I don't want to make a work for you and quote a lines from the paths/branches that you don't ever play. That's regarding Cathy and Jade & Stephen sex and a lot of other things.
Regarding the canon part. Jade confronts Stephen at the intro flashback of EP3. We have no clue when their dialogue took place. It can be a one day ago, a several weeks-months before the EP3 events or maybe a couple of years. We know in general about Stephen and Quinn deal but we don't know - was there somebody before the Quinn who did the same for him or not or it started somehow only after Quinn got into B&R.
Make your mind. You either believe Stephen or not. He hadn't said "NOT" when Jade assumed that he is fucking freshwomen and I suppose he seriously lowered the numbers as well. Reread that scene if needed. Howether, I don't feel any sense to convince you, because you always interprete even a 100% damn straight facts and words into some fantasies on your own. Red herring is ok, but not every damn time and regarding every damn dialogue line and word that each character spells.
You don't have to do any work because I've read it. That's why I take it hard so that Cathy and Stephen had sex.
I was almost proud of you before you messed it up again. You're absolutely right about that one and I wrote that a long time ago so we don't know when Jade and Stephen's intro takes place. You start to understand so everything is an MC narrative. The MC tells us his story, from the beginning. The only thing we don't know is when and to whom the MC tells his story about BaDIK. But you're disappointing me because you think you know how to make a deal for Quinn and Stephen. There is no evidence of this. Nowhere. Quinn lies to Mona at the beginning of EP6 because she wants Mona to believe her so she will work with Stephen Burke. Why? So Mona will shut up. What would happen if Mona spilled the beans and Quinn knew Mona couldn't keep her mouth shut? Sage would happen, Stephen Burke would happen, Jade would happen, and an investigation would happen. Quinn's activities would be exposed. So Quinn lies to Mona. You can read the facts that Quinn is lying. Stephen does not allow prostitution on his campus. Mona came onto Stephen Burke's radar. Mona doesn't want to fuck old guys. So how did Mona get on Stephen Burke's radar? Definitely not because Mona asked an old guy for sex because she doesn't want old guys. The logical conclusion is that Mona asked a young prep at the EP5 party and Stephen Burke found out. This is how Mona came onto Stephen Burke's radar. You should also judge the gestures and facial expressions of the characters present in EP6. DPC points out things like this in its Q&As.
You understand pretty well what I meant. What for you're writing all this?
He bought his professor title. He covers the prostitution ring inside the college he is heading. He uses his state and title to decide who will get grants and who will not and since he is into freshwomen lately, he uses part of this grants for sex deals and bringing Quinn new "workers". And it's only the part that revealed. Even if he is not messed in anything else, it's quite enough to spend a solid time in jail.
Stephen Burke won't be stupid enough to fuck a college girl at a party where the mansion is full of guests, including potential businessmen. The room where Mona and Stephen came from is on the ground floor and has large windows. We shouldn't forget so that Stephen's children are at the party. Jade came later. We find out that Jade actually wanted to meet someone. Oops. Stephen also showed up at the party unexpectedly, as Sage said. What did he actually have in mind? Well Jade says directly that she wanted to meet Cathy. But Cathy didn't have time for Jade because she needed to talk to Isabella. That's why Jade showed up at the Preps party. But what does Jade say to Stephen? That Cathy meets the person that evening whose company is similar to the one Stephen would prefer. I don't think that means Jill. But Stephen is into Isabella, we can see that in EP8 and also learn from the EP3 intro. Isabella is no longer a student.
Why should I decide whether Stephen is evil or good if the outcome isn't canon? Only we don't make a direct decision for Stephen, but rather an indirect one through Jade. Yes, he didn't say "NO" because at that point (EP3) it's not yet clear where Stephen Burke's journey will go. Staying silent on a question answers the question. Are you familiar with that? What happens if the MC doesn't answer Josy and Maya's question in EP9? The player gets -RP. But what if the MC didn't fuck enough girls to justify the -RPs. Then Josy and Maya make a mistake. Same principle as Jade and Stephen's intro. If Jade fucks the MC (student), Stephen will do the same later. If the MC doesn't fuck Jade, Stephen won't fuck students either.
I forgot. He buys his professorship. Now you take out the ax, aim at my head, swing and hit past. Oops. In the United States, the word "professor" is often used to refer to anyone who teaches at any academic rank at a college or university level. Although it is common practice, it is not illegal or immoral because Stephen Burke has years of experience in the financial sector. His practical experience means he is probably more suitable than a real professor who only has theoretical experience. So much for that.
Get rid of it so that Stephen Burke canonically runs a prostitution ring. Of course he awards scholarships, it is also his job. If it's up to you, Chad also got his scholarship because he let Stephen Burke fuck him. Sarcasm. You accuse me of turning everything into a thriller, but you turn everything into a Roman and Greek-style sex feast.
I will not do that. Believe in what you want, fantasy and theorize how you want. But don't fly too far.
You're more likely to write a full-screen theory about some random pictures in the character's rooms, strawberries and milk, a fungus that Maya got from her father or a Porsche that Maya rides with Derek in secret from everyone, doppelgangers and twins and the hell knows what else. Rather than assuming a healthy versions and implying a plausible theories as well as getting the straight facts and information which game brings you since episode 1.
Tommy and Quinn have some secrets, but it doesn't mean that you can't trust them at all. Same (reversed) goes for other characters. There're a lot of them who could be trusted, it doesn't mean that they always tell the truth, but you act like a 99,9% of what we heard, seen or read is a lies. You're wasting your time by questioning absolutely everything instead of trying to discover lies or untruths. Mostly and a lot. Waste it further if you so like to. It's counterproductive.
The difference between you and me is so I can do it, as I proved above. I had to refute it again.
And again you're going overboard to discredit. What's up with you? No more arguments? That doesn't show a positive image of you.
The point with Quinn and Tommy isn't that they have secrets too. They have proven themselves to the MC so that they will lie to them, manipulate them, etc. if it serves their own selfish goals. But if you want to trust people like that, go ahead. I just remember what Rusty says to the MC in EP4 and it was about trust. You're wasting your time believing everything you read without questioning it. DPC has proven more than once that he can lay false trails in the game. That alone should stop them thinking.
You're talking with DPC? Where? I suppose it's happening in your head or during your shrooms trips. It's ok, nothing wrong with that.
Now I get why Maya is so damn calm with Derek & MC taking the shrooms

Regarding Lily & Quinn, you're trying to find a foreshadowing or double bottom absolutely in EVERYTHING. You can't just digest the dialogues, you must analyze and question every word in every sentence. Go on, if you're into it.
I want to do it and have fun with it. I would even agree with you if it was a one-time thing, but it isn't. 1 time is a coincidence, 2 times can also be a coincidence, but 3 or more times is intentional. Are you jealous?
There're 3 choices (1 major and 2 are not) that changes things a lot. But the rest of the story remains intact and it's what I call the canon part. The prostitution, dealing with Quinn and so on stays intact. First choice is a Major one - let Jade jerk off MC or not. Then you're getting the opportunity to fuck her (2nd choice) and the latest one - tell Derek and share the video with DIKs or not. Only the last decision with sharing a video leads to a Jade divorce share fuck up. You posted the render above with dude with telescope and his wife probably assuming that this have any sense with this story. Because you're not playing any other paths outside J&M properly and constantly making a wrong assumptions most of the time because of this. Play the god damnit game at full at least once.
No, don't stay. For the sole reason that Jade and JM already exclude each other in EP4. Moment. JM and Quinn also rule each other out before EP8. The player makes decisions that affect the paths well before EP8. Ergo, not everything can be canon. Prostitution itself could be canon, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's canon for all characters. The best example of this is drugs. The drugs are canonical, the MC decides for themselves whether they want to take drugs or not. That makes it non-canon for the MC, even though the drug story is canon. But not all DIKs or HOTs take drugs.
The same applies to prostitution. Is Riona a prostitute or not? Definitely on the restaurant path, even if she's not happy with it. But if the MC rejects Quinn's offer, we don't even see Riona prostituting herself. So ask yourself if Riona is a prostitute then, even though there is no solid evidence of this. There is evidence for Riona to sell drugs no matter what you decide. So what is canon with Riona and what is not? I wouldn't worry about something like that if Riona was canonically seen prostituting herself. But you don't see it canonically.
You won't make me play all the paths and branches because there may be things in future EPs that I don't want to see.
Stephen don't have a reasons to behave incorrectly towards the MC. However, when MC fucked Jade and shown video to DIKs which is leaked to Stephen later - he has a reason and will get MC a gaze during the meeting at their place (for beginning, we don't know how this would unfold later). Video was not shown? Well, the Stephen then gets cucked and Jade gets her 50% of their property.
With my CHICK MC, Stephen has no reason to look askance at the MC anyway. But I knew beforehand that there would be differences. You can view the images in the folder.
Maya talked about the joint photos with Josy and the ones where they are all together. The only difference is that MC sees this dialogue and participate in a photoshoot being in Throuple branch. You assume that Maya is not wondering what this photos for and how they will be used if they are taking them w/o the MC? There are no any sense to worry about the separate photos of each girl with MC. Maya is worried only about the ones joint with Josy. And at that moment Josy calls "friends" both Maya and MC and she is caring not about the Patrick (they both get that he won't see it), but the rest of the people. Because at that time they thought of hiding their relationship. It all lost any sense a several hours later.
You even don't get such simple moments and nuances or you get them mostly wrong or in some perverted way. But you almost immideately build a hell tons of theories and seeing a foreshadowing signs out of the blue with absolutely zero grounds.
They are not planning to find and pretend with fake friends. They revealed their relationship publicly for the whole campus already (even if not the whole truth about it) and they are working on getting rid of the Patrick in one way or another. They don't give a fuck if he will learn about them in case if the loan problem will be solved. They don't want and need his "bless". As soon as the loan problem solved they could tell him to fuck off and do what they want. Maya wanted to get that free tuition to get rid of Patrick since day 1, so I suppose she knows how she wanted to behave when loan doesn't bother her anymore.
And again you theorize only based on a one potential choice of telling Josy about Chad & Troy and the beard thing which leads to presenting MC as a Maya's boyfriend. While there are at least two options. Now you will tell me that you feel and that you pick only the "right" choices. Only to tell later that everything may change in a future episode(s).
You didn't have to clarify about the Halloween photos, I already wrote that in the first sentence and I only wrote it because you hadn't written it before. After that I just described one way Patrick could be tricked and/or... (I can't, or shouldn't, write any further.). You're thinking now so I can just make myself important and/or not have an argument. The joke is, I have arguments and hints in play. If there were only one or two clues in the game, I wouldn't even pay attention to them. But there are so many hints of a big bomb that can be read in all EPs that it only allows one conclusion and I don't want to spoil that for the player and DPC by giving it a spoiler.
You write in a perverse way. Your goal is to get teachers to fuck students in exchange for cash and scholarships. This definitely doesn't belong in a college comedy, more in a corrupt college porn. Guess why we make this decision? One player wants a college story with casual sex and the other player wants corrupt college porn. DPC serves both audiences, depending on the player's decision. What do you choose?
Does it have to be a fake friend? What if it's a good friend? Damn, I'd love to torpedo you with pointers and arguments, but I shouldn't and I won't. There are so many clues that you can't see but are there. You didn't see the clues in AL before, even though you said they were there. It's the same with BaDIK, you don't see the clues. You believe everything without questioning anything. I do not understand that. You have had the experience with AL and are ignoring your own experience.
You do not understand it, do you? The point is so that Josy even knows about the "Beard" agreement. Josy can only have this knowledge if she has dealt with it first. Chad and Troy don't play a role because they were just the trigger for Josy to explain it to the MC. How do you think Josy knew about the Beard arrangements? I'm thinking about something like that. By reading it, because someone explained it to her and through your own experiences. But experience isn't your thing, as we once read about you.