i'm not missing anything. there is literally no point. you're just making stuff up in your mind and try to look for out of context quotes for confirmation bias
you speak as if you're the only one that played the game...
the only we know is that MC saw the cluck, they both follow each other and Zoey left one or two likes but MC doesn't post anything, especially because he is depressed and heartbroken. he stops using rooster. you can only speculate that he stops using it after discovering that specific cluck. and he reactivates his account to follow his college friends. and there is not a single profile picture that looks like a wolf... see how that works ? I can make stuff up too just to destroy your arguments, and mine at least make sense.
you only have the facts, there is no proven link between them, you can only speculate from them, and you do it wrong. there is no logic to your wolf theory at all.
from the Sage scene, it's easy to understand that he got angry when he was bullied and retaliated. that's the only time, it is CONFIRMED as fact. we never get MC's reaction to the cluck, not in the EP3 flashback, not in EP9 park reunion, not in the interlude... you're just making it up. you're projecting yourself, and you want MC to be angry, probably. i don't really care.
you know that Vinny calling MC a dog is just an insult and Jacob saying lucky dog is just a saying ? why are you trying to read any more into that when they don't mean anything at all ? they don't prove your point at all. it's just you making stuff up again.
you say a profile pic is quickly changed... but why would he need to change his profile pic when there is the ACTUAL ACCOUNT NAME THAT CANNOT BE CHANGED next to every comment ???
let me even go a step above that with even more logic : if it was actually MC that said that to Zoey, it would have been massively damaging to her, it would have been the only comment displayed, in the middle of the screen... and Zoey's reaction would have been massively different. just that single point shows how little you understand about the characters and their relationship.
also from the park reunion scene, you know that MC NEVER reacted or commented on the cluck or her feed because you can obviously see that Zoey discovers right there that MC saw it. it's in your own quotes... like dude...
yeah, that text from MC is a joke. it's a fact. you can try to interpret it in anyway you want in your head, it doesn't change the fact. lighten the mood, tease her, distracting himself from his current predicament, you can speculate anything. it doesn't change the fact that it's still just a small joke to show Zoey had no idea what MC was going through.
again, you're just making stuff up. Zoey sees the MC with his girl, she remembers her sweet time with him. bam, her true feelings hit her head on, she runs away as the immature girl she is. you don't know what it means for her spot in the LI list, only DPC knows. stick to the facts.
you don't know where it is. the only location that is mentioned is the tree house. you can speculate it is Zoey's room that DPC didn't have time to model like he did in interlude, but you don't know. you can only see wood planks as walls and a window, and a bed. it can be her room, sure, but it can also be the tree house. they spend tons of time there before the kiss, and can continue spending time after the kiss for the same privacy they got before. you also don't know if their first time is what is displayed there in that scene. and if we listen to you and it is "the next time" and it's definitely not their first time by your own logic, you are just destroying your own arguments, yourself
"MC was definitely inexperienced when he first had sex with Zoey" DUH captain obvious... she is his first. why did you feel the need to even say that ? did you think it would help your point in any capacity ?
"I don't mean making out, I mean having sex". same goes for this... she is his first for both. why do you feel the need to even write that at all ? it's literally written in the flashback.
DPC rules are only to avoid Patreon ban hammer... nothing else. but hey, let's use that logic, since you want to use it to prove anything. then it means any underage person cannot be pictured or even thought to be having anything even remotely connected to sex. so using YOUR logic, there is absolutely NO chance that he would masturbate, AND there is absolutely NO chance that we would watch porn, and NO chance that he would try to educate himself in anything related to sex. MC is a sweet, wholesome boy that would only try to improve his sex skills AFTER he is exposed to it by Zoey during their first time.
and NO. the sex scene Zoey remembers in EP10 is not their first time. you don't know what it is. it is not specified. it's only you making stuff up again and again. it's just a moment when the hammock broke, and it became a strong memory linked to her feelings, that's the only thing you can say.
dude, everybody knows the sex scene in interlude is after what is written in the notebook... it happens just shortly before she leaves.
it's like you think everybody else is stupid and you're the only one that can read
the event in the notebook is just that and event. it is completely disconnected to any of the flashback in EP3 and EP10. there is absolutely no link, no proof, nothing factual that links them. you're, again, only making it up. your wishful thinking, and you think that is "proof"
the only link that you can actually factually make is in the interlude, you can only say that the event happened before the interlude. you can't say for sure that it is the previous time they had sex.
stop trying to make links where there is none.