It's not just "the characters" understanding of the situation, it's several characters understanding of the situation. It's Josy's, an economics major's understanding of the situation. It's Derek's understanding, it's MC's understanding, it's now probably Sage's understanding. It is so unbelievable that of course I don't believe it, no one believe's it. I question whether you believe it.
Lets start with 'suspension of disbelief'.
Google it, please.
Short version: All forms of entertainment require you to let go of the little things that might not add-up in reality.
Now, lets pick at one of your details...
Josy is supposed to fix this for her?
Josy, an 18yr old kid in her first couple weeks of college, is supposed to already be an expert in contract law??? Umm.. No.
And, btw, she's planning on studying
not Law.
Now... the loan.
- A dual signature loan where her father controls release of the funds. Yup, those exist. (Now, if you're fool enough to think that
standardized contracts are the
only contracts, then I can see where this one is tripping you up.)
- She wouldn't be able to get a second loan. Yup, that checks out too. No lending institution is going give an 18yr old, unemployed, student a loan when she's already signed on another one. Doesn't really matter the legality of the first, they won't take the risk.
- She'd be on the hook for the debt. Yeah, ok. If her father doesn't the release the funds
to her and she has the paper trail to prove it, then no.
But, she'd still be looking at a lengthy legal battle (that she can't pay for). During which she wouldn't have the funds to pay for school. So the end result is the same, she'd have to leave college.
The loan tickles my suspension of disbelief, just a bit. But it's not even close to breaking it.
I take it for what it is. A story element meant to highlight A) that her father is a monster and B) Maya is in a pretty damn stressful situation.