DPC does not care about antiNTR complaints, he cares about patreons' money and he is not going to risk a penny on the issue
but the problems of the interlude go a bit beyond the triangle that isn't there, which in the end is just an additional (tendentially pointless) reason for Zoey to leave San Diego (besides the fact that she has no more money of course, who knows why she doesn't have as many fans...)
would like to be an extended story, instead it proceeds in jumps not covering any issue satisfactorily
Zoey goes from wanting to let MC go in her new life (ghosting him) to wanting to be a part of it again by listening to the chatter of a group of uninformed people, who are clearly not sentimentally mature, in a way that is useful to the narrative, but very unnatural
it's all an ups and downs of emotions, at least for me, not very engaging and the Zoey who returns from San Diego is exactly the one who left, the evolution is really minimal, or do you think she now knows what she wants?