Aug 30, 2021
The guide is up-to-date for Episode 9 – Vixens

Happy new year! The first draft has been written with all the choices, conditions and consequences; Pack Quest #4 and Special Renders/2D Arts. Although the Party planner minigame is postponed because it requires much time to be tested. An effort has been made to readibily expound the free roam rounds and their tasks as per your love status. I also removed references that have no effect in season 3 but to tweak some rare lines of dialogue.

This guide will be continuously amended in the next monthes according to your feedback.

My walkthrough focuses on the player’s choices and features links and references to better understand their longterm consequences in the story. Whether you are playing Being a DIK for the first time or want the utmost with the love interests, your questions will be answered. Thanks for adding a Like if you value it. Good reading and enjoy the game!

Read it and download it from and Google Drive

Choices & Outcomes | Rewards & Pack Quests | Art & Wallpapers | Vault codes & ΔIK mansion | Timeline & Flowcharts​
Is Casiope done with the BaDIK guide? Haven't seen an ep10 edition yet.
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Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
This is what annoys me most about DPC. The cleaning incident in the library is just a pointless excuse for replayability. To open this scene, you have to replay the game repeatedly and deliberately reject Bella in order to get this scene. DPC does not value the player's time at all.
And there are several such moments in the game that do not matter at all. Sarah's fuck in ep2 doesn't make sense in the general context of the story, because in the first two seasons there are essentially only two branches - the Sage branch and the Others and the Josy/Maya branch. Choosing Sage opens up an additional option later, and choosing Maya opens up a scene with her.
But the most incomprehensible case of dubious replayability is ep7, where Sage's fuck blocks Lily. It's funny that the short scene with Sage doesn't affect anything, but the scene with Lily opens the way with her.
It's much more complicated than this. You forgot Jill, the HOTs and the strippers.
Aug 29, 2023
Episode 9 time. Only doing an episode a week was actually my future wife ReallyNotTina’s idea, but the Interlude made her want to break this rule—it was short and no Sage fuck scenes! But as those of you who’ve done ep 8 on a Sage run already know, we’re gonna make up for that big time.

But before resolving the cliffhanger, we jump forward to… Christmas?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Hahahahaha! After my immense efforts to have the "good guy" MC to check out CHICK option during date with Nicole, turns out it needs Affinity not just CHICK leaning morale. Since I had some fun I ended up with Neutral affinity so I am once again barred from that sweet hug lmao. Well I worry not, I am proud of this playthrough and it was both really immersive with my "roleplay" and quite entertaining when girls thirst for MC, but he denies them :D I am still on a nice trajectory to marry Nicole unless developer completely shatters my hopes and dreams.
View attachment 3403244
She is worth the effort.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Replayability is one of those things and I think it makes it a lot more interesting. Keyword epic adventure.

DPC also once wrote in his Q&A that he would leave seemingly insignificant decisions aside for now and revisit them later in the story. Best example of Jill and the MC stealing money in EP2, which has an impact on EP10. Who knows what else DPC has planned. We won't have the full context of BaDIK until the last EP.
...... When at the very last episode, there is an event choice where you can dump any LI/Side you have, go on a date with Madame; she falls completely in love with MC, quits her job. They live happily ever after.*

*Trigger: 60 visits to Madame.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
You can have a neutral affinity for the J/M branch, and there are enough moments before the scene with Quinn where you can change it to a different affinity.

I always thought the option "Quinn likes you" is triggered if you use her restaurant services, maybe i am wrong
My Quinn only path (no other LIs or sides), I did no restaurant and the path works out OK.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2022
It's actually kind of funny that the hardest-to-get girl in the game is Quinn.

Your affinity isnt DIK? - well, goodbye
You on J/M path? - farewell.
You weren't a customer at her restaurant? - Well that sucks, see ya.

If a player falls under one of these conditions, that's it, no second chances.
All these conditions are met and you're on her path? Well, I hope you're not dating Jill, because Quinn will reject you in episode 7 if you are.
You can get her with Neutral affinity, the DIK aff required in EP6 scene only, where she goes home in the rain after being mugged. After this you can safely end up with permanent Neutral affinity.

Jill & Throuple are red flags for Quinn path and vice versa. They are mutually exclusive for very very obvious reasons. I don't get where do you see here the signs of "hardest" path. If you are trying to fuck all that moves w/o thinking and taking in account personalities, characters, etc of the girls, than it's your fault, because this game is not about this, it's mostly the opposite. Jill and Quinn are kinda white and black - you can't choice both, you have to choice white or dark side. Regarding Throuple - you should also already have a clue why MC can't fool around with Quinn while being in Throuple.

You don't have to be a customer of her restaurant to be on her path. It's not required. Don't fantasize. That's also a good ground and idea for 2 different playthroughs with her path. A "good" Neutral MC, who haven't joined the restaraunt, tried weed only once (roof scene is req to get her path) but refusing any drugs later, maybe even staying faithul to her all the time and not fooling around. And the opposite - DIK MC, who is breaking bad. Restaurant, drugs, etc and taking Quinn's side always and anytime whatever she does and plans.

The only one really simple and always opened path is Sage. She accepts you with any affinity and have 0 requirements literally. Also she even gets you 3 chances to get her path. 2 times as a fuck buddy and the final one after the break up with Chad. Speaking of dignity, btw... some people are still blame Josy, lol.

Throuple is a bit simpler if you are not SO bad from the very beginning and don't trying to roleplay a shy guy who don't want to fuck either of them before the relationship & cheating stuff is figured out. And you can end up with Throuple having a DIK permanent affinity. It's a bit tricky (you must have a Neutral aff for the library scene and go hard for DIK choices after), but possible.

Jill is about the same as Quinn. The hardest and so not obvious Jill path fuck up is a picnic date moment. But still... if you're not fooling around with Sage and Jill at the same time, then it's quite easier, because call to Sage becomes optional and MCs conscience is almost clean.

Episode 8 time. Only doing an episode a week was actually my future wife ReallyNotTina’s idea, but the Interlude made her want to break this rule—it was short and no Sage fuck scenes! But as those of you who’ve done ep 8 on a Sage run already know, we’re gonna make up for that big time.

But before resolving the cliffhanger, we jump forward to… Christmas?

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ehm... EP9 maybe? :giggle:
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Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
You can get her with Neutral affinity, the DIK aff required in EP6 scene only, where she goes home in the rain after being mugged. After this you can safely end up with permanent Neutral affinity.

Jill & Throuple are red flags for Quinn path and vice versa. They are mutually exclusive for very very obvious reasons. I don't get where do you see here the signs of "hardest" path. If you are trying to fuck all that moves w/o thinking and taking in account personalities, characters, etc of the girls, than it's your fault, because this game is not about this, it's mostly the opposite. Jill and Quinn are kinda white and black - you can't choice both, you have to choice white or dark side. Regarding Throuple - you should also already have a clue why MC can't fool around with Quinn while being in Throuple.

You don't have to be a customer of her restaurant to be on her path. It's not required. Don't fantasize. That's also a good ground and idea for 2 different playthroughs with her path. A "good" Neutral MC, who haven't joined the restaraunt, tried weed only once (roof scene is req to get her path) but refusing any drugs later, maybe even staying faithul to her all the time and not fooling around. And the opposite - DIK MC, who is breaking bad. Restaurant, drugs, etc and taking Quinn's side always and anytime whatever she does and plans.

The only one really simple and always opened path is Sage. She accepts you with any affinity and have 0 requirements literally. Also she even gets you 3 chances to get her path. 2 times as a fuck buddy and the final one after the break up with Chad. Speaking of dignity, btw... some people are still blame Josy, lol.

Throuple is a bit simpler if you are not SO bad from the very beginning and don't trying to roleplay a shy guy who don't want to fuck either of them before the relationship & cheating stuff is figured out. And you can end up with Throuple having a DIK permanent affinity. It's a bit tricky (you must have a Neutral aff for the library scene and go hard for DIK choices after), but possible.

Jill is about the same as Quinn. The hardest and so not obvious Jill path fuck up is a picnic date moment. But still... if you're not fooling around with Sage and Jill at the same time, then it's quite easier, because call to Sage becomes optional and MCs conscience is almost clean.
or a Dik MC who doesn't take the restaurant, still get Rio, Cammy, and Mell pussy for free, Fuck Sage, and end it with a Threesome with her and Quinn and rolls out with Lily, and Fuck Rio again. and I dont know, I could probably put there caty and nora too, but I dont like them that much, Hell you might even can keep Jade. :LOL:
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Oct 21, 2023
my point about affinity is that you need a certain affinity to start a path, not to end up with another
Throuple path have affinity check, but other LIs dont(well, Jill will reject you in ep8 if affinity is DIK, but its not required to start her path)

what if you compare the requirements and different moments for all LIs?
1.Some variables prevents you from starting a path (BESIDES AFFINITY CHECK)
Sage(none), J/M(none), Jill(none), Bella(honestly I didn't check what happens if you fuck up cafeteria talk, so let it be 1) Quinn(1)
2. Path will end up if do smth wrong
Sage(none), J/M(none), Jill(picnic skip), Bella(Cathy scene), Quinn(Jill path)

as for not fooling around with other girls, then yes, anyone path became very simple, just chase the girl you like and be happy.
but game have option to date and fool around with multiple girls, and all major LIs don't care about it(well, except Bella).
I have a CHICK playthrough at the end of which there was an option to choose from all LI at once, and no one complained that I fucked or dated the wrong person in the process.

about Quinn's restaurant, I honestly thought it was necessary for her path, apparently I was wrong.

but how can you chase Quinn and not support her business? :cry:
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2022
Me. Maybe. [reading the MC’s line] “Yeah, I’ve dated a taken girl.”
FW. Who’d he… oh right, Sage.
Me. [still reading] “It made me feel like what I’m assuming you feel right now.”
FW. I never thought of him feeling like shit when he dated Sage while she was still with Chad.
Me. Well from our perspective, from a narrator or player’s perspective, we knew Sage and Chad hadn’t really been a couple for a long time. But from Trey’s perspective, for all he knew they were still fucking, and Sage was only fucking him because Chad was cheating on her.
FW. Wait, I… no, you’re right; we knew way more about what was going on than Trey was. Even as we’re playing Trey.
Me. Hell, you’ve got me telling you what’s happening in whole alternate timelines. You’ve got a whole five-dimensional point of view when he’s only got three dimensions.
FW. So he felt like a cheater in the beginning.
Me. Which is why, in one of my Sage runs, I decided not to date her until she had first broken up with Chad.
MC is ALWAYS talks here about Josy. She was a "taken girl". She is unavoidable part of canon plot and his first girl after the Zoey. This line is changing only according to his relationship with/w-o Throuple. MC clearly knew about Chad and what he gets himself in. And you can easily test it by doing the "clean" Sage path you mentioned later down the text. So, MC will not cheat and fool around with Sage until she properly breaks up with Chad, but his lines of dialogue will remain the same, which prooves that he is talking about Josy.

The MC’s room is full of people getting their photos taken. We try on Tara’s shroud ghost costume; Avery tells him (thinking he’s Tara) they got something good, i.e. stuff from the DIK pledge wall.
Drugs, the question is from who - Quinn or Vinny. Those "something good" makes at least 3 of them high as hell and then they blacked out in the MCs bed on Others branch.
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