhug. I copped bites to the arm, and a decent clawing when she got an arm free at one point. Did that warrant retaliation? No. Because what I could do to her was too much compared to anything she could do to me. And I do notice in true DARVO fashion, this has drifted to this stage trying to make me the bad guy from my initial comment of "gripping an arm hard enough to leave bruises is not on".
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
I mostly agree with pretty much everything you've said but:
Being forced to live with a parent who tricked you into a loan
This bit I'm still very skeptical about. All we've seen so far, is Maya's side of the story about that loan contract. Sure, we might have it in our possession now, but DPC didn't go that far yet. I have a feeling it'll all be a false flag as far as the main story plot is concerned.
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Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Has anyone worked out where the sweet spot is in the claw machine? (with an image) I love Rio but not $$$ kind love.
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May 15, 2020
Same survey: Regarding injury, men were more likely to inflict injury than were women
Same survey: approximately 1.5 million women and 835 000 men are physically assaulted or raped by intimate partners
Looks like I can cherry pick data too, given that it's from the same survey you used, you're not looking too flash right now.
Maybe you should actually read the study?

" Reciprocal partner violence does not appear to be only comprised of self-defensive acts of violence. Several studies have found that men and women initiate violence against an intimate partner at approximately the same rate. For example, Gray and Foshee specifically asked adolescents about their initiation of violence and found that among the violent relationships studied, 66% were characterized by both partners initiating violence at least once. In the National Family Violence Survey, both men and women reported that violence was initiated by each partner at least 40% of the time. Additionally, studies of community samples found that a relatively low percentage of women endorsed self-defense as a primary motive for violence. , These data suggest that self-defense cannot fully explain the reciprocal violence phenomenon."

how about

" In fact, women’s greater perpetration of violence was reported by both women (female perpetrators=24.8%, male perpetrators = 19.2%) and by men (female perpetrators = 16.4%, male perpetrators = 11.2%). "

Also, men are far less likely to report being victims, partly because people like you will just tell them to suck it up. And you can find that being accepted as true even on feminist websites. So what's your excuse for your ignorance?

And finally, not being as effective at violence is no excuse for engaging in it. What's next, the "but I'm a bad shot!" defense for attempted murder? No, not being able to throw a good punch doesn't mean people should just let you punch them. What an asinine argument.
Aug 16, 2017
Maybe you should actually read the study?

" Reciprocal partner violence does not appear to be only comprised of self-defensive acts of violence. Several studies have found that men and women initiate violence against an intimate partner at approximately the same rate. For example, Gray and Foshee specifically asked adolescents about their initiation of violence and found that among the violent relationships studied, 66% were characterized by both partners initiating violence at least once. In the National Family Violence Survey, both men and women reported that violence was initiated by each partner at least 40% of the time. Additionally, studies of community samples found that a relatively low percentage of women endorsed self-defense as a primary motive for violence. , These data suggest that self-defense cannot fully explain the reciprocal violence phenomenon."

how about

" In fact, women’s greater perpetration of violence was reported by both women (female perpetrators=24.8%, male perpetrators = 19.2%) and by men (female perpetrators = 16.4%, male perpetrators = 11.2%). "

Also, men are far less likely to report being victims, partly because people like you will just tell them to suck it up. And you can find that being accepted as true even on feminist websites. So what's your excuse for your ignorance?

And finally, not being as effective at violence is no excuse for engaging in it. What's next, the "but I'm a bad shot!" defense for attempted murder? No, not being able to throw a good punch doesn't mean people should just let you punch them. What an asinine argument.
If you don't think what I posted wasn't from the study, by all means, read it again and re-educate yourself. If you want me to start quoting figures from other studies stating the actual gap between male/female violence, by all means say so, but be warned, I'm in for a long night doing it.


May 15, 2020
All right, message received, I'll dr
Maybe the coveted Jill poll will finally derail this fantastic conversation :oops:

$10 Cosmetic poll: Jill

View attachment 3241506
Help me decide what Jill should wear in episode 11. The winning option gets featured.
All right, message received, I'll drop it.
I just have too many people come through the clinic I work at who are in various kinds of abusive relationships. Men, women, even children (young adults), and it pisses me off when some ignoramus minimizes it. This nonsense is perpetuated by tolerating it, by telling people (anyone) to just suck it up.

Also, I like choice #2. Cool pattern.

Sun of Rome

Dec 18, 2023
Maybe the coveted Jill poll will finally derail this fantastic conversation :oops:

$10 Cosmetic poll: Jill

View attachment 3241506
Help me decide what Jill should wear in episode 11. The winning option gets featured.
Riona can wait. Fuckface's gonna have a date with Jill.

I like option 2. But clearly, it's probably just another date with Jill.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Yes, DPC is too busy counting his money to fix that mistake. :KEK:
money to be counted is a lot, I still think that aesthetically the peak was between chapter 5 and 6, after that it tended to get worse.

in the last chapter Sage improved (but in the chapter before she had a slump), she no longer had that sweaty, greasy look, when the punk makeup is put aside she will take another step toward normalcy

Josy and Maya in continual deterioration

Bella is the easiest character to handle, as exactly the same expression can be used for 90 % of the situations
Aug 16, 2017
You seem to be taking this topic too seriously. It's sad to see that.
I shouldn't have put my two cents in it.
I see that you have principles. This is worthy of respect.
You are ready for self-sacrifice.
I wish I could be as cold-blooded.
But unfortunately, I quickly lose self-control when physical aggression is shown to me.
I asked you whether you were serious on this stance of violence against women or whether it was your usual degree of sarcasm. You affirmed in the former. That was your choice, despite any amount of twisting to the contrary.
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