
Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
But is it too greedy.
I don't think its too greedy. I thinks it fine. These merch type of options must be relatively simple to put together considering how many people are doing it. So it doesn't really take that much effort and i'm 100% sure it wouldn't hurt developement times. Plus everyone needs a hobby. If he wanna sell plasticmade-Chad-buttholes sure why not.

I agree with buying the steam release and intend on doing so. However I'd argue how much of that money is actually going to DPC. Because the last I read steam takes 30 or 40% unless there is a different rule for Indies. Ontop of that being a one time purchase unless people decide to gift the game out.
We probably won't ever know but i only ment that i personally prefer buying the whole thing over steam. Thats just me, obviously i do realize that on the cheerful bright side the whole crowdfunding method helps a dev to do this from (lets just say) zero. Fine and dandy. Steam only gives an extra revenue in the end but we actually are talking about extra revenues. Steam is a huge platform and serves as advertizement. The primary goal to go on steam is that and not getting rich solely from steam-sales. For merch you need to be following him already. Merch won't advertize itself. Thats why i'm saying that going to steam is a very reasonable, highy recommended move and i'm glad he did so.

Compared to that the whole merch thing seems minor since people will only get aware of merchandise if they are aware the game and play it. You won't get pledgers/fans through merchandise.

And lets be honest. We (along with every single pledger) are here for updates. Ze content, mmmyes? I definitley don't care what else he does, how many little online shop he opens. Really. As long as the updates keep coming i'd be a happy pledger even if his onlineshop would try to sell me DerekDicks on a daily basis (i exaggerated here a bit) but you get the point. As long as merch or whatever else don't get in the way its aaaall fine.

Plus lets not forget that we don't have year long delays and random excuses for them thus far. He is reliable. That matters a hellova lot. If he keeps that up all is dandy. Pledgers usually stick with even the most unreliable sorts. So if a reliable one opens a trinket shop? Peachy.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2017
I probally shouldn't even respond to this since in my previous post addressed to you was saying I am only doing this once...

But have to give u minus ten points on this post.. and ill give u even a actual reason for lack of originality :sneaky:

If u gonna respond to me at least come up with ur own thing ;) I mean im flatterd that u copying me trust me im smiling :LOL:

friendly regards ur maggot brother ;)
Maaaan someone has a high opinion of himself... bravo....clap clap
Ever heard of reverse psychology, looks like it worked on you :ROFLMAO:
Anyways don't be mad keep those "face palm" comming maggot brotha... ;)


Sep 16, 2019
Now the real meat of the argument is would DPC be able to set up a site that allows the sale of merch while not taking any of the development focus from the game. I have no clue to be completely honest, I'm unsure about how merch works but I'd believe there is a case for DPC to sell merch if that is now or down the line is another argument entirely.

*Edit* Not trying to be argumentative or appear to be. Just making a case.
Well, I work as a graphic designer and as a printing machine operator at a printing house that is part of a sportswear company, but sometimes we also do private orders.
Usually, the designs and cuts are made here and then sent to a subcontractor to make the clothes. Then the subcontractor sends the clothes back and we print custom images or logos. Distribution is available in two ways: online orders or deliveries to local dealers.
There must be a great deal of interest in the product to be worth the cost, and with the large quantity, the price of the finished product falls further due to price discounts during the production process.
DPC will definitely need a team to handle online customers. That way, his only concern will be to look at numbers and approve orders (just like my boss).

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
DCP is baking this game and banking all the support the can muster for the furthering of said game.
One time gigs where the bleeding coder gets dietracted mean NO WORK ON THE GAME!!!
pLEASE LET dcp focus on baking those renders full round baby skinned and ready for gaming!


Feb 16, 2018
It would be nice, in the Jill's piano concert, she could play "Soon" from "tales from Yesterday: Tribute to YES" performed by Patrick, Moraz; awesome song.
Sorry if asking to much, i don't know how the rights are handle here.

Sea ya.
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