
Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
You must be referring to the conversation between the MC and Tommy from EP6 after their fight. But there is a catch. It's about the problem and the solution.:rolleyes:

Tommy resigns because the DIKs and Rusty decided to fix the devastation of the mansion themselves instead of accepting his suggestion that Rusty force his father to ask for more money. That's why he's sitting on his butt because it was too much for him. And here is your error in thinking. The DIKs can fix the mansion because there are a lot of people. That's why the MC says to Tommy, if you can't do it alone, someone else has to help you get back on your feet. :unsure:

Now compare Tommy's problem with Maya's problem. The problem in the mansion (plan to solve it is available) has a total of 9 people and one of them steps back and the MC helps him get on his feet. There is not even a solution to Maya's problem and even with Josy, Derek, MC there is only a temporary partial solution (Josy goes to the HOT's). How is Maya supposed to stand up on her own when she can't even do it with the help of three people. First of all, she tried and was bullied by Quinn for it. :unsure:

So your statement is just blanket rhetoric worded without empathy.:rolleyes:

What if Sage and her parents can't help Maya? There must be a new plan. The MC himself said at the end of EP8 that if it doesn't work, there will be a new opportunity. The MC can pass on the praise for the repair to all the DIKs at the DIK breakfast of EP7. Without the MC, the DIK's would probably no longer exist. What if the DIK's, especially on the Josy and Maya routes, thanked the MC differently. But for that the MC would have to create one thing, that Josy and Tommy get along and settle their dispute. In my opinion, that is how it will eventually happen. Josy is the sister of a DIK brother and Maya is also the sister of a DIK brother and both love a DIK brother (MC). The DIK's are many and have also developed a social attitude. Maybe the DIK's then help Maya by setting aside some of the money they earn for Maya. She is part of the family in a way. The family comes first.

For the anti-Maya lobby. Maya will then work, of course. Josy and Maya will then move in with the MC to cut costs.
you know that Maya semester tuiton are just $50 so if you really want to fix her problem just take a page out of Tommy´s playbook and tell Rusty you only made an extra $33 orange bucks! How the hell do you think he can afford Vinnie´s priçe? he skimmed out of the pink rose job!

ofc that without the extra orange bucks no jacuzzi in Jam jam´s garden ... so your choice Maya or a jacuzzi where you can fuck Quinn!

Or we will fight over this until our death.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
You hit the nail straight on my man.

We just want Maya to do something, anything to progress as a character.

As I said earlier the first conversation with Maya in the entire game chapter 1 ends with her telling us she needs free money. The last chapter of the game so far, chapter 8, Maya's is still talking about needing tuition

Every other character in the game has advancement, from other main girls, to side characters, to characters with barely any screen time.

KRJ has more character progression than Maya and she is in 4 scenes? Maybe 5?

The fact that Maya fans don't want that, tells us everything we need to know, and when Maya's biggest champion believes there is a route where Maya is also your sister, is again, perfect example of Maya fans.
Okay if maya was your sister i'd have to move her up two slot to sorry if i broke my own list and sorry Bella. KEK


Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
While everyone is talking about Maya I wonder what'll be next for her if the ordeal with Sage's parents don't work out like most here are expecting it to. Will DPC have MC & Josy try and drag Jill into this as well or will Maya start to live with the reality that she won't get 'free tuition'?
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
While everyone is talking about Maya I wonder what'll be next for her if the ordeal with Sage's parents don't work out like most here would assume expect it to. Will DPC have MC & Josy try and drag Jill into this as well or will Maya start to live with the reality that she won't get 'free tuition'?
I heavily think that this won't work out im just wondering how bad it won't work out. Would he dare show his true intentions to his foster daughter's friend or will he just refuse as if there is nothing he can do. What happens after is anyone's guess I like the idea of the Dik's and Hot's helping out Maybe the Hot's can go to the Nursing home with the Dik's at some point haha.
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
Not that I'm fully aware but if you're on ANY of their routes not just Sages do you break off your arrangement with Jade because as she hates mc in a chick playthrough him being there might not do her any favors.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
He burned them to death because they were one dimensional garbage, he just forgot the option for the mc to stay and burn with them.
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
A man willing to eat his own cum than touch a girl. lol. I could even deny and reject her, but I'd never eat my own cum. It only shows the kind of man who choses maya lol.
Uh, she'd taken off the condom, and Tremolo only pretended to cum - so it was an empty condom....

Carry on with your arguing over fictional women none of you could get even if they were real.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
Uh, she'd taken off the condom, and Tremolo only pretended to cum - so it was an empty condom....

Carry on with your arguing over fictional women none of you could get even if they were real.
Well even if you can't get em there's always rape right?


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
While everyone is talking about Maya I wonder what'll be next for her if the ordeal with Sage's parents don't work out like most here are expecting it to. Will DPC have MC & Josy try and drag Jill into this as well or will Maya start to live with the reality that she won't get 'free tuition'?
I heavily think that this won't work out im just wondering how bad it won't work out. Would he dare show his true intentions to his foster daughter's friend or will he just refuse as if there is nothing he can do. What happens after is anyone's guess I like the idea of the Dik's and Hot's helping out Maybe the Hot's can go to the Nursing home with the Dik's at some point haha.
If the whole thing ended immediately with nothing, it would be yet another anti climax, with Sage failing in his attempt to help Maya.

it's impossible and unrealistic for the problem to be solved on the fly, the more likely scenario is that Burke says he'll see what he can do and stalls, giving Maya hope.

the way Burke is portrayed, we can't hope for a completely selfless act on his part (which is why I'm hoping for Jade's involvement), and the way BADIK is written, we can't even fear that he'll take too much advantage of it.

I think this subplot should be closed in the next season, a Jill involvement just to get the money out would seem trivial to me, I think this passage with Burke marks the last lap anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
Is there a way to find and be notified of the episode updates? This thread is so popular it takes me forever to find them
The episodes are really far apart too, I wouldn't expect the interlude until at least February. The next full episode will be six to eight months after. Also just use the search function to look for updates by user N7. This will give you any weekly updates plus the main news resource on new episodes


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
Anti-Mata Lobby ?...:LOL:

They are set in their own idiotic views and ways. Pointing it out won't help them either.

You can't talk sense into these idiots...it's tiring and unrewarding...some are just too stupid to recognize the sense in what they are being told even if you try it for the 100th time...you can try mate but you'll fail miserably , they'll just grab you down to their level and make you eat your own words...like I said , tiring and totally unrewarding for our effort to make them see what's wrong in their own comments.

I still can't fathom out their one sided judgmental views...I mean look at Quinn...she deals drugs and oversees prostitution right under her everyone's noses...look at what happened to Mona...and shutting up Camila about it. She is the worst character in this story so far...but I like her...She wasn't raised right , drug abuse by her father and other things a child wasn't supposed to see or do.

Learn to empathize with the characters before starting judging them right away...Maya this May that...give it a rest 'cause it stopped making much sense a long time ago.
What's the difference between Maya and Quinn? Simple, you can largely avoid Quinn and her problems. Maya, you are completely stuck with her, rather you like the character or not.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
What's the difference between Maya and Quinn? Simple, you can largely avoid Quinn and her problems. Maya, you are completely stuck with her, rather you like the character or not.
Not gunna lie.. you have a good fucking point there. lol


Active Member
Apr 19, 2021
What's the difference between Maya and Quinn? Simple, you can largely avoid Quinn and her problems. Maya, you are completely stuck with her, rather you like the character or not.
exactly. and it's not just maya. these unavoidable things in the game is what I don't like that much

but as annoying as maya can be sometimes, dealing with her problems is still less annoying than being forced to ask that insecure annoying rat who keeps poking her nose into your business out to a date. where you play fucking tennis! I don't know which of the two I hate more. skip. "this did not go well for a first date" well thank fuck I might be out of this shit.

also noone speaks about having to spy on chad for sage. fuck you bitch, go into the gym and spy on your own. that's my fucking guitar and I ain't doing shit for you just because you graciously let me take back my property.

oh look, a dinner with a teacher (librarian, whatever, still a teacher). great, that's what I need, missing out on getting drunk with my fraternity cause I want some random teacher to think well of me? think I'll pass, thx. HAVING TO kiss her in her house? eh? cmon.

oh, I have to lose my clothes so quinn and camilla can abuse me in the bathroom? well how about a fuck no? I got the panties, Imma gtfo.

and so on.
what would be left of the story if we could skip on everything?
yeah, quinn is the "antagonist" but I believe a DIK MC would just tell her to fuck off instead of losing his clothes.
and how would you know you don't want to do anything with jill if you didn't... couldn't even make myself finish that sentence. go mind your own business, rat.
as for bella... well, you wouldn't know she has any dirty laundry if you weren't forced to that date and ended up at her place

but everyone is annoyed about having to deal with maya, a central character in the story from the beginning. she showed you around, she took you in her room (thanks to derek, sure, but you're living with her). you don't like her? well good! now enjoy her help around the campus and the warmth of the other bed in her room

when you take into consideration the kinds of problems every character has, I don't think anyone has it as hard as maya does. of course her entire life keeps spinning around those problems.

and in the end, everyone ends up hating the chick who (for most of the time) reacts like a normal person would in that sort of situation, while cherishing a chick who deals drugs, pimps her sorority and treats MC like a piece of trash just because she can.

I get it, it's a game, but try putting yourself into the story. how much of you would/could actually handle/tolerate a bitch like quinn IRL? and if you had the same type of problems maya does, would you be cheerful about it? would you not be thinking about it 24/7 and looking for a way out?

it's understandable that everyone has their own preferences and (dis)likes certain characteristics in people. but actively bashing* a character over the last 50 pages just because you dislike it... jesus christ.

I agree with the "maya haters"/"anti maya lobby" (however you wanna call them), maya definitely could have handled some situations better but so could every character in the story. those idiotic choices in various situations are why the story keeps going. otherwise everyone would be holding hands happily by the end of season 1

ok, maybe I got a bit too far into defending maya here but my point was - it's a story. however DPC writes it, we're here to go through it and affect it to our liking as much as we're given the chance. even if we have to be forced on dates with certain characters AHEM

*again, not to be confused with smashing


Jul 29, 2018
Here you are guys hating and whatever, I'm just worried about my saves if they really push with a different launcher :-/

I love DPC either way. You the man! XD
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