Episode 2: 2.5 months (1,709 renders, 77 animations).
Episode 3: 3.5 months (2,289 renders, 99 animations).
Episode 4: 4.5 months (2,532 renders, 134 animations).
Episode 5: 4.5 months (2,456 renders, 157 animations).
Episode 6: 5.5 months (3,336 renders, 162 animations).
Episode 7: 5.5 months (3,723 renders, 250 animations).
Episode 8: 7 Months (4,158 renders, 358 animations).
Interlude: 3.3 months (794 renders, 36 animations).
Episode 9: 9 months (5,037 renders, 303 animations).
Episode 10: 11 months (5,868 renders; 335 animations).
hardware update after ep6
ep 2. 77:2,5=30,8
ep 3. 99:3,5=28,28571428571429
ep 4. 134:4,5=29,77777777777778
ep 5. 157:4,5=34,88888888888889
ep 6. 162:5,5=29,45454545454545
ep 7. 250:5,5=45,45454545454545
ep 8. 358:7=51,14285714285714
ep IL. 36:3,3=10,90909090909091
ep 9. 303:9=33,66666666666667
ep IL+9. (339:12,3=27,5609756097561)
ep 10. 335:11=30,45454545454545
ep11. *370:14=26,42857142857143
i remember someone said here. dpc changed how to count the animations, but dont remember at which episode, probably after ep8. so i made the renders too.
ep 2. 1,709:2,5=683,6
ep 3. 2,289:3,5=654
ep 4. 2,532:4,5=562,6666666666667
ep 5. 2,456:4,5=545,7777777777778
ep 6. 3,336:5,5=606,5454545454545
ep 7. 3,723:5,5=676,9090909090909
ep 8. 4,158:7=594
ep IL. 794:3,3=240,6060606060606
ep 9. 5,037:9=559,6666666666667
ep IL+9. (5831:12,3=474,0650406504065)
ep10. 5,868:11=533,4545454545455
ep 11. *7000:14=500
not sure the renders amount counting has been changed like the animations or something.
you decide to yourself it means you got kind of same amout of content compare to time or you got a little bit less content by more waiting compare to time.
in my opinion: ep1-4 was more fun to play (so more quality) than ep9