Right. I understand that a 50% speedup in rendering time is not going to equate to a 50% shorter development cycle, because he's doing other dev work while the queue is running.
Rendering at 30fps would likely invert things such that HE is the bottleneck, which might lead to increased stress. However, it may also lead to the elimination of unnecessary development effort.
If he's just waiting on the queue, he might invent unnecessary work for himself just to feel "productive".
But yes, he is probably--by far--the most productive game dev, and his work is among the highest quality in terms of production. Even so, the stubbornness in sticking to 60fps RENDERING as opposed to 30fps rendering -> 60fps animations with AI interpolation is frankly absurd, given the quality comparisons I showed.
But he will do as he wills. I'm not a hater, I just wish we could experience more of his work, and I think the changing the strategy in animation rendering could be a solution.
Well, he changed the animation rendering strategy just as it is now after episode 8, because of the unhealthy work shedule and because he couldnt do stuff he wanted to do because of the stress he was getting into.
Of course its easy to say "well duh, take some breaks idiot" but DPC is not somebody who can do that i think. If there is work to do, he is working.
Before episode 8 he was constantly jumping around like the duracel-commercial-bunny. with a improvised workshedule that took about 12 hours a day. (he talked about it on discord WAAAAAAY back in the days). It took him some time to figure out that he needs a timekeeper like most people have at work, clock in at 8 in morning, clock out at 5 in the evening, and so on... and he figured out, his timekeeper could be the animationqueue... its running out? Pose more, while its running he can work on everything else like he wants to and can plan the work around that queue... it works for him now better than before episode 8.
And he found new fields of development he likes... creating music for example. His "change" of animation strategy gave him the space to do that, and he as fun creating music. So he will not give up in that, more like the opposite. More and more stuff was added to the game which DPC has fun creating. And more and more of that sutff look to us like unnecessary stuff... but DPC doesnt care as long as he has fun creating those things... for example, 60 fps animations, or minigames, or music and so on... is it needed? No. But its needed that DPC has fun creating his game, otherwise he wouldnt do it, and thats something everybody should understand at least. Could he have completed episode 11 in lets say... 9-11 months? Yep for sure... would it have been fun to him? Nope.
If we all could decide how to make our work "more" fun, we all would do it. He is in a position that he can do it... i cant blame him for that. BUT... i can decide to just pay for the release of the episode, not the whole procress until the release (or even get it for free here, but this time i payed, for episode 10 i didnt because episode 9 was not good in my book). And thats fine by me.