if your looking for a fuck feed then go and watch some regular porn. Believe me, it's much better that way. but if you want a once in a life time experience that you won't easily forget go for it.
you might think that I'm being dramatic. but just give it chance. this is a whole new level of games (not just adult games but games in general) that you ever played before (and yes even if you already played the dev's previous game acting lessons).
sure. this game has gorgeous-looking renders and a sick graphic. but so do dozens of other games (more or less)
what really stands out to me is the depth of the story and the characters.
it's one of those stories that actually keeps you guessing. you may find it funny to say this about an adult visual novel but you can never know what comes next.
as for the characters, in each episode, you get to see characters personalty growth (and of course along with their beautiful bodies lol)
dialogs aren't stupid or cliche and actually make sense in a real scenario. which is really not the case with most of VNs.
the fact that you can make your own personality and choices and actually have to face the consequences is just amazing.
and let's not forget about the adult scenes. honestly, they're sexy as fuck. with different positions and for different tastes. trust me on this. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED.
so in a nutshell, it's the kind of game that will surprise you, makes you excited, confident, horny, laugh or possibly cry, and probably a lot more.
wow, that's a lot. so let's just say do yourself a favor and play BEING A DIK.