I think dr pinkcake is loosing what he do best with these games, i mean i liked this and acting lesson because of story, but he is focusing on minigames and stuff like that too much, it was same with few previous patches, those minigames just doesnt work. Those minigames, 2d art and other stuff just feels too forced to game like this, story and scenes are reason why people like pinkcakes games.
Well cant really agree here... As i would say, many people playing being a dik like the minigames. You can see that if you go through this thread or on steam and other platforms... yeah there are complains about the minigames, but well.. you can skip them entirely. And like there are complains... at least there are as many who like the minigames a lot.
And you think the mingames became a bigger part over the patches and the story kinda suffer from this... nope, cant agree here. In fact the patches are just getting bigger and bigger overall, so yeah, more mingames, but more story, renders, and ongoing things too.
What i do admit... i dont like to play the same minigame over and over again just to get some ingame money to spend into special renders and such. I do like the mingames, but after the 10th time playing brawler, shuffle or such its getting annoying at some point... but i do it anyway for the ingame goods. Wish there would be an option to skip minigames after a while in the game if i succeeded them more than 5 times for example. And the mansion minigame was really nice, but if you make mulitple playthroughs, yeah its getting annoying aswell... but as i said, you can choose to skip them at the start... for me i just wish there would be the option tu turn them off later too...
But no, i dont think that other content falls behind cause of the minigames, really not. somebody did an amazing tableau with the render and animations count for each episode (cant find it in the thread anymore, cuase... this thread is exploding so much)... well nearly every episode is 25% bigger in animation and render count than the one before... and... yeah... minigames doesnt have this kind of animations and dont need many renders. So you do think the other content is getting less attention and the minigames "cut off" something, but in fact its not the way... i think you "feel" that way, like windy weather makes you feel colder than the actual degrees are, but youre feelings arent right in that department.
and for the development... like in the update today posted by DPC, i think he is doing the coding for the minigame in the development phases where he cant do much else, like when all his equipment is rendering animations and such. these animations take a while, especially made that good like DPC does... but in the meantime he can focus on other things like writing and coding minigames for example, and he is exactly doing this right now, and i dont think that the other work will suffer from that...
i complained sometimes that i do think the overall development time is increasing with less content coming out, but i was corrected in that department a while ago (as i mentioned there is a post from somebody who put the render and animations count in relations to the time when the epsiodes were released... in fact DPC has done the same animations and renders in the same amount of time, sometimes even faster)
That said... i think the mingames do add some butter on the toast, but doesnt take the place of the marmelade cause the marmelade is on top