If DPC used them hating on the food as justification that would be wild
I seen some people say Magnar, Plausible. He is dating Sally? I think and she has been at the house and been in the room alone and would have the knowledge to deal with it. She also says later at the dorm party there is some problems, Maybe doing this stuff she doesnt want too? Though idk of a reason he would do anything to Cathy.
Its definitely a brother helping from the inside, Nick seems like the most likely but it could be bait but Vinny was shown looking at the pics and the vault during the party. Could have been him snagging the stuff from there and Nick did the Cathy stuff from earlier on his command. Leon I guess is a candidate, He has been shown talking to the sketch dorm girls who where at the party saying weird shit, Though if they really wanted to get at the DIKs they could have framed MC when he slept with them that night and said some damning shit.