So yeah, if you don't like the drama, I don't know what about this game lures you in, because I'd say the story (for better or worse) is the strongest draw card here.
I would say that the characters and the moments (the sexy one, the romance ones, or just the "slice of live" moments), and the sense of humor, are the strongest points of this game in terms of writing. Details like the conversations in Roster, that make you empathize with the characters.
The story... not so much. At a certain degree, I agree with the other user: too much soap opera material for me: highly unlikely coincidences, clichés, great surprises and revelations that in real life would be resolved with simple questions like, for example, "and... what do your parents do for living, Sage?" or "Dad, tell me about my deceased mom´s family"... It´s a bit too much for me. I´m not saying it is bad writing. DPC seems to have the story already structured in his head, and it´s great to see that some tiny detail in the first chapter, suddenly makes sense in the chapter 7 or 8. But is not great writing in terms of story.
But for me, the worst are the far fetched situations that could be realistic with a bit more of work in writing. For example, the way Sage ask the MC to spy on Chad. It´s absurd that Sage thinks that the MC is going to follow Chad all day in disguise or something, and Sage blackmailing the MC with the guitar is out of character when we know some chapters later that Sage is actually a good person.
Since DPC had decided that the MC was going to spy on Chad at the gym, let´s imagine that Sage, instead of telling the MC "Help me spy my boyfriend", tells him "Do you want a free pass for the gym? I´ll pay it for you. My boyfriend Chad spends half of his day at that gym, and I´m sure he brags with his pals there about the bitch he´s cheating on me with. I´ll call you when he´s there, so you go and are my eyes and ears there. Also, if you get me some prove, you will have a special reward. You know, you scratch my back..." It´s a way more realistic situation, IMO.
Then, when the MC finds out that Sage has his guitar, she could complain about how bad person is his boyfriend, that gives her as a gift a stolen guitar, apologize for him and return the MC the guitar. That way the MC would feel empathy for her and have a better reason for helping her than a clumsy attempt of blackmailing. So, Sage would not be portrayed like an awful person, since just a few days after (into the game) she´s going to reveal herself like an excellent person that helps the MC, and then Maya.
It´s just an example. Wouldn´t that be a more plausible and less cartoonesque situation? And it´s just a bit more work in the dialogues...