Conclusion: Of all the main LIs she has the weakest character. She is just too normal.
Even if it's a common trope every other main girl has something or the other which makes them special/different.
- Jill: Rich and kind girl/princess
- Bella: Married older woman/lonely
- Sage: The popular chick/cheerleader type
- Maya: Lesbian (I think if it was not for this she would've been just another Josy)
- Josy: Literally nothing as far as i know
Josy is the summer crush, and from that point of view she is better than the others
only that characterization was destined to run out, the summer ends at some point, and has not been replaced by anything else
Maya is the damsel in distress, she has to face real problems and she doesn't know how to do it, so she calls MC (or Josy or others) to the rescue
Jill is the "princess and the pea", far from the real world, but sensitive and pure.
Sage is the most complex character, in my opinion, at first she is a party girl, but then at every opportunity some nuances are added (she wakes up early in the morning to check the HOTs accounts, she studies seriously, she has problems with her family. ..)
Bella for now is a very, too, contradictory character, she would like to be Jill's guardian angel but she can't help but get her hands on MC, even if there is obviously something between Jill and Mc. for now she is the MILF of porn movies, who can't resist the plumber, the postman etc ...