You're wrong. We should blame ourselves, i.e. people who supported him as he drew out the release dates further and further.
As far as I know when I cancelled my pledge he was still working alone and I think he still is, with the amount of money he is making he can upgrade his equipment to no end, or hire people to render for him, write the code and so many other things to shorten the development time, but he doesn't.
Well now I feel personally attacked!! jk, I agree to a certain extent that we computer dwellers are privileged
I really doubt DPC has ever spent 12 straight hours coding, and if he has, then he's doing it wrong (unless it's simple if else monkey typing).
I've done my fair share of overtime and what I can say is that it's actually quite counter-productive, it absolutelly drains me mentally, and after 6 or 7 hours my logical thinking starts to go out the window and I start to run circles around the problem. Then I go home after spending 10 hours around a problem, get a good night of rest and sleep, return to work the next day and manage to fix the problem in 2 hours.
And although the work is not physical, anyone who thinks these conditions for prolonged times won't fuck up your health is dead wrong.
Every collegue of mine attests to the same problem, the only people who actually think more time == more work done (by a single person) in IT are clueless business managers.
But in DPC's case, since he wants to do everything himself he'll always have more menial tasks that barely require a braincell to be done so he can do that when he's tired and he'll still be putting in the hours.
I'm assuming he's taking into account the rendering his PC's are doing as part of his work hours - checking in on them and the like, making sure they don't break down. I agree that I find it hard to believe he's in front of a computer all day, especially with a wife and presumably a social life of some sort.
I'm assuming he's taking into account the rendering his PC's are doing as part of his work hours - checking in on them and the like, making sure they don't break down. I agree that I find it hard to believe he's in front of a computer all day, especially with a wife and presumably a social life of some sort.
DPC is from the future and came back after learning how clone so one is on a computer all day another is with his wife and another is doing cool guy stuff
All I know is I can't wait to see what cheat I get to come up with next:
I've helped you automatically get test A!
I've helped you automatically Drink!
I've helped you automatically Fight!
I've helped you water plants
I've helped you automatically paint fences
I've helped you make $ for windows
... and the best one ...
I've helped you play IHOP chef and flip pancakes
even if i follow very few games, there is always a complete game that i am curious to play (now i am playing now and then, very nice)
however, let's not hide behind a finger, the longer the process, the more the risks increase. in the first 3 pages of the most beloved games there are 10 abandoned projects out of 90, it doesn't seem little to me, considering that the completed ones accumulate acclaim while the abandoned ones collect grudge votes.
If this game were to be abandoned, I would grieve, certainly. But life goes on. It certainly wouldn't be the first game I've been interested in that was abandoned. Nor would I hesitate to withdraw Patronage were DPC to start ghosting us. Don't see that happening, though, either.
He's been making games now for almost 5 years (Acting Lessons and BaDIK). He finished Acting Lessons, and he's consistently delivering on this game. So there's absolutely no sign of him slowing down.
This game is now his main income, so he has an incentive not to just walk away. Plus the guy is driven. He consistently works like a mad man. Normal rules of slackers pulling the pin because they aren't making bank simply don't apply to him.
My biggest concern is he wakes up one day and says, "What the fuck am I doing with my life!?", when he realises his legacy will be a porn game that's only appreciated on the far corners of the Internet.
I dunno, mpa71's BigTable™, indicates around 5 and a half months for the last few episodes (you gotta discount the time taken for all that one-time development of the exporting, so episode 8's time was uniquely extended).
I still think 2 episodes in a 12 month window sound feasible, but obviously not in the same calendar year for the next two, but I don't see why episode 10 & 11 won't happen next year.
He's been making games now for almost 5 years (Acting Lessons and BaDIK). He finished Acting Lessons, and he's consistently delivering on this game. So there's absolutely no sign of him slowing down.
This game is now his main income, so he has an incentive not to just walk away. Plus the guy is driven. He consistently works like a mad man. Normal rules of slackers pulling the pin because they aren't making bank simply don't apply to him.
My biggest concern is he wakes up one day and says, "What the fuck am I doing with my life!?", when he realises his legacy will be a porn game that's only appreciated on the far corners of the Internet.
He's been making games now for almost 5 years (Acting Lessons and BaDIK). He finished Acting Lessons, and he's consistently delivering on this game. So there's absolutely no sign of him slowing down.
I believe he has also said that he has some thoughts for a new game. So the creative juices are still flowing. I also think he is smart enough to know that if he rushes the end of this one, he will lose players and supporters for any new game.
I believe he has also said that he has some thoughts for a new game. So the creative juices are still flowing. I also think he is smart enough to know that if he rushes the end of this one, he will lose players and supporters for any new game.
I think I remember hearing the same thing. That could be good and bad news really. Good that he is still remaining his creative self but he could also do what some other devs do and start working on multiple games at the same time. From my experience that only ever leads to extremely sporadic and drawn out release schedules for however many they are working on. He did finish AL before he started this one I think so it seems he sees how bad it could make things as well.
fair enough. Perhaps “irrational” wasnt the correct word to use. This is his business now (as he notes in my “fuck you” letter), and the project is big enough and he has enough capital to expand and increase production. And since we can’t tell if the story is something we actually want until we get the finished product (and at this rate that will take several more YEARS), it seems very reasonable that he should easily hire even just one other person to help speed things along. And as far as risk goes, I could likely argue as many points both for him keeping the status quo and for him growing his business. Literally every action and inaction incurs potential risk; to me that’s no excuse to outright refuse the next logical step for his business.
DPC can handle the current workload on his own and he produces good stuff, but it’s painfully slow. It could obviously be done faster with a helper or two, i don’t think that’s debatable. at this point I’d rather him openly admit that he doesn’t want to hire people and speed things up as to not negatively affect his income from patrons. as much as I would dislike that answer, at least it would make sense to me. There isn’t anything else I could hear from him that would actually seem authentic given the amount of stuff on his plate. And at least we could all stop talking about it if we knew for certain that’s why he is so opposed to hiring help for grunt work.
Again, growing his business is only a logical step if he *wants* to run a business. I don't think he does. Hiring help can speed things up (once he spends the time and effort to get the right team), but that only matters if DPC is in a hurry - either because he really wants to complete this story, or because he wants to make as many stories as he can even after this game is finished. In those cases there are potential advantages to diverting resources to creating his version of Industrial Light and Magic. But if what he really cares about is working on the game rather than specifically finishing it, hiring people is a headache with no benefit.
Granted, it's always possible DPC just wants the money; completing the game sooner is unlikely to improve his bottom line and I don't think Disney will offer him billions for his share in PinkBake Studios when he's ready to retire. So maybe he's just gunning for keeping as much of the money himself for as long as possible.
More likely, it's some from column A and some from column B: the guy's greedy AND enjoys working on the game. But in the end, do DPC's motivations really change anything? If he continues to put out a worthwhile product, I'll keep buying it whenever he gives us more. If the product doesn't deliver, I'm not going to buy it no matter how frequently it updates. Sure, I'd prefer if DPC earned his money at a very rapid clip and for all the right reasons, but that's asking a lot.
I dunno, mpa71's BigTable™, indicates around 5 and a half months for the last few episodes (you gotta discount the time taken for all that one-time development of the exporting, so episode 8's time was uniquely extended).
I still think 2 episodes in a 12 month window sound feasible, but obviously not in the same calendar year for the next two, but I don't see why episode 10 & 11 won't happen next year.
Episode 8 took 30% longer to complete than Episode 7. The only episode with a larger production time relative to its predecessor was Episode 4. In that case, I think reason was rather clear: DPC added 3 separate routes through the episode, an unprecedented feature that hasn't been repeated.
But with Episode 8 it's not really clear what caused the increase. At first glance, the layout is similar to Episode 7: big lewd scenes for all the main girls, a bunch of side-girl action (granted, a lot of it was Madame) and a big free-roam party. Yes, Episode 8 needed to design the save export system, but then again Episode 7 had the phone overhaul. So what took so long?
If it ultimately comes down to DPC creating more (and more sophisticated) art content, then there's reason to think future episodes will take at least 6 months to complete. I doubt DPC will settle for smaller, simpler updates in Season 3 - especially with all the branching we'll be facing. If Episode 8 was delayed more for behind the scenes issues (planning Season 3, the GOG release, that sort of thing), then I think there's a chance we might get future updates in the 5-6 month range, at least for a time.
I'm feeling pessimistic at the moment, but as with so many other topics I think we'll have a better idea where we stand once we get Episode 9.
I respectfully disagree. It would depend on DPC's learning curve. While EP8 took a long time, and since we only had an uptrend, on episodes, learning curve could make EP9 consume the same amount of time as it took to make EP7.
It appears that the conversion format episode importer worked. Unknown how much effort went into that alone.
I am of the opinion, without EP-Interlude, EP9 could have been out by now and DPC would be working on EP10 to get done by a no later than, December time frame.
The idea that EP9, because it has Halloween elements---coming out near the real Halloween time--should have been dismissed. I could have lived with Halloween-themed EP9 being released in May, just to keep the project moving.
Now, because of EP-Interlude, the real content most care about has been pushed back several months.
It is OK to say, when someone asks, "When is the next update (Ep9)": "Up to 10 months after Ep8.
You're wrong. We should blame ourselves, i.e. people who supported him as he drew out the release dates further and further.
As far as I know when I cancelled my pledge he was still working alone and I think he still is, with the amount of money he is making he can upgrade his equipment to no end, or hire people to render for him, write the code and so many other things to shorten the development time, but he doesn't.
Interesting. You accuse someone of being wrong, but your argument is total bullshit.
If the fans didn't support DPC, DPC wouldn't be able to develop BaDIK full time because he would have to work a "normal" job to support his family. As a result, up to 10 hours a day would go to his "normal" job, which certainly wouldn't lead to shorter update times.
On the subject of employees DPC can no longer hire employees and form them into a team. He should have done that before BaDIK was launched to ensure consistent quality. But he simply didn't have the money for it at that time and would have had to make large investments for a project whose success on this scale was not foreseeable, certainly not after AL's shitstorm.
Now DPC has the money to hire staff, but bringing those staff to his quality line would not work, as each person is different and different creative impressions would go into BaDIK, with the risk of losing the authenticity of the previous game. To prevent this, DPC would spend much more time on corrections, which would lead to longer update times.
DPC has already let it be known that it already has ideas for a game based on BaDIK. It would make sense for DPC to hire people and form a team before he starts producing a new game, because that team would establish a common level of quality that would apply from start to finish.
My personal thoughts The people who don't support DPC financially, in my eyes, don't even have the right to complain about the way DPC operates. They are consuming his product without his permission and should be happy that they can get updates at all.
Many here in the thread are decent people who enjoy the game, appreciate DPC's work, and have stimulating discussions and debates about the game's content. That actually shows me that DPC has done everything right so far, because otherwise this thread wouldn't have reached this size.
These decent people are why I like this thread and am here regularly. Yes I know that I am dalli_x.
Didn't DPC say that EP8 was way bigger than he initially planned and that he underestimated how much work he'd put into it? Or am I remembering it wrong?
You can bet the same will happen with EP9. With his ambition and tendency to constantly add little bits of branching here and there, now adding considerable branching with 5 different routes, I totally expect the dev times to not be less than 6 or even 7 months perhaps.
Perhaps in the future if hardware gets to the point where he can render animations in a few hours instead of taking almost or even entire days, the process will speed up again, but even then there's also the human factor of how much art he's able to pump out.
I respectfully disagree. It would depend on DPC's learning curve. While EP8 took a long time, and since we only had an uptrend, on episodes, learning curve could make EP9 consume the same amount of time as it took to make EP7.
It appears that the conversion format episode importer worked. Unknown how much effort went into that alone.
I am of the opinion, without EP-Interlude, EP9 could have been out by now and DPC would be working on EP10 to get done by a no later than, December time frame.
The idea that EP9, because it has Halloween elements---coming out near the real Halloween time--should have been dismissed. I could have lived with Halloween-themed EP9 being released in May, just to keep the project moving.
Now, because of EP-Interlude, the real content most care about has been pushed back several months.
It is OK to say, when someone asks, "When is the next update (Ep9)": "Up to 10 months after Ep8.
I think after episode 8 was released, he knew that he would not have time to release two episodes in 2023, otherwise he would not have come up with an Interlude. We all understand that the Interlude is a trick from DPC so that the wait for episode 9 will not be so long. But I am glad that he is not trying to inflate the episodes indefinitely and is trying to optimize to the size of 8 episodes. This means that 4000 renders / 300 animations is the limit of its capabilities, which it will adhere to.