The heather content this episode felt like heather is still or even more obsessed (or simply in love) with tommy and still hopes for him to treat her differently than for her to have any kind of deep attraction or even feelings towards tremolo.
And she mentioned how tommy isnt all bad and how they went through hard times together, to me it looks more like shes another ashley and we might get the possibility to get her and tommy back together.
Btw i know a lot of people dislike Tommy but imo he's by far the realest dik lol
The whole dik argument showed once more how everyone in this group but tommy, tremolo and derek are just kinda cowardly followers. Only Derek and Tommy intervened to defend tremolo, and Tommy does that even when you fucked his sister or even when its revealed that you had fun with heather too.
Without Tommy this would be such a boring and bland frat with only boring people in it, all the unique (crazy/dumb) traditions and partys are coming from him (well and maybe partially from vinny lol).
And Tremolo learned a lot about giving partys from tommy, hes pretty good at it this episode and is using tommy style
Tommy is just hilarious, hes a asshat at times but at least he has balls and has your back when it counts.
He's the type of guy who always roasts you but secretly behind your back talks good about you and defends you (like he does when he mentions to quinn how annoyed he is about tremolo being so awesome at everything lol).
And i love how genuinely proud he is about the mc with the stripper photo or getting with sage and stuff like that, he gave props for the rockstar performance too.
Edit: I could imagine us getting a tommy/heather flashback in the future, showing her wheelchair time and how they got together and which troubles they faced and so on