Played interlude for the first time (because yeah, there will be more playtimes). And well, Zoey got. Fuck
I kinda love this interlude. It was a really good breath from the things happening in B&R. Like other already said: Zoey story was relatable. About her grandma, her dreams, her feelings. All of it hit me in the right places. If the aim of DPC was make us care about her well, good play, it worked. She unfold like a great character (and her great butt, tatoos and piercing nipples helped too

). No, she is not even close to make me doubt about my loyalty to Josy and Maya, and even in my others branch my top priorities still are Nicole, Riona, Lily and Camila. But i really wanna see more Zoey in the story and since i'm still skeptical if DPC will give to my 4 favorites girls proper routes and endings, Zoey is definitely my backup plan in others branch.
Also, the tech aspects of the update were great. Just imagine the future episodes with this quality. It's good and bad at same time because the fucking time will take to make it.
Now my watch to ep 9 begins, i already miss Josy and Maya so much that it hurts
P.S: I fucking need go out on a date with Riona, take her to a Japanese festival or whatever to see her dressed this way in game, i fucking need it.