I havn't finished playing the update yet but...
This MC is getting pretty annoying. Why is he so butt hurt over the maya josy thing? For one, they were not in a real relationship with him. If anything, they were cheating with him against each other. More importantly, the MC does the same shit to a much larger degree. He was chasing Maya while dating Josy. He is banging Bella while chasing Jill. He is fucking Sage at the same time. And chatting up 5 chicks on tinder. He is potentially banging all his teachers and HOT sluts.
Ok, this kind of tangled web is the result of keeping all the options open or just being a man whore, but I just wanna slap this guy around and put some sense into him. He is acting like he got cucked by a fat japanese man and his life is crashing down or something. I'd like a bit more introspection from the MC. Instead of being a crying baby, he should talk to them to sort things out. He doesn't have the right to play the victim in this situation at all.