which is weird for more than one reason. first of all MC is still considering himself single, despite of him having pretty serious relationships with some of the girls.
and honestly, even if you do solo paths , for me there are simply not enough information to choose. The judgment of the Girls change with each new chapter. I mean obviously Josy is the best girl
, but she was missing almost half of the game, and then suddenly I'm at a crossroad.
Jill and Sage was nothing special for Me until ep4 actually. Yeah all of them are Hot girl, but that alone is not enough in the beginning . So yeah, the multiple dating , "Playing the field ", made sense, until DPC decided, that MC in one episode think He is falling for Jill, and the next episode He also want more with Sage, regardless of the previous episode choice.What we assumed it will matter, but it didn't.
And then He tells Lily, he doesn't "roll" with anyone
I feel like we heading toward a confrontation in Halloween
, like in Mass Effect, when Liara and Ashley comes to you to chose. and obviously Liara being the better girl
, by not backing out when Shepard propose a Threeway relationship
But I don't know how Fair this will feel if it's happens