Also gotta LOVE The Power of the Mod!! Who needs to choose when you can have em all
You do. You don't think DPC is well aware of the mod and hasn't already coded a "fuck you" segment for the Season 3 import? He's going to see your obvious modded export data and it's probably going to wipe out all your persistent save data (again). Frankly, at this point, I'm surprised he doesn't just have it delete core game files, to punish people who deleted their original download.
Is there any way to be just with maya and josy wouldn't be involved?
No, there are no solo Maya/Josy routes at this time. Maybe by the end of S3.
With the money he can get good team and make faster progress but we all know greed is big problem and probably he will milk as much as possible
I've seen a lot of people parrot this inane bullshit and what it tells me is a lot of people here have never worked on a project where they want everything actually done
Instead of thinking of it like building a house, think of it instead as making soup, or playing Rachmaninoff. Adding an extra chef does not make the soup cook faster. Adding more pianists doesn't speed up the tempo of the song.
Granted, more musicians does make a more robust sound (usually), but the man wants his shit done right, and he's got at least a wife, if not kids, to take care of. Why give up a piece of your pie(money) on what may be sub-standard help from others? How much time gets wasted finding out if other people are up to your standards?
Quinn for the Win.
If you remove every other girl from the game. The plot remains the same.
That's how significant Quinn is. And how insignificant the rest are.
If you remove every other girl from the game it becomes a massive sausage fest, and the title would have to be changed to Taking a DIK. Everything would change, except possibly her being a drug dealer. There'd be no girls selling themselves for tuition, she wouldn't be a plot point between you anybody, and there'd have been no reason for hostility with Troy, because almost everybody on campus would have been gay in the first place.