Having just replayed all 3 episodes over the weekend I can't say I abandon Maya completely, given the fact that she told us to back off in episode 1 none of her friendly actions give us any claim over her. She let us stay in her room with no strings decided to cuddle while watching a movie and just caught feelings.
Now Josy is another animal, she doesn't seem to even feel remorse while Maya is clearly shaken up by her actions, Josy full on had sex with MC and the only reason she stopped is because her parents came home, and while it doesn't excuse Maya's actions she at least has a good reason for some of the things she does.
Now Isabella I'm scared shitless of given everything that happened in Acting Lessons, I really hope whatever we do with her doesn't damage her relationship with Jill or our relationship with Jill.
Speaking of Jill she currently is in the lead for my LI with Maya trailing very closely, she seems to be the only character that's is genuinely normal and interested in the MC.
Lastly two things, I'll say I see Sage as what she proposed ''Fuck Buddies'' nothing more she seems a little nicer as the game goes by but still seems to be a mean bitch. And the second thing is the good Dr Pink is phenomenal other than Broken Dreamers no games on this site can even come close to the writing and rendering. Whatever is in store good or bad I know I'll be entertained I am really grateful for a game this high quality.