- Aug 9, 2017
- 1,110
- 2,909
I agree that his budget is not comparable with the rest of AVN developers, but DPC's rendering quality is totally average. Because budget does not influence rendering quality that much. Quality is not related to the quantity of GPUs you have. In fact there is plenty of developers with a single card that make better quality renderings, just look at other VNs, fan art or sites like DeviantArt. The aspect probably nobody can compete with him is quantity. Nobody outputs so much in the same time.The difference between DPC and others is that they are in unequal positions. DPC has an almost unlimited budget, it can buy music with a license of 100-500 dollars per song, while others cannot. He can spend $1000 dollars a month on assets while others can't. He can buy the most expensive equipment and not limit himself in rendering quality, others are forced to create average quality renders due to small budgets. As a result, games with a story, world, and characters much better than DPC's end up unnoticed.
To achieve better quality he should pose more carefully, deal with problems, choose better lights and so on. That's independent of the number of cards and depends on human work (time and skills). Obviously a 4060 forces some limits and a 4090 facilitates a lot, but a single 4090 is also what DPC uses to pose and render static images. So the other developers are not in disadvantage regarding image quality, that's why DPC's renderings are often plagued with errors (most people do not even care about them, BTW).
While his skills on storytelling are better than average and do not depend on the hardware. Writing scenes and minigames also takes a lot of time and GPUs are not helping him in that.
How can a single 4090 "increase very much the renderspeed" when he has several 4090s? At least 4 because he states he's rendering 4 animations at the same time, an animation can be split on more than one PC, so at least he has four PCs (he has more, for sure). Adding 1/4 of GPU power increases very much, HOW? It that a Ferrari 4090 card?The renderspeed will increase very much. Cause all the hardware is now only rendering animations.
Please stop, this is so embarrassing.The bigger lewd animations should be done, late january is still not off the table
NO. He always release the Beta version for testing only when everything is completed and inserted into the game. Polishing IS NOT Beta testing. Beta testing is done by other people (that give feedback to him). You are just walking in a fantasy world and spreading lies.And the majority of the beta testing can start even before the last animations are done. Basically he is already doing that. Played the episode several times and is polishing now. This will take maybe 2 weeks now and all the while the remaining animations will render.