Aug 29, 2023
I have a CHICK playthrough at the end of which there was an option to choose from all LI at once, and no one complained that I fucked or dated the wrong person in the process.
I did a CHICK fuckboy run my first time through, and managed to bag all the LIs but Isabella, but I most certainly did get complaints from the girls about dating and fucking other people:
  1. Isabella, of course, upset that my MC was fooling around with Cathy.
  2. Jill, upset when the dick pic appeared in Tybalt’s slides, because both Josy and Sage recognized the dick. It made Jill acutely aware my MC had fucked them both, and she had to go cry in the bathroom about it.
  3. When I ultimately picked Sage in episode 8, the next episode’s breakup scenes with both Jill, and Maya and Josy, were rough. Even though it’s only a game, I felt like an asshole. It’s why my CHICK runs ever since have been monogamous.
  4. A later CHICK run in which I pursued Isabella; Jill of course catches them fucking, and it ruins her friendship with Bella, and the MC, for a time.
I’ve since found most AVNs permit a certain amount of fuckboy behavior… but only to a point. Unless it’s spelled out early on that none of these relationships are exclusive (and occasionally even then), somewhere in the game the girls are gonna find out about one another, aren’t gonna be okay with it, and either you lose them all at once, or they make you choose one. I found it’s always safest to be monogamous… and I find it hugely amusing when other people on this forum, in various games, complain their fuckboy behavior keeps having consequences. Well duh.
Aug 29, 2023
MC is ALWAYS talks here about Josy. She was a "taken girl". She is unavoidable part of canon plot and his first girl after the Zoey. This line is changing only according to his relationship with/w-o Throuple. MC clearly knew about Chad and what he gets himself in. And you can easily test it by doing the "clean" Sage path you mentioned later down the text. So, MC will not cheat and fool around with Sage until she properly breaks up with Chad, but his lines of dialogue will remain the same, which prooves that he is talking about Josy.
Good point. Neither of us were thinking about Josy at all at the time. We did episode 1 together back in January.

But MC didn’t entirely know about Chad and what he was getting into. He knew he was cucking Chad, and was fine with that, but (depending on your choices) he also wanted more with Sage, and didn’t like that she was staying with Chad until he finally took the initiative to break up with her. And then there was this bullshit about not wanting to be the rebound guy, even though the whole point of Sage choosing to fuck him was to rebound from a bad relationship. Arguably he didn’t feel all that great about that relationship until he finally chose Sage.

And then there’s her temper to deal with, but that’s a minor thing. Hopefully she’ll never give him a reason to regret teaching her to fight.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2022
my point about affinity is that you need a certain affinity to start a path, not to end up with another
Throuple path have affinity check, but other LIs dont(well, Jill will reject you in ep8 if affinity is DIK, but its not required to start her path)
Throuple affinity check - EP4 library scene (Neutral or Chick) - but you may end up with ANY affinity though. You have time to start with DIK, then soften a little to become Neutral and after joining the Throuple go for a full DIK route.

Quinn affinity check - EP6 rain scene (DIK only) - but you may end up with Neutral or DIK affinity. While CHICK affinity is naturally blocked because you can't technically and "legally" have it at the end of EP8 if you got DIK aff in EP6. In short - you simply doing more than 4 DIK major choices anyway to stay on her path.

Jill affinity check - EP7 fight for her scene (Neutral or Chick). Having DIK affinity in this spot ends her path later anyway. Is it a check? Of course.

Only Sage doesn't have any checks or requirements. You may be a complete asshole to her for 7 episodes and have 0 RP and she will still try to throw herself into MC at the HOTs party in EP7.

what if you compare the requirements and different moments for all LIs?
1.Some variables prevents you from starting a path (BESIDES AFFINITY CHECK)
Sage(none), J/M(none), Jill(none), Bella(honestly I didn't check what happens if you fuck up cafeteria talk, so let it be 1) Quinn(1)
2. Path will end up if do smth wrong
Sage(none), J/M(none), Jill(picnic skip), Bella(Cathy scene), Quinn(Jill path)
1. Sage - agree. Literally nothing can stop this path. Potentially spoil the future (Jade, restaraunt), but not the start.
J/M - requires to fuck either of them or both to get their path. Lewd scenes variables are checked - obviously.
Jill - Kiss her back on their first date - path is fucked up if you don't (lewd scene variable). Picnic date, it's a decision packed into a variable - technically.
2. Think of it as of natural incompatibility and cutting the unneeded or even impossible sometimes branching. Also such conclusions is great when the whole game is finished and not when we are a bit past the middle of it (speaking of things that may fuck up the paths or even branches). Finally - Quinn is a side girl. So picking any MG branch somehow ends her path anyway, even if it's not a J&M and Jill. Further branching also starts to shut down. Nicole or Nora is the most fresh example. Closest candidates - Lily or Nicole. Riona or Quinn, etc, etc, etc.

as for not fooling around with other girls, then yes, anyone path became very simple, just chase the girl you like and be happy.
but game have option to date and fool around with multiple girls, and all major LIs don't care about it(well, except Bella).
Quinn is unique in this sense, because she is a side girl with main girl vibes. But that's all. Any side girls are hardly cut off if you pick one of MGs and vice versa.

I have a CHICK playthrough at the end of which there was an option to choose from all LI at once, and no one complained that I fucked or dated the wrong person in the process.
Sage & Bella mostly. It's not about "wrong" or "right" person. It's about the mess it creates at the end. Dumped J&M is best example. Even MC calls it a mess he didn't ever wanted to produce.

about Quinn's restaurant, I honestly thought it was necessary for her path, apparently I was wrong.
but how can you chase Quinn and not support her business? :cry:
If you would assume that she falls for MC, then she'd probably respecting that internally. Check her reaction during hang out in EP7, when she asks who from restaurant girls MC likes most and offers him a freebee. If you pick "Quinn" there she is definitely flattered. In weird and sick way (speaking of whole situation), but still.


Dec 29, 2023
You know the writing is good when you react to fictional characters the way you'd react to a real person. I get emotionally attached when I play the best VNs and this is no exception. I can say, without any hesitation, that I will never play a Quinn path. I hate her guts. She's a sadist and I've been way too close to people like her in my life.

The one thing I wish for in this title is a new character from a mob family through which I could purchase a hit on her. Like I said... full credit to the writer. Well done you. :)
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Aug 9, 2023
Good point. Neither of us were thinking about Josy at all at the time. We did episode 1 together back in January.

But MC didn’t entirely know about Chad and what he was getting into. He knew he was cucking Chad, and was fine with that, but (depending on your choices) he also wanted more with Sage, and didn’t like that she was staying with Chad until he finally took the initiative to break up with her. And then there was this bullshit about not wanting to be the rebound guy, even though the whole point of Sage choosing to fuck him was to rebound from a bad relationship. Arguably he didn’t feel all that great about that relationship until he finally chose Sage.

And then there’s her temper to deal with, but that’s a minor thing. Hopefully she’ll never give him a reason to regret teaching her to fight.
Well, RNT, you are obviously a smart, well informed guy with a sparkling sense of humor. You even know what ghosts look like in other cultures and that 100+ years ago curse words were about blasphemy while now they are sexual. I confess I was not aware those distinctions. As we say here in video game land sometimes, kudos, massive kudos.


Oct 21, 2023
Throuple affinity check - EP4 library scene (Neutral or Chick) - but you may end up with ANY affinity though. You have time to start with DIK, then soften a little to become Neutral and after joining the Throuple go for a full DIK route.

Quinn affinity check - EP6 rain scene (DIK only) - but you may end up with Neutral or DIK affinity. While CHICK affinity is naturally blocked because you can't technically and "legally" have it at the end of EP8 if you got DIK aff in EP6. In short - you simply doing more than 4 DIK major choices anyway to stay on her path.

Jill affinity check - EP7 fight for her scene (Neutral or Chick). Having DIK affinity in this spot ends her path later anyway. Is it a check? Of course.

Only Sage doesn't have any checks or requirements. You may be a complete asshole to her for 7 episodes and have 0 RP and she will still try to throw herself into MC at the HOTs party in EP7.
My point not so much that the characters have affinity checks, but that Quinn is the only one who needs an affinity check to START her path. I mean, you basically forced by game to spend some time with all of main LI(you date Josy in the beginning, you fool around with Maya later, you have tennis date with Jill and drunk "date" with Bella, and you will help Sage no matter what you do or what you want). As for Quinn, you have to meet a number of conditions to start a sort-of-romantic path with her.

Quinn is unique in this sense, because she is a side girl with main girl vibes. But that's all. Any side girls are hardly cut off if you pick one of MGs and vice versa.
Quinn (alongside with Jade) is LI whose path may end long before the choice at the end of episode 8, even if you commit to her.

Sage & Bella mostly. It's not about "wrong" or "right" person. It's about the mess it creates at the end. Dumped J&M is best example. Even MC calls it a mess he didn't ever wanted to produce.
Again, the question isn't what happens at the end of episode 8, after choosing a main LI. Question is how many girls will dump you before ep8 if you chase/fuck someone else(answer is 2, Quinn and Bella).
Like for example, even if you on multiple branches, no one gets mad BEFORE you choose main LI. Yeah, Josy and Maya will be sad when Jill tells them she's still dating MC(at library), Jill will cry after Tybalts presentaion if MC dick get recognized, but no one will dump MC right after they find out he's fucking someone else.

anyway, we getting a bit sidetracked here.

My original point about Quinn being hard-to-get is simple:
Some girls have affinity checks
Other girls have conditions thats must be met
Some paths have second(or even third) chances to jump on
Some path will end if you fuck things up
And also some girls can be blocked by other relationships

but only Quinn fits all of those moments and doesn't give you a second chance.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2022
My point not so much that the characters have affinity checks, but that Quinn is the only one who needs an affinity check to START her path. I mean, you basically forced by game to spend some time with all of main LI(you date Josy in the beginning, you fool around with Maya later, you have tennis date with Jill and drunk "date" with Bella, and you will help Sage no matter what you do or what you want). As for Quinn, you have to meet a number of conditions to start a sort-of-romantic path with her.
... J&M have both an affinity and conditions check similar to Quinn ones to start their path, otherwise they reject MC. To start the Throuple you must be Neutral or Chick. It's the DIK for Quinn. You have to fuck Quinn on the roof (and smoke weed as well) as one of requirements to start her path. Same goes for J&M - you have to fuck at least one of them previously. Sage and Bella doesn't have any affinity checks at all. Bella path reqs is a little bit more stricted, but it's nothing in compare with J&M, Jill and Quinn. Fun thing is Bella can accept MC even when she doesn't "like him", after the conditions check at their dinner in cafeteria, when MC telling her his backstory about Zoey etc. So I don't get your point here at all.

I take it as Quinn have the most tricky and complicated path among all SGs, which can be compared to J&M and Jill among MGs. That's her "thing".

Quinn (alongside with Jade) is LI whose path may end long before the choice at the end of episode 8, even if you commit to her.
What's up with Jade? Once you agreed to "take some private lessons" - you're on board. Only joining the Throuple may prevent it. It's the MC who can reject her early (EP6 - the one and the last opportunity till EP8 crossroads). If not - you can't get the rid of her and the only option is to pick one of MGs so far.

Again, the question isn't what happens at the end of episode 8, after choosing a main LI. Question is how many girls will dump you before ep8 if you chase/fuck someone else(answer is 2, Quinn and Bella).
Like for example, even if you on multiple branches, no one gets mad BEFORE you choose main LI. Yeah, Josy and Maya will be sad when Jill tells them she's still dating MC(at library), Jill will cry after Tybalts presentaion if MC dick get recognized, but no one will dump MC right after they find out he's fucking someone else.
J&M - no strings attached. MC can take advantage of this given freedom or stay honest - it's up to you as a player. Jill - absolutely ok and she get early that MC is fooling around and trying to figure out what he wants. You can make it more blatant through Tyballs presentation - it's again up to you. It makes her sad and jealous, but doesn't lead to rejection. Sage doesn't care at all, because she clearly knows that she herself is cheating. And even after HOTs party she is not sure about the perspectives. Bella rejects MC because it's too much, literally. She probably ok with MC figuring out and dating others, but not with the her friend panties inside her car. And the Quinn rejection occures because of 2 opposites collide - literally. She can handle (and she awared of) MC dating Sage, but she can't accept MC dating the local "princess" - her opposite side. All those cheesy (how she feels and interprete it) things like "dates", "dinners with friends", etc - that's what exactly turnes her out.

Honestly, Jill & Quinn combo are so SO rare thing that it doesn't deserve any discussion. You have to do a very tricky playthrough with continous affinity checks to not fuck up both paths at a particular points. W/o guides or really big game experience it's like 0.1-1% chances of getting it - by playing naturally and without of months and years of experience back of you.

anyway, we getting a bit sidetracked here.

My original point about Quinn being hard-to-get is simple:
Some girls have affinity checks
Other girls have conditions thats must be met
Some paths have second(or even third) chances to jump on
Some path will end if you fuck things up
And also some girls can be blocked by other relationships

but only Quinn fits all of those moments and doesn't give you a second chance.
Only Sage gives you 2nd and 3rd chance so far. Throuple path fails once and forever, Jill path - same thing. From the very start or by failing the further conditions and reqs. Bella path start time is up to player, it's not a "chances" as is, and have only a single possible fuck up check later. I get your point, but at the same time - if player is going for Quinn, I suspect that he won't be trying to roleplay a shy chicky snowflake. It's just so odd and out of plausibility... Most of the players go a full DIK road and breaking bad while going for such girls, so Quinn path is becoming quite easy to be fucked up in such way. Throuple and Jill are probably will be off the road automatically because of affinity checks at least. No more obstacles after that and both are solved in EP4.

I would end up by saying that the requirements and checks for Quinn path are unique among SGs and similar in complexity to some MGs. That's the main and most important point, probably. And that's all.
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Engaged Member
Jan 6, 2021
I take it as Quinn have the most tricky and complicated path among all SGs, which can be compared to J&M and Jill among MGs. That's her "thing".
I don't know... In my opinion, it's the opposite, her path is the easiest.
Every time I start a new playthrough, I find myself on her path.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Only Sage gives you 2nd and 3rd chance so far. Throuple path fails once and forever, Jill path - same thing. From the very start or by failing the further conditions and reqs. Bella path start time is up to player, it's not a "chances" as is, and have only a single possible fuck up check later. I get your point, but at the same time - if player is going for Quinn, I suspect that she won't be trying to roleplay a shy chicky snowflake. It's just so odd and out of plausibility... Most of the players go a full DIK road and breaking bad while going for such girls, so Quinn path is becoming quite easy to be fucked up in such way. Throuple and Jill are probably will be off the road automatically because of affinity checks at least. No more obstacles after that and both are solved in EP4.

I would end up by saying that the requirements and checks for Quinn path are unique among SGs and similar in complexity to some MGs. That's the main and most important point, probably. And that's all.
just a clarification: Sage gives the player a second chance, not a third. and this is for now a unique in BADIK.

as a unique is the opportunity to get out of Jill's path once on board (with the famous "fighting for Jill"), with all others only at the crossroad will it be possible to do so.

while Bella's unique is that the decisions for being in her path are the least expilicite in the game: going by the library to thank her and if we behave "well" to her afterwards, accepting her help to fix the room.

if we add that the trouple will probably initiate the SOLO routes of the two girls, we can say that virtually every LI has very particular dynamics

there are no real rules always respected


Active Member
Dec 16, 2022
just a clarification: Sage gives the player a second chance, not a third. and this is for now a unique in BADIK
2 guitar lessons - 2 separate opportunities to start her path. If you reject her at first lesson, you have a 2nd chance on the next lesson.

while Bella's unique is that the decisions for being in her path are the least expilicite in the game: going by the library to thank her and if we behave "well" to her afterwards, accepting her help to fix the room.
Coming back to the library in EP3 to see her is not required to activate her path. It's only required to get an opportunity to stay at her place in EP4. You can also make her decide that she doesn't like you (get negative points at the dinner in cafeteria) and still get her path later. In conjunction with dumped Jill it gives a few special dialogues lines when they fight at Jill's room (flashback in EP9). The only real req is to come to sauna with her and "take it further", then paint the fence, which will lead to her phone call and accept her help.

if we add that the trouple will probably initiate the SOLO routes of the two girls, we can say that virtually every LI has very particular dynamics
Probably, but still not clear. When I think of it... Josy and Maya are MGs. To being able to get their solo paths we have to stay on the "Others" branch. And here is where the confusion comes from. If we assume that at some point (lets say in EP12) we will get something similar to the crossroads for the Others branch, then, logically, any girl that have the opportunity or potential or real current "path" could be between those options and choices. But "Others" branch was created for SGs and J&M comes as package in MGs branches. I kinda always considered them very "special" in many ways, means and parts of the game and plot, and would be happy to see them among those potential 2nd chance options, but to me it just seems like ruining the settled game "rules" or "statuses". Sometimes I think and feel like DPC is jeering and fucking with players hard with this potential solo paths. I can't help but it feels strange for several reasons.

I, honestly, don't see any opportunities for 2nd chance for Jill and Bella. Sage - 50/50. She said she would be happy if MC change his mind. But... who knows. 3rd chance, technically and 4rd mathematically, lol. While there is literally no time for 2nd chances for SGs. It's a playfield currently - who you choice and pick between the available options. Options already started to block each other. I think it will be narrowed at max for the time when such choice is realized.

I don't know... In my opinion, it's the opposite, her path is the easiest.
Every time I start a new playthrough, I find myself on her path.
It purely depends on players playstyles and choices they are making and comfortable with. Of course full DIK/fuckboy runs are the most successful ground to get on Quinn path. I suppose such runs are dominating, because a tons of people comes to BADIK from other AVNs which usually encouraging players to build harems, etc. A lot of players want to go full badass way just for fun, etc. And some are still associate the name of the game with the proper style playing of making always /DIK/ choices.
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Lord Bradley

Active Member
May 28, 2019
So I have 1 playthrough with Massive DIK who is badass and fucks every babe. 1 playthrough with NEUTRAL affinity where MC tries to be good, but stands up for things he believes in. Should I now make 1 playthrough with Massive CHICK, where MC is just a doormat? Cause I could not choose some CHICK options I would like on my good guy neutral MC unfortunately.

Someday I gotta make Elena worship playthrough, I quite like that chick :)


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
2 guitar lessons - 2 separate opportunities to start her path. If you reject her at first lesson, you have a 2nd chance on the next lesson
plus at the hot party in ep 7 so that three opportunities, and people think Josy doesn't take no for answer
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Sep 27, 2023
So I have 1 playthrough with Massive DIK who is badass and fucks every babe. 1 playthrough with NEUTRAL affinity where MC tries to be good, but stands up for things he believes in. Should I now make 1 playthrough with Massive CHICK, where MC is just a doormat? Cause I could not choose some CHICK options I would like on my good guy neutral MC unfortunately.

Someday I gotta make Elena worship playthrough, I quite like that chick :)
I tried doing a CHICK run once. It didn't end well, it just ended up being a neutral run after I couldn't refrain myself from punching Tybalt when given the option.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
So I have 1 playthrough with Massive DIK who is badass and fucks every babe. 1 playthrough with NEUTRAL affinity where MC tries to be good, but stands up for things he believes in. Should I now make 1 playthrough with Massive CHICK, where MC is just a doormat? Cause I could not choose some CHICK options I would like on my good guy neutral MC unfortunately.

Someday I gotta make Elena worship playthrough, I quite like that chick :)
The chick affinity character isn't necessarily a doormat. He just likes the nice girls better than the slutty girls as far as I can tell. I did a chick run where I still got in all the fights lol. Since you can pick up to four of the opposite choices and maintain perminant affinity I decided I was going to waste all of my DIK choices on punching face. Looking back, it would probably have been better to have fun at the strip club, patronize the restaurant, and go to the bar with Tommy instead. There is a potential chick run where he is a real ladies man.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
2 guitar lessons - 2 separate opportunities to start her path. If you reject her at first lesson, you have a 2nd chance on the next lesson.
you're right, I remembered it as one scene

Coming back to the library in EP3 to see her is not required to activate her path. It's only required to get an opportunity to stay at her place in EP4. You can also make her decide that she doesn't like you (get negative points at the dinner in cafeteria) and still get her path later. In conjunction with dumped Jill it gives a few special dialogues lines when they fight at Jill's room (flashback in EP9). The only real req is to come to sauna with her and "take it further", then paint the fence, which will lead to her phone call and accept her help.
it's not really like that: if you visit her in the library in the third and then in the fifth "push" you are bound to her path, in the sixth chapter you automatically accept Bella's proposal.

the scene in the fifth is binding only if you passed the check in the third, otherwise the decision is postponed to the sixth chapter where you will have to accept her help

so the scene in the fifth anyway is not enough, I no considered it in the speech because it is an explicit choice unlike the other 2. but it is not absolutely sufficent, it still needs to be confirmed in the sixth chapter.

But you can be in Bella's path even without the scene in the fifth


Active Member
Dec 16, 2022
But you can be in Bella's path even without the scene in the fifth
There is a several checks in EP6 between the 2 conditions. Each is enough to set up her path. You either going for her early in library and staying at her place (optionally), which sets the deal if scene in pool was done, or the second opportunity - sauna scene. Or later - through accepting her help, which is being escalated to sex in MC room, while skipping all the previous check points except the sauna scene.

And this is interesting, because we hear the famous speech of the MC that he should not have kissed her in the library that day, he should have called for help - only if we decided to visit her in EP3. I mean, we, as players, are missing a very important clue about her path and future branch by getting to her path in such way.

Regarding the rest and the technical details and conditions:

if ep3_BellaLewd and ep5_bella_lewd:
    $ pathIsabella = True
if ep3_BellaLewd and ep4_bella_lewd:
    $ pathIsabella = True
if ep3_BellaLewd or ep5_bella_lewd:
    $ number_isabella = True
if not pathIsabella:
    mc "(She's so sweet for asking...)"
            "Accept" if True:
                $ pathIsabella = True
            "Reject" if True:
                mc "(...but I don't wanna lead her on.)"
                mc "I appreciate the offer, but it's ok. I don't need it."
                $ pathIsabella = False
Visiting her in EP3, then staying with her in EP4 and getting the pool scene OR the sauna scene in EP5 - seals the deal and sets MC on her path automatically, so he accepts her offer with cleaning the room, etc. Otherwise you have to fool around in the sauna with her OR to visit her in the library (while not taking it further until this call happens) to get this call and, accordingly, her path.

So the difference is between getting her path without even knowing it or having a choice to get her path or reject her early.
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