The standards aren't very high in B&R though.
You got the guy with anger issues and lack of emotional control in general who's a druggie, Tommy:
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He considers himself to be a slave driver of sorts, but push-ups in underwear was the best punishment he could come up with:
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Then there's Jacob. He likes art. And Zoey. According to this thread, he's one of the most intelligent members of the DIKs.
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Here's a more intellectual feat from him, a stunt that he pulled once:
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And this is Nick. He's a man of many talents. Some of those include: being friends with Vinny and enjoying that you have a relationship with Isabella. Not much more to say about him, he doesn't brag a lot about his prestigious achievements. Well, barring that he got to fuck Heather.
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Rusty's your chairman. His father paid for the fraternity that he wanted to start and he failed to steal Tybalt's (yes, Tybalt's) rank in the preps' fraternity, hence why he started his own. Aside from all of that, he likes to visit The Pink Rose every now and then. He also enjoys drinking as he downed a lot of bottles when Micha, his ex-girlfriend, dumped him.
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This is Leon. He likes crossdressing and Jamie.
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Luckily for him, Jamie seems to be into crossdressing as well.
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Derek. He's a joking type who believes that he's mastered the art of irony. He hates that you're going after Maya but on the bright side, he loves Ashley who's actually in a relationship with Anthony now because she got bored and was no longer amused by Derek's antics.
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And the Cuck-Boy himself. Seems to want Tremolo to fuck his girlfriend. Is passionate about cooking and skilled at it too, or so the DIKs say.
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And last but not least, we have Tremolo. He likes to play the guitar and he's quite good at it.
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He practices martial arts as he used to train a lot with his father and he beat up our aforementioned addict when he had enough of Tommy pushing him around, as he's done with numerous others:
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All of the women in this picture below have had sexual encounters with him at least once:
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Sure, they're all very immature, juvenile people. But which one of them most resembles what you'd consider "a real man" to be like?