Exactly, just think about it. Quinn was extremely cocky when she try to sell the weed to that prep kid whos name I don't remember, but he threatened her that Tybalt would make sure she gets kicked out from the school, and Quinn has zero fear, rightfully because Burke hands was on her. (
anyway Mona thing happened, but Burke was able to fix that under the radar. However, his own daughter bringing a friend for her to his home with this Tuition stuff was a literal nuke bomb for him. and since he also planing to divorce from Jade and give her as little as its nessecary , or even nothing , he is no position to not take actions to clean his hand as long as its not to late.
of course we don't know if Mona might show up again a mess things up, but right now Burke is in a good position, and if MC showed the video to the Diks of him Fucking Jade.
He is literaly in The Winner position. Jade can try to thow accusation of him having sex with college girls, in the end her are just gonna be words, while he will have a full Sex tape of Jade fucking a college boy.
in this case even if Mona would show up teary eyed, saying he try to Raper her or something, would not change anything.
If Burek is you homie, help him out, Fuck Jade and show the Video..
do a solid for a bro