
New Member
May 1, 2021
It starts perfectly but once i skip the recap to start the new episode, the whole game would close, if anybody been having this issue and know how to fix it let me know, i didn't install any cheats.


Jul 20, 2017
I started replaying the whole game again for good measure, it's been a while and I wanted to refresh my memories a bit about choices and whatnot, seen a lot of "forshadowing", things that get important way later
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This scene was completly memoryholed for me, or should I say I wasn't paying much attention to it back then. But now reading this, it's unironically made me feel uneasy. A feeling of impending DOOM, escpecialy since I'm on the Bella path with my main save...

Tom Cruise is in the closet ^^


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
It starts perfectly but once i skip the recap to start the new episode, the whole game would close, if anybody been having this issue and know how to fix it let me know, i didn't install any cheats.
Oh there's been loads of people having this issue and you most definitely have installed cheats at some point. Or at least downloaded someone's saves who has.
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The Dick

Oct 22, 2022
To be fair Josy doesn't either esp if its a bad one. She just tolerates tremolo after that
Indeed. She acts like a normal girl. The worst is Jill who forgives even Bella... But... Well... It's Jill... Each one has her reasons, like: Jill is Jill; Bella felt relieved because she won't have to risk her ass because of a frivolous romance; Maya maybe didn't care too much and rather carpet munch with Josy, who's now all hers (at least in her mind); Sage maybe's acting chill but is probably planning to catch Tremolo again. The problem is when we have the 5-girl assembly when one (or two, in MJ's case) is the official girlfriend. Too forced. And when none's the girlfriend but they're all friendly towards each other is too forced too... They would either assemble because they hated Tremolo and formed a club of disgruntled girlfriends or would be competing with each other--and hate each other guts--in case they still hoped for Tremolo's heart. But the average AVN player doesn't like that kind of drama when a girl behaves like the average real-world girl would when she likes a guy and gets dumped. She would be labeled a Yandere (of course, there are many degrees, and the anime one is not even a stereotype but an exaggeration, but,by reducing it to normal proportions, every rejected in-love girl is some kind of Yandere).


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Given the update patch alone for this chapter was fucking 8gigs. You can see the sort of contact he makes. there are some games out there now that have been out for a long time not even anywhere near to touching 8gig of content. Yeah he took his time doing it. but still. that's quite impressive for one man.
Yeah, though iam one of the people who whishes he would cut out some unnecessary stuff so we could get the episodes faster... but thats just not how DPC works. We have to deal with that, otherwise he wouldnt develop the game in the first place.

The peisode would be nearly the same if it would contain lets say... 5000 renders instead of 7000, which could be easy to obtain if he would just recylce more renders than he does... and of course he could do just, lets say... 300 animations instead of 400, and just like that, the DEV cycle would be shorter than 12 months. And nobody would relaly notice the difference to the peisode we see now, excpet... DPC himself. And thats the problem. DPCs doesnt want to "please" the audience, he wants to please himself with his work. Just read his last report on patreon and see how he "bloats" about the achievement of this episode and how proud he is of the way that lays behind him... thats everything he wants. Be proud of his work done. And thats his main motivation. So yeah... he will do just as he likes, and he likes to do all the stuff he does, even if we want to scream "fuck those 60 fps animation, 30 fps is totally fine" to him its not fine at all... he saw how 60 fps look compared to 30 fps, and to him its like day and night... so he wanted to create all the animations at 60 fps, and that was the main reaosn why he upgraded his rigs with RTX4090. So he could do those animations in a reasonable timeframe... not to please "us" just to please himself... thats how DPC ticks.

The Dick

Oct 22, 2022
They're just horrified at the clothes she used to wear back in the 80's, Leg warmers, lots of fluro tracksuits, that type of stuff.

Google horrible 80's fashion and you'll have the exact same look on your face as Maya. :) (y)
Oh... C'mon... Amazing fashion... But Bella ain't that old. If she's around 36 and the game seems to take place in the late 2010s (2018?), she was born in the early 90's and a teen in the mid-to-later Y2Ks. Maybe it's this... She has a Britney Spears's sanctuary in that room.

EDIT: due to my dizziness today I miscalculated... She was born in the 80s, but would be a teenager in the mid-to-late 90s/early Y2Ks, and a young adult in the Y2Ks. Maybe she was a grunge... Worse fashion though.
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Jun 2, 2018
filling up the animation rending queue for his PC slaves and build the overall work shedule around this queue. The PC slaves NEVER idle, they are rendering non stop.
Right. I understand that a 50% speedup in rendering time is not going to equate to a 50% shorter development cycle, because he's doing other dev work while the queue is running.
Rendering at 30fps would likely invert things such that HE is the bottleneck, which might lead to increased stress. However, it may also lead to the elimination of unnecessary development effort.

If he's just waiting on the queue, he might invent unnecessary work for himself just to feel "productive".

But yes, he is probably--by far--the most productive game dev, and his work is among the highest quality in terms of production. Even so, the stubbornness in sticking to 60fps RENDERING as opposed to 30fps rendering -> 60fps animations with AI interpolation is frankly absurd, given the quality comparisons I showed.

But he will do as he wills. I'm not a hater, I just wish we could experience more of his work, and I think the changing the strategy in animation rendering could be a solution.
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Formerly 'HillBillyCowboy'
Sep 21, 2021
Oh... C'mon... Amazing fashion... But Bella ain't that old. If she's around 36 and the game seems to take place in the late 2010s (2018?), she was born in the early 90's and a teen in the mid-to-later Y2Ks. Maybe it's this... She has a Britney Spears's sanctuary in that room.
She might be a Christina fan
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