May 12, 2021
Maya would never have ratted out Quinn on the prostitution. That would have required Maya to actually do something, an action that Maya seem's to be incapable of. And don't kid yourself that Maya would never have accepted Quinn's offer. She folded under pressure and gave the MC a grind job.
There is a difference with the MC and with any other that she doesn't know. Although here I think we enter the logic of adult games.

Just because Quinn managed to push her to give the MC a grind job doesn't mean Maya would cross a line like prostitution. We had a chat with Maya about that sort of thing in Episode 3 and she herself says "I'm not someone who, practically, will sell my body to get it. " and waking up the MC in that way "was so humiliating", one thing doesn't imply the other, there is a great difference there, people have different limits that don't cross.
If you really believe that then I guess we see the character in two different ways and there isn't much that can be done there.
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Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
There is a difference with the MC and with any other that she doesn't know. Although here I think we enter the logic of adult games.

Just because Quinn managed to push her to give the MC a grind job doesn't mean Maya would cross a line like prostitution. We had a chat with Maya about that sort of thing in Episode 3 and she herself says "I'm not someone who, practically, will sell my body to get it. " and waking up the MC in that way "was so humiliating", one thing doesn't imply the other, there is a great difference there, people have different limits that don't cross.
If you really believe that then I guess we see the character in two different ways and there isn't much that can be done there.
I think that's a very naive interpretation. Maya folded easily to the demand that she strip naked and grind her body on a guy that she hadn't even known for a week. A guy that she lived with in fact, despite all the embarrassing social implications of the act.

In fact, I have considerable irl experience with girl's who are pressured into prostitution and the character of Maya, as she is presented in game, is almost a textbook example of the girl's who do find themselves in that situation.

BTW still waiting for all of those examples of fictional characters who are more clueless than Maya. I have noticed a common tactic of debates on this forum is to ignore uncomfortable questions about previous BS that a poster has spouted. So feel free to support or withdraw your earlier assertion, I'll be waiting.
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Could the owner of the Pink Rose be Vinny? Nick has literally begged the MC by SMS to work next time in the Pink Rose.
Maybe Nick also knows that the MC is Vinny's brother. Nick is always very friendly to the MC.:unsure:


New Member
Jan 31, 2021
Hi all,

Im trying to play the game when i get a error saying the script is defined twice ..

heres a small example

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Whats the best way to fix this?


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Quinn never promised anyone a mother fucking thing. Maya assumed and when you assume you make an ass out of u and me. Then she had the audacity, the unmitigated gall, to slap Quinn for a lie Quinn never told. Maya was shooting her mouth off to the MC about free tuition the first time they met. That was before we even knew there was a Quinn.

I want to know how Maya could afford her books in the first place without any tuition money. How the fuck did she even get in the door without paying her tuition? That's a real hole in the writing. Asking the game player to suspend reality (the reality the game itself creates) when the plot forgets to connect events is what leads to these arguments.

Besides, one look at Maya and Quinn would know nobody is paying for that shit when they can get Riona, Camilla, Sarah, et. al.

We also need to return to a rather important plot twist:

View attachment 1192558

Maya didn't even get mentioned in this conversation. So, no, you're not wrong.
Maya wasn't mentioned for the same reason Mona and Camila weren't: she'd already been accepted as a pledge. Ash, Lily and Josy were candidates Quinn was supposed to vet before allowing them to pledge. There was nothing further for Quinn to do in Maya's case, hence no reason to mention her.

Although I've been a big proponent of the "James is dead" camp, after spending that time analyzing her for that post, I'm starting to think it's more simple:

She cheated on him, he cheated on her (not in that particular order) and they split.

I'm thinking he cheated on her with Jade (hence her animosity towards Jade) and she cheated on him with Jill (based on that uncomfortable scene when the mc and Jill both sleep over at Bella's, as well as a comment Bella makes to herself about fooling around with friends).

She was angry at the time, but up until the MC came along, she really wanted James back. Once the mc came along, it significantly complicated her feelings. Considering cheating ended her marriage, but she still held out hope of patching it up, cheating with the MC was definitely not going to help things.

Finally she's come to terms with the idea that James isn't coming back, so she's happy to move on with the mc.

I'm not sold on the above, but it's highly plausible.

All that said, while I love to harp on about her being a crazy bitch, she doesn't really come across all that crazy, she's just upset about her husband and struggling to move on and she just doesn't tolerate too many people.

She also has an ax in her shed (so do I for that matter, and a hack saw, a jig saw, a lathe, and a whole lot of other shed related tools), but I think the idea that she murdered her husband is just a fun theory, there's no real indication.
I'm mostly with you on Bella, but given all the virgin drama from Jill in Episode 7 I'm pretty sure she didn't 'cheat' with Bella.

I'm sticking with the theory that Bella was a lot wilder in her youth. She tried to tone it down after getting married, but either couldn't or something else went wrong and she blamed herself for the failure. That's why she's so damn straight-laced these days, why she was borderline panicked by her 'adultery' in Episode 6, why she says the MC couldn't handle her when all her stops are out, and why the future MC said he would have called for help in the infamous Episode 3 monologue.

Considering her disdain for the HOTs to start with (I don't know if she cares for any of them any more than she did initially other than perhaps Ashley who wasn't a HOT at the time anyway), it is sad that Sage is now going out of her way to try and help such a two-faced person to come back into the HOT's fold.
Sage takes "Don't turn on each other" seriously; Maya joined the HOTs, so she's Sage's sister now. You don't always get along with siblings, but you are supposed to be there for each other.

And frankly, I think it would have been a terrible look for Sage to ignore Maya storming out after brushing off Maya's concerns AND her knowing full well Quinn has some judgement issues.

I don't hate Maya, she's pretty much as flawed as the next person, but unfortunately for her, her one major problem (her dad controlling her finances) has become her main defining characteristic (other than her liking movies).

But who knows, get her out from under her father's thumb and she might have a chance to be a whole different person. :unsure:
I'd love to see Maya grow too, but I do think it's worth reminding everyone that Maya's character arc isn't that she needs tuition. It's that her asshole father is a control freak who has done everything in his power to prevent Maya from living her own life. The idea that she'd instantly shrug off the feeling of helplessness he deliberately instilled in her seems ridiculously optimistic. She needs to walk before she can run.

Remember the picture of Steve. This option controls which mother Josy has.

CHICK: Lana is alive and Josy is her daughter. However, Lana has changed and may return to the family. I think that the Josy/Maya/MC throuple only works here. If the MC forgives Steve, it could be that in the end Lynette (if she is still alive) forgives Neil because of a fling.

NEUTRAL=1 Cock: Lana is alive and Josy is her daughter. Lana has not changed and when Josy changes from Neutral to Chick, Josy will learn that Jill is her aunt. But Lana and Josy will still not be readmitted to the family.

DIK=2 Cocks: Either Lana is not her mother or Lana is the madame who is also Tommy's mother. Who says that Lana didn't have twins. Derek and Maya are already very different. This is also Josy's single route. But be careful, Josy will do anything the MC does.
Good grief, Dalli. At this rate I think you're going to hit full meltdown before we start season 3. Please tell me you don't have the corkboard with red strings yet?

Maya would never have ratted out Quinn on the prostitution. That would have required Maya to actually do something, an action that Maya seem's to be incapable of. And don't kid yourself that Maya would never have accepted Quinn's offer. She folded under pressure and gave the MC a grind job.
I think she would have happily ratted Quinn out anonymously, but I doubt she'd want to get involved in a big public scandal. Her dad would NOT like hearing she was pledging a sorority without telling him, and she certainly couldn't explain her real reason.

As for whether she would have accepted Quinn's offer, probably not. I think that like Camila Maya would have insisted on limits to her activities that Quinn wouldn't have agreed to (based on what we know of the way Quinn's operation runs, of course). Given time it's possible Quinn could have worn Maya down, but Maya needed the money too urgently for Quinn to pull that off.
May 12, 2021
Also don't assume something you have no way of knowing. In fact I've read a great deal. You made an assertion, prove it.
I haven't made any assertion. I never said I was sure or that I had it as a fact of what I am talking about. What I have done it could be said is an assumption of what kind of person you are and it wasn't for resorting to hostility but to understand exactly what you're talking about.
BTW still waiting for all of those examples of fictional characters who are more clueless than Maya. I have noticed a common tactic of debates on this forum is to ignore uncomfortable questions about previous BS that a poster has spouted. So feel free to support or withdraw your earlier assertion, I'll be waiting.
Why should I be the one to give examples of characters more helpless than Maya when I wasn't the person who made such a claim at first or even denied it?
Since I started playing this game when Episode 3 was out, I've been wondering if in some near future the status of damsel in distress would change for Maya but I don't see it, I guess there are more episodes left for there to be a development in that area.

I was wondering how for you this can be the "most helpless character" that you have come across in fiction and that is why I divide it into the assumption that you don't read/watch enough or you are giving an opinion without going into details.
What I want to know is, in detail why Maya seems to you the most helpless character that you have come across in fiction.

If you want me to retract my assumption, I don't see the problem, after all I didn't say it out of hostility but rather out of curiosity that the character must have left an impression on you to have that opinion.

That tactic you are talking about is not used only in this forum, it is used everywhere and no, I am not going to ignore you no matter how uncomfortable your question or argument is after all what kind of discussion would it be if we were all comfortable.
In fact, I have considerable irl experience with girl's who are pressured into prostitution and the character of Maya, as she is presented in game, is almost a textbook example of the girl's who do find themselves in that situation.
I don't have that kind of experience, but I do understand what you mean about the pressure that can break the limits we put on ourselves if we are desperate enough.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
Maya wasn't mentioned for the same reason Mona and Camila weren't: she'd already been accepted as a pledge. Ash, Lily and Josy were candidates Quinn was supposed to vet before allowing them to pledge. There was nothing further for Quinn to do in Maya's case, hence no reason to mention her.

I'm mostly with you on Bella, but given all the virgin drama from Jill in Episode 7 I'm pretty sure she didn't 'cheat' with Bella.

I'm sticking with the theory that Bella was a lot wilder in her youth. She tried to tone it down after getting married, but either couldn't or something else went wrong and she blamed herself for the failure. That's why she's so damn straight-laced these days, why she was borderline panicked by her 'adultery' in Episode 6, why she says the MC couldn't handle her when all her stops are out, and why the future MC said he would have called for help in the infamous Episode 3 monologue.

Sage takes "Don't turn on each other" seriously; Maya joined the HOTs, so she's Sage's sister now. You don't always get along with siblings, but you are supposed to be there for each other.

And frankly, I think it would have been a terrible look for Sage to ignore Maya storming out after brushing off Maya's concerns AND her knowing full well Quinn has some judgement issues.

I'd love to see Maya grow too, but I do think it's worth reminding everyone that Maya's character arc isn't that she needs tuition. It's that her asshole father is a control freak who has done everything in his power to prevent Maya from living her own life. The idea that she'd instantly shrug off the feeling of helplessness he deliberately instilled in her seems ridiculously optimistic. She needs to walk before she can run.

Good grief, Dalli. At this rate I think you're going to hit full meltdown before we start season 3. Please tell me you don't have the corkboard with red strings yet?

I think she would have happily ratted Quinn out anonymously, but I doubt she'd want to get involved in a big public scandal. Her dad would NOT like hearing she was pledging a sorority without telling him, and she certainly couldn't explain her real reason.

As for whether she would have accepted Quinn's offer, probably not. I think that like Camila Maya would have insisted on limits to her activities that Quinn wouldn't have agreed to (based on what we know of the way Quinn's operation runs, of course). Given time it's possible Quinn could have worn Maya down, but Maya needed the money too urgently for Quinn to pull that off.
No I think you are missing something. Maya caved, she stripped completely naked in front of a guy she barely knew and ground him to near ejaculation. She already crossed the line, easily. The key factors on whether a person is manipulated into prostitution are desperation and emotional isolation. When Maya caved she was far down both path's. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that kept her from winding up at the glory hole was the inexplicable delay in Quinn pushing the final step. She pushed it for Camila and Mona, why not Maya? I also don't think that Quinn would balk at Maya working glory holes, she's fine with Camila doing it, and only for oral sex. Again, why not Maya? She would still be servicing customer's and bringing in revenue.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
I haven't made any assertion. I never said I was sure or that I had it as a fact of what I am talking about. What I have done it could be said is an assumption of what kind of person you are and it wasn't for resorting to hostility but to understand exactly what you're talking about.

Why should I be the one to give examples of characters more helpless than Maya when I wasn't the person who made such a claim at first or even denied it?
Since I started playing this game when Episode 3 was out, I've been wondering if in some near future the status of damsel in distress would change for Maya but I don't see it, I guess there are more episodes left for there to be a development in that area.

I was wondering how for you this can be the "most helpless character" that you have come across in fiction and that is why I divide it into the assumption that you don't read/watch enough or you are giving an opinion without going into details.
What I want to know is, in detail why Maya seems to you the most helpless character that you have come across in fiction.

If you want me to retract my assumption, I don't see the problem, after all I didn't say it out of hostility but rather out of curiosity that the character must have left an impression on you to have that opinion.

That tactic you are talking about is not used only in this forum, it is used everywhere and no, I am not going to ignore you no matter how uncomfortable your question or argument is after all what kind of discussion would it be if we were all comfortable.

I don't have that kind of experience, but I do understand what you mean about the pressure that can break the limits we put on ourselves if we are desperate enough.
It's really two factors, desperation and emotional isolation. Maya was a prime example of both until Josey arrived on campus. Why Quinn didn't press her advantage in the time between the 'Grinding' and the arrival is totally inexplicable to me.

The game clearly shows Maya's helplessness, almost to a delusional state. Watch the HOT initiation scene again. I think that it clearly shows Maya in a delusional state. As to Maya being the penultimate Damsel, I think it's glaringly obvious in the story. She can do nothing for herself. The MC is a total simp, even waiting on her hand and foot after she lies to him and rejects him. Josey's character is a complete handmaiden, in the episodes between 4 and 7 she completely disappears into Maya's shadow. And now Sage is her saviour. At no time in the story does anyone challenge Maya's passivity. Do all of these people, in their first weeks of college, really have the time to carry this Princess? It just doesn't make any sense.
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Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
Time to ask serious questions, who the hell is Tybalt's troll on Rooster? The guy is relentless and it's actually fucking funny lmao
I would say Rusty maybe but idk if he would try to mess with him that hard haha
My guess was always Sage (if she is indeed his sister), Bella, or a secret side of Jill. Someone suggested it might be Sally, and that theory sounds pretty plausible as well.

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
Time to ask serious questions, who the hell is Tybalt's troll on Rooster? The guy is relentless and it's actually fucking funny lmao
I would say Rusty maybe but idk if he would try to mess with him that hard haha
Many think it's Jill, Bella, or even Sage, but I'm going to go with an outside of the box answer and say it's Tommy. Because...
  • Being Rusty's close friend even before the founding of the DIK fraternity, Tommy very likely knows the history of Rusty & Jill, and therefore doesn't like Tybalt trying to barge in on the "Jill turf".
  • The crass & mean humor style of the troll's posts seems to be right up the alley of someone with Tommy's personality.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2020
Is there a Dik Mansion renovation guide? I have a guide that only do the first one but is there any more after 1st one? Thanks.


New Member
Dec 7, 2018
I suppose the real question is, why do you think the cabinet is at a wierd angle?
I've wondered this for so long... Why?! Is it covering a trap door? Perhaps it is covering the only evidence of Bella's double homicide (her parents)?! Also I want to point out to someone that Becca is Sarah's friend and I think she's an evil hoe bitch who is in on the plot of taking down the sororities.

Also I want to point out that Troy is the one who robbed Quinn, the faces match
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
"most helpless character I've ever come across in fiction" Either you don't read/watch much or what you're saying is an opinion without much context.
Oh? Examples please? As I said before Maya takes the Damsel in distress trope to whole new level's.
Ok, i am going to break my own rule of not to speak to this guy. You dont feed the troll.
Honestely i am never sure if he is an incredible mysoginist adult, as he claim, or he is a 12 years old boy, wich seems more reasonable belief. Anyway such a proud ignorance over fiction is more than a son of two librarians can stand.

For started we live in a post-Kafka world. An author who made her entire work out of characters who cant overcome even the most easy tasks in the world. We had a story in wich not even the coprotagonist, but rather the protagonist does literally nothing all across the story right until the end when he kill himself couse his family can't even stand him. But even better we had in "The trial" a fiction in wich the protagonist goes from door to door useless, as the burocracy eats him alive with nothing he can do to overcome his doom. Thats when it comes to helpless character.

But you want a damsel in distress?, wich even if is a literary trope you still claim that there is no example to put against Maya. Well, tell me what Helen of Troy does in 10 years of war wich are to blame on her? What Penelope, wife of Odisseus did in 20 years except to sew? And someone remember something that the queen Guinevere, Arthurs wife, did except to cheat on her husband? And what about Isolda, did she do something, except to unkowingly drink a love potion? And Ofelia from Hamlet, what she does except to drawn herself? Cossete from Les Miserables, she did something meanwhile everyone where getting shoot, half of them trying to help her? Did Esmeralda from The Huncheback of notre Damme, does she something besides fucking the only character who dont give a crap out of her, meanwhile the huncheback save her ass again and again? And what about Cunegunda, from Candido, a character who is defined by being slightly less idiot than her husand, but not to much? Or Eugene Grandet from Balzac wich is a sterotype of every naive girl ever alive. What about Madame Bovary, who got herself broke before killed herself couse she wanted to cheat on her decent husband. Or Mathilde from Stendhall, wich does nothing except to get bore. Did the Queen Anne of Austria something in both the three musketeers or the continuation, even if in both books the plot is always to save her ass? Has any female character from Hemingway ever done something besides to serve drinks to the protagonis? Arwen from Tolkien, did she does something except, again, to sew meanwhile the whole world risk their luck in a war? In the One thouthands and one night, a male protagonist watch as his girlfriend kills alone an entire army to protect him meanwhile he does nothing. Hey, did Anna Karenina, Natasha Rostova or Dunia sister of Raskolnikov, did any of them do anything? The first two get in love of the wrong guy, screwing a couple of dudes lifes, the latter one get tricked by an ashole until his brother save her ass.

I got tired, there are hundreds of names on that list. But even with that is useless couse the main point here is in wich moment in life someone can get so fuck up that can advocate to strongly reject to help someone wich is in need with the main reason being: that they are in need. How cannot read this as a guy justifying his own selfishness?
How to talk about literature when the whole narrative process, as any human interaction, demands to feel pitty of thoose who are in need? How you read Oliver Twist, a story about a poor orphan, when you dont give a fuck about others people problems. Even worst you find, to have problems, a descalification by itself. It's not only clear that you didn't read anything except porn games and maybe the Atlas rebelion, but you also couldnt read anything besides that, because you couldnt understand them at an emotional level with that mentality.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
Time to ask serious questions, who the hell is Tybalt's troll on Rooster? The guy is relentless and it's actually fucking funny lmao
I would say Rusty maybe but idk if he would try to mess with him that hard haha
I'll hazard a guess that it's derek. Something about it just makes me think of him every time. Secondary guess, Bella, considering she absolutely hates his guts.


Apr 13, 2021
It's going to take several posts to straighten out the Maya dindu nuthin faction. The MC is thrown out of his dorm room by Troy, slips on a flyer on the floor in the hallway, and is introduced to Maya, who asks him if he needs help. Maya tells the MC about the four fraternities and one sorority on campus and says she is also a freshman but has been to the campus before.


The first thing she tells the MC about the HOT sorority when he asks about it:


The MC's response:


The very next words out of her mouth:


Kind of unofficial means Maya should be asking someone other than Quinn, and what exactly are their criteria?

Then she tells the MC:




And then she stops explaining. And then she gives the MC this line:


Then they go their separate ways until class. At class, Maya tells the MC this:




Which means what? Quinn was partially against it?


The MC asks her who Quinn is, to which she responds:


Then she tells the MC she can't spend time with him because:


Then at the next class Maya talks the MC into joining the gender studies class. Then they go to lunch. At lunch Maya gives the MC this line:


The next time we see Maya is when the MC and Derek are sitting on the bench outside. Derek convinces Maya to allow the MC to stay with her for one night. When they get to her room she tells the MC:


So, she asked for complete honesty from the MC but is less than completely honest in return. After a few unimportant interactions she tells the MC this:


The MC asks:


To which she responds:


Late at night the MC is worried that she's not back yet and tries to call her:


Then Maya comes into the room, sees the MC is asleep, and sexually molests him with three HOT members watching because of some promise of free tuition if she meets their criteria.


This all takes place in Episode 1. Now, how do you blame Quinn lying about free tuition for Maya lying to the MC and sexually assaulting him for free tuition, whether or not free tuition actually existed? Who wants to argue that if there had actually been free tuition what Maya did would be acceptable? Does anyone want to argue that if the MC had been the one thinking there was free tuition and had done the same thing to Maya it would be OK?

Maya's sexual orientation, her father being a prick, and Quinn being a manipulator have no bearing on her own personal responsibility for her actions. She's a grown adult who doesn't know how to handle situations like an adult. "Well, I really shouldn't rape this guy but I need the money!"



Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
It's going to take several posts to straighten out the Maya dindu nuthin faction.
Am I wrong or you just sayd you pretend to explain people in this forum what to thing? Why dont you cool down a little.

This all takes place in Episode 1. Now, how do you blame Quinn lying about free tuition for Maya lying to the MC and sexually assaulting him for free tuition, whether or not free tuition actually existed? Who wants to argue that if there had actually been free tuition what Maya did would be acceptable? Does anyone want to argue that if the MC had been the one thinking there was free tuition and had done the same thing to Maya it would be OK?

Maya's sexual orientation, her father being a prick, and Quinn being a manipulator have no bearing on her own personal responsibility for her actions. She's a grown adult who doesn't know how to handle situations like an adult. "Well, I really shouldn't rape this guy but I need the money!"
Bullshits. How you justify Quinn (and the DIKS) for electrocute the MC and kidnap him? How you justify the MC for breaking in the HOT house and stealing panties from the HOT's, wich is sexually assault. And since you manage a wide definition of rape, what about Quinn forcing Maya to have sex with the MC, while the MC was willing to collaborate.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Maya isn't two faced. She's a lesbian, and when she came out they hurt her badly because of it.
I say Maya is two-faced because she doesn’t like the HOTs but she going to pretend to them she does in order to join. If I pretended to be your friend so I could get something from you while telling others that I think you’re a slut, that’d be two-faced right there.

Now I get why Maya wanted to use the HOTs, she doesn’t perceive she has many options and she’s desperate.

I’ll extend that being two-faced isn’t her defining feature, but it is in regards to joining the HOTs, hence my comment stands. Sage is trying to help someone re-join the HOTs who doesn’t even have any respect for them in the first place and just wanted to use them.

So yeah, two faced. :rolleyes:

Her major problem is NOT her dad controlling her finances. Her problem is that his father rejected her homosexuality with hatred and he's despising her for that.
Now her dad doesn’t hate her, he loves her and he’s trying to "fix" her homosexuality with threats. He's not just worried about her in a lesbian relationship. He also is concerned about her staying in a dorm with a guy now, so he wants to move her to a single dorm.

As misguided as he is, the dad's actions stem from him caring about Maya. The knee jerk reaction to that is, "Then why is he trying to fuck up her future?" He's not. He's threatening her with dire consequences in the hope she'll do what he knows is best. Will he follow through with those dire consequences? Probably not in the long term.

Sure, it sucks that her dad doesn't accept that she loves Josy, but he may never change, just like Maya may never change.

The best resolution is her dad has an epiphany and realizes he's wrong and stops fucking with Maya's life. That would be a nice direction for the game to go, but sometimes you just have to live your life and accept that not everyone will agree with your decisions, even people that you care about.

There are plenty of people who have distanced themselves from their parents due to serious disagreements. That's life, and we all (hopefully) move forward.

It's sad that her dad doesn't accept her as she is, but if he wasn't fucking with her financial situation, she would still be able to life her life normally, instead, because he's fucking with her finances, she thinks her life is fucked.

So her defining problem is her dad is trying to control her finances. If she can overcome that problem (which is what she's trying to do by joining the HOTs) then she doesn't have that problem anymore, she can be happy with Josy and unless her dad is into honor killing, there's not much he can do about it.

Others might argue that her defining problem is that she's fucking useless. That'd probably be a far call too.
Honestly, guys, do you really understand what you've been reading in the story so far?
Now that's just a useless comment. We're discussing a game, on a discussion board, why you gotta be a dick about people with a different opinion to your own?

Time to ask serious questions, who the hell is Tybalt's troll on Rooster? The guy is relentless and it's actually fucking funny lmao
I would say Rusty maybe but idk if he would try to mess with him that hard haha
My guess was always Sage (if she is indeed his sister), Bella, or a secret side of Jill. Someone suggested it might be Sally, and that theory sounds pretty plausible as well.
I'll hazard a guess that it's derek. Something about it just makes me think of him every time. Secondary guess, Bella, considering she absolutely hates his guts.
In episode 7, I think it was on the drive back from tennis, Bella openly admits she thinks the fake Tybalt posts are funny. I kinda found that out of character for her, so I don't know if that possibly excludes her from the lists of subjects, or if it makes her the prime suspect, but I thought it was interesting.
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