The way I like playing the game is unquestionably DIK.
For interest's sake I gave the Chick path a go to experience the throuple and get a bit more outta Bella and Jill, but most of those choices go against my grain.
The one DIK choice that I instinctively do not make is to punch Tybalt in the face (of course I actually did it, but then I rewound the game and pretended it never happened - I'm not fucking Gandhi!). As much as he annoys me, punching a guy in the face while trespassing and being involved in vandalism with heaps of witnesses doesn't strike me as a good idea.
Basically I love the massive DIK life.
. I could never do this , to go all out on one side. And the thing is Up until episode 7, I never truly felt, that I forced to make a choice I dont like, to achieve a desired outcome. It was really a " Follow my Heart " experience. - I do have a different path where I'm not on Josy path, but that is the only difference everything else is the same. -
I did not beat Troy, I don't care about Quinn business, I talked with steve, and I don't give a shit about Jade. They all come natural, Just like the Dik choices,
Beating the Jocks, Party in Pink Rose, Weed, Fight with Caleb.. It painted a very natural arc
, from a " Chick ", to Neutral, with a very balanced 4 - 4 stance, until Tybalt. I won't lie, Natural, I immediately punched him, and replay it not one time
. And when I saw the scene between him and Jill, about what he is doing, - he blackmail her no matter what - I was even Proud of myself.
from this obviously, in episode 6, two natural Dik choice, the first one immediately put me to the Dik affinity status, beating Tommy, and of course later the fake ID.
And Then we reached Episode 7. The first Choice is easily the elderly home, pays better more logical. And I really wanted to help Jacob during the Hots party.
The cold Shower came after this. : Because Jill, out of nowhere, after 7 Episodes, somehow she look at the moon, and feels that,
Something is off with the guy who is in front of Her, compared to the Guy Who literally Blackmailing Her to date with him . . - Yeah, I know.
So, now I'm forced to choose between, either not to punch Tybalt, or don't help Jacob
I went, back, decided to not hurt the shithead, but I did not liked it, because with this MC remain neutral, and miss some of his witty remark he has in Dik affinity, the mockery toward Becky for example, and some others.
Anyway, despite me hating the whole Affinity shit, up until episode 7, there was nothing that bothered me as much as this Jill situation
. And even with this, I don't feel the need of playing in an extreme one sided path, to me it's not realistic. and and won't be enjoyable. By Following one path I would feel more that some decision simply bullshit, or I dont have a say at all, wich I hate more , Like, if you have permanent affinity, the decisions in episode 7 already made for you. So much for the "Choices will still matter "
And if other love interest are like Jill, I can wait, that in episode 12 they will be like, "oh you have different Affinity, I don't like you anymore ". Or you simply forced to take actions, and they will react negativly to it.
sorry for my long ranting
. But I think it's sums up my biggest problem with the game, the weakest part. IMO