She is not doing anything to get her freedom. People are doing it for her. All decision were made by other people, more specifically MC, not even her brother Derek. She could have said - "Fuck it, get the fuck out!" - to Her father since the beginning. Even MC when he found himself to deal with the situation of the Mansion in being a dik, he went to get a job. WHat did Maya do? Is she working to pay for tuition? Ofc Not. Sage was the one who decided to help her this time. Because it has always to be someone trying to help her while she acts like shit. Even when her gf's dad came to make amends with his daughter, she wasn't supportive and wasn't happy for Josy. Again. All boys, all men in the DIK house, worked, got a job, to help with diks mansion. The girls at hot's who wanted to join Quinn's restaurant, did. Everyone is taking care of their own life, even her brother, while she is there crying waiting for others to take care of her problem.
At the end of the day, everything I wrote doesn't matter, because DPC wrote her story this way. So there is no reason for me stress over her situation. But as long as DPC write her like shit, I don't even bother about her. The only things I do for maya are the things I am forced to do because of the game