- Jul 7, 2017
- 542
- 2,223
Maya, the lesbian character oppressed by her white, middle aged, heterosexual religious-conservative father is, obviously, a cliché in western countries in XXI century. The the homosexual person as a victim "by default" of the "prejudices of conservative society" as is depicted in modern pop culture (movies, TV shows and series, videogames, etc.) is, again, just a cliché imposed by the power of the gay lobby to the entertainment industry to manipulate the society. The "progressive" political parties support that gay lobby in exchange of votes, and the gay lobby supports those political parties in exchange of public money, priviledges and power.
I don´t think that Dr. PinkCake is being controled by the lobby gay, obviously, but he´s into that mainstream thinking and that´s why all his homosexual characters (Maya and Chad) are victims in this game. Also, apparently, the player should feel simphaty for them just because they are homosexual, even if they both are awful characters.
Chad is an awful person that makes her girlfriend´s life miserable for a long time, and even physically assaults the Main Character in the middle of the night. But both Sage and the Main Character, apparently, should be worried about him and his secret. A secret that, in real life in a US college, nobody would actually care about (again, the "victim" gay cliché)
Maya is a drama queen that, after lying and tricking the main character for their own selfish purposes, emotionally manipulates him to get his help. Because she´s not able to take care of her own problems. And DPC pretends that the player must feel OK with that and accept that, even if the Main Character is not romantically interested in her anymore, he must be her best friend and allow her to drag him into her problems. THAT´S SIMPLY STUPID.
There are only to reasons to follow Maya´s path:
1. Maya has a cute 3D model. That´s all. Some people don´t care about the character´s personality. Only see a cute face and a good body.
2. To be a pathetic Social Justice Warrior that gets his little prick hard (if a SJW can get his prick hard, which is highly doubtful) with the fantasy of being the "hero" of a lesbian by pissing off a white, heterosexual middle aged conservative man (the evil for the gay lobby and those pathetic SJW) and being accepted into her relationship as a lame third wheel.
I know that some members here are going to make this comment censored: achedcroissant, Heycock and others. They are the SJW in this forum, playing petty cancel culture, and making lobby to make the mods censor the comments that they don´t like because aren´t progressive enough. They all can lick my ass. In the shape of a cross, to pass more times through the center.
“I don’t like homosexuals but want guys to lick my asshole in a very precise manner”