Sage is just a little smaller than the MC in the picture. Both will be wearing athletic shoes. If Sage were wearing high heels, she would be taller than the MC.
What did Catrin write on Swyper after the MC responded how tall he is and expressed concern (Unless they walk around in heels.)? That could be a problem.
What if Sage is standing behind Catrin? Sage is a very big girl. She is looking for her father. Whether it's her adopted father Stephen Burke in EP9 or maybe her biological father.
The only thing that would really argue against that would be Catrin (Sage) hanging out with her ex and going back to him. We have learned that Chad is gay and may have never touched Sage. But who's to tell us that's why Sage only has an ex-boyfriend?
In EP5, Sage told the MC that she has never been rejected by a man. Ergo, she has had multiple relationships. But who else could be Sage's ex-boyfriend? He would have to be taller than the MC for the high heels to fit. Anthony or Caleb.
From the screenshot, I always thought Anthony was looking for Josy. But there was Sage sitting on the couch too. Anthony loves red hairy Girls, he has Ashley too.
But before all Sage fans swoon now, I want to mention that the MC can fuck Sage first. If the MC doesn't talk to Ashley, Anthony stays with her.
But I see another danger if the MC doesn't fuck Sage. She had an ex that she fucked and he is bigger than the MC. What if that is/was Caleb. That might explain why Tommy gets his nose thumbed at by Caleb in EP5 for mistaking Tommy for the MC?
It gets better. If the MC only fucks Sage and no other girl, we still have the end of EP8. Actually, it shouldn't be a problem then. But now we have an angry Sage at the end of Interlude and an angry Sage in EP9 Preview 2. Why?
The person greeting Maya is wearing a black shirt. It's not really Stephen Burke's style of dress. But it fits Caleb perfectly. At this point, it's worth remembering what that one guy at the gym said to the MC. Not fighting is sometimes a luxury. In EP9 preview 1, we see a worried looking Sage holding the hand of a person lying on her bed. Is it the MC who was attacked by Caleb? If so, that would only fit a Sage branch in EP9. It would be unlikely for Anthony to attack the MC because he wouldn't stand a chance and Caleb generally has an aggressive demeanor towards the MC.
But this is all just theory.