Just did a check, the pass is even worse than that! If you have minigames off this is the logic that determines whether you complete the mansion repairs:
if (ep6_vipPass and ep7_pinkrose) or RPdiks < 6:
That means, if you work at the Pink Rose and have the pass you fail!? That's some Willy Wonka bad ending shit right there!
Correct. Without minigames, Rusty will be forced to sell his car if you win Hell Week, keep the VIP Pass, and then decide to work at the Pink Rose. It would be a fun perk for people playing minigames to get to bypass that restriction, except the grand "prize" is just getting royally ripped off by Madame Rose. My quips can't make that any funnier than it already is.
Though it does indicate DPC is specifically considering the possibility of keeping the VIP without meeting Rose in Season 2. That opens the remote possibility that the VIP
might have further uses in the future.
it depends on your actions... i think its the cum-petition that decides this... i dont know exactly anymore, but i think if you win the cum-petition derek will not have sex with arieth. If Derek wins, he will bang her later and the MC is the only one of the diks with a clean dick ^^
Derek will bang Arieth with Jacob if the MC remains at the party - either to dance with Sage, because he paid for Sarah at Quinn's restaurant. If the MC goes straight home to Maya, however, Derek will inexplicably skip the encounter with Arieth.
aahh. so it is a divirgent point. so there's no chance for both of their path to kept being open? i dont mind missing out on some scenes as long as their path is still open
Jill's path will close if the MC skips her spur-of-moment picnic, because Jill is apparently the sort of girl obsessed with her horoscope. You will lose 2 RP with Sage if you cancel on her to attend Jill's picnic, but otherwise she doesn't mind and her path will continue unabated. (Alternatively, if you aren't yet Sage's fuck buddy, you can simply not call Sage furing the free roam then picnic with Jill with a clear conscience. Then pursue Sage during the HOT party in Episode 7 to jumpstart her route.)
Bear in mind, however, that you WILL be forced to choose between the paths by the end of Episode 8. So this will at most buy you a few more scenes before you break up with one of them anyway.
So, a theory has been rattling around my head for a long time originally based on nothing more than Tybalt being called Tybalt… what if there’s a Romeo and Juliette theme to Jill/MC? Tybalts role in the play isn’t far off our Tybalts role in this.
What if Jill isn’t a connection to the MC’s mother… what if her route blocks it? What if the MC’s family and the Royces were rivals (like Romeo and Juliette's families)? What if Lynettes father being weird about moving house (saying they own it still but not letting her visit) but it ultimately belonging to the Royces because some machination caused him to lose the family home to them?
Imagine the drama DPC can spin if MC’s family can shun him further for shacking up with a Royce? The drama that can unfold if the current Royces hold a grudge and hate the MC. They can go full blown Shakespearean.
Make it an old fashioned blood feud where the MC has to pick between Jill and his family (maybe a fortune). The sappy drama writes itself with him choosing to follow his heart like his mother and walk away from that family for his love.
This also leaves Bianca as a viable route to connecting with his family entirely independent from Jill. Maybe Miranda is still close to them and paths a way independent from Jill (also accounts for Jill hating your guts for being balls deep in Bella on some routes).
Just an idea… one born of very little.
Between Tybalt's name and Rusty specifically mentioning the play in Episode 5, I think it's clear there's a Romeo and Juliet theme to Jill's story. But I'm not sure we're going the full R&J right down to the warring families. It's hard to see how Lynette's family could be less tolerant of the MC because he's siding with a rival family; he's already disowned. Likewise, the MC's only family is Neil, who hardly seems the vindictive sort.
I think it's more likely we're getting a bit more of a metaphorical R&J. At a minimum, it's likely Jill's family won't approve of the MC and thus oppose him at all turns. Jill ought to side against then in that case, but we've all seen how well Jill's resolve holds up in the face of plot contrivances.
It's also possible the MC's
adoptive family might be rivals with the Royces (of Jill in particular); we saw shades of that when Jill talked about Rusty in Episode 5. In that case, it might be the MC who's pressured to stop seeing Jill. Tommy certainly wouldn't approve of a committed relationship!