Maya isn't two faced. She's a lesbian, and when she came out they hurt her badly because of it.
I say Maya is two-faced because she doesn’t like the HOTs but she going to pretend to them she does in order to join. If I pretended to be your friend so I could get something from you while telling others that I think you’re a slut, that’d be two-faced right there.
Now I get why Maya wanted to use the HOTs, she doesn’t perceive she has many options and she’s desperate.
I’ll extend that being two-faced isn’t her defining feature, but it is in regards to joining the HOTs, hence my comment stands. Sage is trying to help someone re-join the HOTs who doesn’t even have any respect for them in the first place and just wanted to use them.
So yeah, two faced.
Her major problem is NOT her dad controlling her finances. Her problem is that his father rejected her homosexuality with hatred and he's despising her for that.
Now her dad doesn’t hate her, he loves her and he’s trying to "fix" her homosexuality with threats. He's not just worried about her in a lesbian relationship. He also is concerned about her staying in a dorm with a guy now, so he wants to move her to a single dorm.
As misguided as he is, the dad's actions stem from him caring about Maya. The knee jerk reaction to that is, "Then why is he trying to fuck up her future?" He's not. He's threatening her with dire consequences in the hope she'll do what
he knows is best. Will he follow through with those dire consequences? Probably not in the long term.
Sure, it sucks that her dad doesn't accept that she loves Josy, but he may never change, just like Maya may never change.
The best resolution is her dad has an epiphany and realizes he's wrong and stops fucking with Maya's life. That would be a nice direction for the game to go, but sometimes you just have to live your life and accept that not everyone will agree with your decisions, even people that you care about.
There are plenty of people who have distanced themselves from their parents due to serious disagreements. That's life, and we all (hopefully) move forward.
It's sad that her dad doesn't accept her as she is, but if he wasn't fucking with her financial situation, she would still be able to life her life normally, instead, because he's fucking with her finances, she thinks her life is fucked.
So her defining problem is her dad is trying to control her finances. If she can overcome that problem (which is what she's trying to do by joining the HOTs) then she doesn't have that problem anymore, she can be happy with Josy and unless her dad is into honor killing, there's not much he can do about it.
Others might argue that her defining problem is that she's fucking useless. That'd probably be a far call too.
Honestly, guys, do you really understand what you've been reading in the story so far?
Now that's just a useless comment. We're discussing a game, on a discussion board, why you gotta be a dick about people with a different opinion to your own?
Time to ask serious questions, who the hell is Tybalt's troll on Rooster? The guy is relentless and it's actually fucking funny lmao
I would say Rusty maybe but idk if he would try to mess with him that hard haha
My guess was always Sage (if she is indeed his sister), Bella, or a secret side of Jill. Someone suggested it might be Sally, and that theory sounds pretty plausible as well.
I'll hazard a guess that it's derek. Something about it just makes me think of him every time. Secondary guess, Bella, considering she absolutely hates his guts.
In episode 7, I think it was on the drive back from tennis, Bella openly admits she thinks the fake Tybalt posts are funny. I kinda found that out of character for her, so I don't know if that possibly excludes her from the lists of subjects, or if it makes her the prime suspect, but I thought it was interesting.