Maya is stupid and all her problems are her fault

But, seriously, I think you are the other extreme end. There are a couple of people who would blame Maya for everything, sure, You on the other end. Can't accept that plenty of thing is her fault and only her fault. Instead even if you admit it, you try to drag down other characters, like MC and Josy. like if Maya is stupid, then they stupid too, no they are not.
Maya's father Patrick, put Maya in to this situation. We can make legal battles until the eternity, it won't change that its serve the purpose of the plot , to show us what a shit head he is.But, fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on ME. Maya thinking that with Patrick having keys to her room, she can be safe with Josy, yeah , stupid of her.
But the most controversial thing is the whole Free tuition thing of course. While it's more complicated than a simple whose fault it is question. Maya is as responsible for it as every other party member. Namely Quinn and Sage. Maya's mistake was, the Blind faith. Maya believed something without having a definite unquestionable proof of it. Yes, Quinn played her part , but it was Maya's Blind Faith, which was born from desperation, clouded her judgment . She put everything on this "hail mary" . and Jumped head first in it.
MC, take his part. He warned Maya , not once. Everyone jerking of the whole " warn Maya about Quinn " conversation, but there was an another one which was eagualy important and also uneffective. The conversation between MC and Maya during a class, when Maya is worried about Derek, MC pointing out that she is essentially the same as him. from this point MC, did what he can, and supported her as much as he could. Josy is the same. but, because they were not clouded with this blind faith, they did not feel the same way , surprised, and angry when all this turned out to not true. " Josy : You said it was just a rumor ".
Was Maya misled by quinn a little? Yes. Sage, should have done his president job better ? Yes.
but all this does not mean Maya does not have responsibility. and She did only wanted to Join for Money, prejudged them, from the beginning. Sure, she meet with a hostile environment and that not changed her view on them. But she was willing to put aside her dislike of them as long as she gets what she wants, She kinda like Quinn LOL

But in the moment , when what she wanted in not possible. all the anger came out from her and she lashed out on everyone, including and this is what I won't forgive

, Josy. Who was and still, nothing but supportive toward her. So, Maya is not perfect, nothing wrong with it. Not everything is her fault, but also not everything is everybody else fault. I think, this is the truth, the middle ground.
and You know I'm, not a Maya hater, far from it . I will help her, if the story allow me, I also will like to help her find someone she could love who is not Josy of course, because she is mine.
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