
May 15, 2020
Jesus fucking Christ. I was hoping you were treating this with the same degree of sarcasm you'd showed in other discussions. Seems not, or you'd have posted some degree of disclaimer by now. All I can say is, Et tu, Karamba? I didn't figure you as this sort of lowlife piece of shit. More fool me, it seems.
That's pretty judgmental coming from someone who infantilizes women and doesn't treat them like moral agents. In any other context "Don't hit people and they won't hit you" would seem like a pretty good and reasonable deal. Hell, I'd take that deal in a heartbeat, but that's not good enough somehow? You seem like the piece of shit here.
Aug 16, 2017
I'm sorry to upset you.
I was just being honest.
If someone hits me, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, I'll beat the shit out of that person.
In any way I can.
And why should there be some kind of gender separation in this situation?
Equality can only be absolute, otherwise it just doesn't work.
So in your world men and women are physically equal? Nice world that. I've been hit by women on a few occasions. Not once has any of them been able to effect me by said hit in any way shape or form. And I walked away from every one. Yet according to you, that's a license for me to unload, which, given I'm not the smallest bloke in the world, would leave them as a fucked up bleeding mess? Nah cunt. You're a fucking chunk of scum for saying that.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
One of the weird thing in this game is how tf you gotta date with Quinn and have affinity CHICK?
She dump you in Ep6 for having CHICK and that scene leads to everything for her

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Aug 16, 2017
That's pretty judgmental coming from someone who infantilizes women and doesn't treat them like moral agents. In any other context "Don't hit people and they won't hit you" would seem like a pretty good and reasonable deal. Hell, I'd take that deal in a heartbeat, but that's not good enough somehow? You seem like the piece of shit here.
Read my reply to Karamba below and you might see where I'm coming from. And I'd ask you to explain 'infantilizes' and 'moral agents' as I have no idea where you're coming from there.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Well this got dark.
Guys let's talk about happy things like Arieth making out with Josy & Maya
Who wouldn't want to see a lesbian threesome involving them?

And I wouldn't be cucked because all three are my girlfriends.


New Member
Apr 10, 2020
Wow... what's happening here...? Please, everyone... just take a moment, breathe, and then stop this nonsense.
Whatever your point of view is on that subject, this is certainly not the place to go verbally haywire.
There is no real solution only one trigger after antoher... Oo
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
Perhaps it's possible to have neutral in episode 6, then manage to have CHIK at the end of episode 8?
Nah one of the condtion to help Quinn was Affinity =!DIK
so anything other than DIK is not okay.
Although maybe after that you become Neutral , but again you can't be CHICK so having this one it seems odd
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Aug 16, 2017
OK, you can call me whatever you want.
It doesn't hurt me.
Once again, I'm sorry if I upset you with my statements.
However, I must say that you are wrong.
Women in some situations can cause very serious injury.
One day I witnessed several teenage girls beating up a little boy.
They knocked him to the ground, kicking him on the head.
They were wearing high-heeled shoes.
The boy was covered in blood.
He was literally disfigured.
I intervened in this.
And I beat them up.
It happens.
*some*. SOME. Fucking define some. How many? How many, Karamba? Show some figures. How many men get beat up by women? As opposed to how many women get beaten up by men? Or, to drive a point home, how many women get killed by men? In Australia last year, the number was 61 as at 21 Dec. Men killed by women? 0, unless there's some stat buried deep I've missed, and I've looked high and low. You've lumped yourself in with Jedi on the DARVO front. Deny. Attack. Reverse Victim and Offender. And I'm genuinely sad you've done this. You seemed OK.


May 15, 2020
Read my reply to Karamba below and you might see where I'm coming from. And I'd ask you to explain 'infantilizes' and 'moral agents' as I have no idea where you're coming from there.

ĭn′fən-tl-īz″, ĭn-făn′-
transitive verb

  1. To treat or condescend to as if still a young child.

Moral agency is an individual's ability to make choices based on some notion of and to be held accountable for these actions. A moral agent is "a being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.
(AKA, an Adult)

I read your hostile reply to a perfectly reasonable position that you shouldn't hit people, but if you do, to expect a possible ass kicking in response. Don't fool yourself. You aren't the "anti-violence" advocate here, not when you're advocating for people to just let other people assault them. And your statement on "durr women can't hurt me, I just let them swing away" is just ridiculous. Someone who isn't deterred from initiating violence will tend to keep intitiating and escalate that violence until they get the desired effect. A woman slapping at you ineffectually can escalate to that same woman throwing a glass ashtray at you and cracking your head open when she realizes you're not taking her seriously. That's a true story by the way (just not my personal story). The moment someone hits you, whatever the genders involved, you need to communicate loud and clear that violence will not be tolerated passively or you'll get more of the same and it'll likely escalate. Just ask anybody who's been in an abusive relationship. They don't start at 100, but they'll get there if you give them a pass long enough. You're advocating giving a pass.

If you're an adult and you're upset that someone might kick your ass if you attack them, then YOU'RE the asshole. And that's gender neutral.


Jul 31, 2020
Nah one of the condtion to help Quinn was Affinity =!DIK
so anything other than DIK is not okay.
Although maybe after that you become Neutral , but again you can't be CHICK so having this one it seems odd
Hmm, indeed strange. I'm not sure it's possible to be DIK there, then have a drastic turnaround, becoming a CHIK at the end of episode 8.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
OK, you can call me whatever you want.
It doesn't hurt me.
Once again, I'm sorry if I upset you with my statements.
However, I must say that you are wrong.
Women in some situations can cause very serious injury.
One day I witnessed several teenage girls beating up a little boy.
They knocked him to the ground, kicking him on the head.
They were wearing high-heeled shoes.
The boy was covered in blood.
He was literally disfigured.
I intervened in this.
And I beat them up.
It happens.
Beating up teenage girls now. You should join Team Jill for your anti bullying stance. A true Quinn fan would let the boy deal with it himself.
Last edited:
Aug 16, 2017

ĭn′fən-tl-īz″, ĭn-făn′-
transitive verb

  1. To treat or condescend to as if still a young child.

Moral agency is an individual's ability to make choices based on some notion of and to be held accountable for these actions. A moral agent is "a being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.
(AKA, an Adult)

I read your hostile reply to a perfectly reasonable position that you shouldn't hit people, but if you do, to expect a possible ass kicking in response. Don't fool yourself. You aren't the "anti-violence" advocate here, not when you're advocating for people to just let other people assault them. And your statement on "durr women can't hurt me, I just let them swing away" is just ridiculous. Someone who isn't deterred from initiating violence will tend to keep intitiating and escalate that violence until they get the desired effect. A woman slapping at you ineffectually can escalate to that same woman throwing a glass ashtray at you and cracking your head open when she realizes you're not taking her seriously. That's a true story by the way (just not my personal story). The moment someone hits you, whatever the genders involved, you need to communicate loud and clear that violence will not be tolerated passively or you'll get more of the same and it'll likely escalate. Just ask anybody who's been in an abusive relationship. They don't start at 100, but they'll get there if you give them a pass long enough. You're advocating giving a pass.

If you're an adult and you're upset that someone might kick your ass if you attack them, then YOU'RE the asshole. And that's gender neutral.
Really shouldn't give someone who comes across as an incel fuel, but here we go: the women that hit me? They spent their energy, and then reflected on what they were doing, without having been bashed into thinking that way. But your way is obviously better, right? Pffft. But sure, cite one (ONE) example to cite that as the be all and end all because heaven help anyone should show a better disposition to a gender than what you do, right?


May 15, 2020
*some*. SOME. Fucking define some. How many? How many, Karamba? Show some figures. How many men get beat up by women? As opposed to how many women get beaten up by men? Or, to drive a point home, how many women get killed by men? In Australia last year, the number was 61 as at 21 Dec. Men killed by women? 0, unless there's some stat buried deep I've missed, and I've looked high and low. You've lumped yourself in with Jedi on the DARVO front. Deny. Attack. Reverse Victim and Offender. And I'm genuinely sad you've done this. You seemed OK.
You're showing your ignorance here. Numerous studies have shown that women intiate violence against men at least as often as in the other direction. The point is that men, for biological reasons, are able to do more damage; but women do not have the moral high ground here just because they can't punch as hard. Also, men are murdered at many timnes the rate of women, and are the primary victims of all violent crime with the exception of rape (and that gap narrows if you take into account men being less likely to report it, and include prison rape). So stop with the fiction that it's women who have to protect themselves from violence and men have it good.

Again, you're the only one who started with the personal attacks when someone said they kick someone's ass if they attacked them first. The person you're yelling at has been calm and reasonable by comparison.


May 15, 2020
Really shouldn't give someone who comes across as an incel fuel, but here we go: the women that hit me? They spent their energy, and then reflected on what they were doing, without having been bashed into thinking that way. But your way is obviously better, right? Pffft. But sure, cite one (ONE) example to cite that as the be all and end all because heaven help anyone should show a better disposition to a gender than what you do, right?
By better dispostion to gender, you mean treating them like children and hand waving away their violence? No pal, you don't have the moral high ground here when you're pissed at the thought of someone fighting back if attacked.
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