Well start sharing the secret, buddy. I have no idea where this build up of Josy's questioning her self came from. Hence, why it came out of nowhere in Episode 11.
Thumbs up for your effort, but secrets only made up in peoples mind are hard to follow and even harder to "show" with some kind of "evidence"
Blue Milk is one of those who likes to claim "oooooh i saw that one coming" but never ever mentioned that before in ANY post... so yeah... he didnt saw shit coming. Which is normal, cause there wasnt anything to see.
Josy had some "little" issues like every normal healthy girl had "omg does this look good on me?" "iam a big girl now?" and so on... nothing out of the ordinary besides her relationship with Maya, but even that was a pretty normal relationship for a girl her age...
Its pretty obvious that with episode 9 DPC decided that Josy had not enough drama around her. So he added some... Every girl had some struggles more or less in this game, Josy was the only one without REAL issues. Which made her unique in some way and i liked that. Cause if you had moments with her, you always knew beforehand, they will be good moments or at least some where she will show some nice emotions towards the MC. So... but every girl has to carry a package around, that means, Josy had to get her package too, thats about it.
And everybody who thinks "oooooohhh that was shown since the very first episode" is talking out of their asses.
Basically... NO character in the game is coming along without any drama on their backs. But DPC is kinda winging it when and what drama it will be if he likes to add it into the game...
The Josy thing is just... meh, were not needed and is totally not fitting her image out of season 1+2...
Even the encounter with Oscar cant be a trigger for that... drunk idiot says something stupid while she is in love with the MC but that bothers her thats much, just like that? Ah come on... only people like Blue Milk buy that shit. And that she tried to stand on her toes besides sage... or mentioned her "flat" shoes at the HOT party... oh come on... she is a tiny girl... i know plenty of those. And every one of those is sometimes complaining "ahhh if i just were a few inches taller" Just to say in the next sentence "but i like it that tall guys can carry me around and i fit perfectly in their arms" or something like that... creating a existence crisis out of that is just pure BS.
But thats DPC for you... and being a dik too, EVERYBODY gets their drama, even if its not fitting the situation or the person AT ALL.
So just wait... Camilla is basically the only one left without a heavy package, it will come (didnt mentioned her earlier, because she wasnt that important during the game... she is even less important than Sarah and Mel for the game so far). And than you will see some guys like little Blue Milk come around and say "ooooohhh i saw that one coming miles away" But the same guys didnt even saw coming that Chad is gay, which was REALLY shown since the beginning... but whatever

Its funny to see guys like him who claim to figured all out long ago, while not even DPC has figgured everything out and is clearly adding stuff to each episode which wasnt planned before.
And talking about Josy... he himself talked about it (during the DEV cycle of episode 10, if i remember correclty it was summer 2023 or so) that he wanted to create more "depth" to Josy (i think it was in discord) so yeah... its basically an "new" idea not something planned from the beginning.