Why "hallucinating"?
It's just a flashback. There's always a flashback at the beginning of every episode.
yeah i dont get the hallucinating theory...
some people said there is a strange guy watching them and is vanishing... but i dont see it like that... yeah there is sitting a strange guy on a bench, but he is not vanished, bella just stand in the way in one pic, thats all... to make a halluciantion out of that is kinda strange to me.
But there are so many strange theories going on around this game, this one is by far not the strangest
but i have just no fucking clue what could behind the locked door... in ep3 when you go to bella after inviting jill to a date, there is the make out scene with her when the MC said that he rather called for help than kissing her if he would have known whats going on with her...
but since than, there is no new hint. i think even Jill doesnt know exactly whats going on, cause she doesnt know about the locked door.
i have one theroy about that... only one, but its very far fetched, i would say...
MAYBE Bella is investigating everything thats going on with Burke, the prostitution and drugs on her own (or even undercover?) and hide everything behind that door.. i dont believe that the husband is in this room in a coma or something like that... makes no sense, there has to be a nurse than too and medication, and and and... you cant hide that from jill behind a locked door.
But a secret investigation room could fit.
This cant explain where the husband is... but i think he is just gone and has left Bella, and she is denying it someway... and of course i think it has something to do with Jill. I would bet, Bella and Jill kissed each other and the husband saw it and left.