This is the one I'm betting on. Maya goes in the room, calls out "DAD?!", and Josy goes to hide in the bathroom until he's gone, then they talk about how that was a close call and come to the conclusion that Josy can't stay in the dorm and the only solution is that she stay with the HOTs.
I'm going with the supposition that it'll be more of the same M or J favoring/balancing act. They'll all walk in, the dad will ask who the MC is and he'll have a choice of 'Maya is my girlfriend'+kissy scene or 'Josy is my girl'+Kissy scene with the other looking disgruntled.
The dad will be suspicous
(luckily I think they moved the beds back to their seperate places???) and increase the pressure on Maya saying he'll be checking up on her more which will then result in Josy moving to the HOT house and Maya staying in her dorms and that will then allow the MC more 'visit J' or 'visit M' choices going forwards and we'll either have to maintain a balance of RP or go for one over the other.
.......and to keep things crazy - Maya gets a new dorm mate and it turns out to be Zoey!
......actually it turns out to be a younger Leah from AL.