Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
Where are you grabbing 'pure evil' from??
Is Quinn evil? Yes!
Pure evil (setting aside that no such thing exists)? Nah.
DPC puts a few moments in the game where Q shows some degree of compassion/understanding.
But those moments don't balance out the nasty shit she does.

Yes. We got a chunk of her backstory. And that makes her actions more understandable.
But it does not make those actions excusable.

You quoted me in your post.. so am I supposed to be the 'this guy' that dislikes Maya??
Not sure where you're getting that. I don't remember ever saying it. It'd be weird if I did, because she's one of my favs.
And as I pointed out in an earlier reply, understanding is what I'm looking for. Read my post again, pure evil is something I'm dismissing as a motivation. Because it's bad writing.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
You're asking an extremely busy forum dedicated to the game if the game is worth playing; of course we're overwhelmingly going to say yes! :p

If you're only interested in kinks, the game might fall flat for you. If you're interested in characters, story, sexy renders, high production values, or just generally understanding all the references people will make to a popular work, I'd say BaDIK is well worth playing.

Thanks, SomboSteel!

Always nice to see Josy, though this is hardly tempting me to renew my pledge. I wonder if this is the same day as the end of Episode 7, or if it is another visit in the future? Alex is wearing the same clothes (that might be his normal workout attire, but it's not what he wore back in Episode 2) and was he waiting near those treadmills in the ending montage.

Sigh. This is what happens when I'm starved for anything better to speculate about. I really hope we get some numbers in tomorrow's update.

I've said before that I think the start of Quinn's hatred of Maya was the sense that Maya looked down on her. But I also think Quinn (and you) exaggerate just how strong Maya's contempt was. Maya called them a bunch of sluts, but a single off-hand remark isn't quite the seething hatred you imply. I don't think Maya really got bitter about Quinn and the other HOTs until after Quinn tried to back out of the free tuition in Episode 6.

As for Maya sincerely apologizing, I'd say it's a distinct possibility if she does join the HOTs. But it would probably only be to certain individuals (and definitely not Quinn), and I think it might be a while before we get to that point.

Recall that during the MC's infamous "Quinn is evil" debacle, Maya herself thought that was overstating things. Clearly she didn't despise Quinn yet. As I said, I think you're reading more into her "slut" comment than was warranted.
View attachment 1240366

As for Josy, she does briefly mention wanting to join a sorority in Episode 4 if you're on the M/J path. And it certainly fits her personality.
View attachment 1240357

I agree, it was quite a surprise. On the other hand, it's not like we spent much time with Sarah. It's not unreasonable there might be more to her than just her relentless crusade against chastity.
I wouldn't describe Maya's attitude as seething hatred, to start with anyway. I think her attitude was one of casual contempt. Yet in my experience showing casual contempt to someone can trigger an enormous backlash.
Jan 30, 2021
Now, if the best claim you have against Maya, the unforgiveble thing you have against her is that she joins the HOT's for money even if she didn't like them. If that's the best you have against her is that.... first let me laugh a little:
Ok, enough.
5 billons of workers do the same every day.

im gonna disagree . she didnt get a job in mcdonalds to pay for her study .

[even mc got 3 jobs to pay for frathouse ( library , The Pink Royce (huehue) and elderly home) ]
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im not judging here .she found super easy way to pay for her college . just dress up like a cheerleader
and go party once a while . why not take an advantage. - its a no brainer
but HOT isnt a workforce .

Maya trust his father. She is unvelieble stupid.
Sage trust Quinn. Noone gives a fuck, she is awesome.
(Because she (sage) is not a cry baby and if she don't like something she take matter i her own hands)

cool ...but that remains to be seen .

Maya dislike the HOT's. She is such a hypocrite.
Quinn dislike Maya. Is Maya fault.
(She(quinn) neither hide it nor she is not a double face snake like maya which wants her father money but everything spouse to be her way. Yes maya is hypocrite.)

Her fathers money ? its her student loan . co-signing would be form of security in case
she cant pay or something .
Also what the actual fuck ? read what you wrote again .
how would even quinn know about her loan ?
And she's clearly not double faced . its called being polite .
She even gave your ass tour of B&R without wanting anything in return.

Maya want someone to pay for her education. She is a lazy whiner and unbelievable stupid.
Everyone else get someone to pay for their education. That's cool.
(Have you even play the game ? Mc got lone for his education and hots have their own for tuition payment, josy fees paid by her father. None of these character are crying they took shit own their own face.)
if you played the game you'd know that she did take a loan !
it was first thing she did.WTF !?

Maya wake up the MC with some nasty action. She is a rapist.
Sage wake up the MC with some nasty action. Thats hot.
(It's feel like you are the one which becoming hypocrite because sage ask mc if he like that or not. Againg have you played the game ?)
dont care if its maya or sage tbh ... ether of em waking me up is ok ( :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: )

Maya lie to the MC. She is a manipulative liar.
Everyone else lie all the time. Hey, dont blame the player, blame the game.
(Who lied ? Josy, she told mc about having a relation on the first date. how much honesty you want ?
Mc : have given every choice to not lie by taking right action, which I can prove choice by choice and not engaging with maya and josy.
Even camila told mc about being in sexual favor for money. Mc told jill about his relation on his date there are many example , you just need to stop looking things from maya's point of view .)

Oh cmon . Josy you may have a point ... how about Sage banging MC while with Chad?
they would fuck on first party if Jacob didnt stop it.
quite sure Arieth lies . Jade and Bruke , Bella ? Derek was cought on video he didnt tell Ash
she found out . Quite sure Tommy lies to Hether . even JamJam lies to Danielle because
he's scared she pregnant - we know she's not males dont have periods .

They all tell the truth to each other about who MC fucks i agree with that.

Maya has two affairs. She is a cheater, you cant trust her.
The MC has 20 affairs. Boys will be boys?
(Are you that desperate to make an argument. Choices are given to mc who he want to engage with is upto player so don't try to band truth. That make you look stupid.
To prove my point as i played, my mc only fucked riona and quinn on being quinn path so no you are completely wrong.)
:( Well can't argue here . cheating and ntr isnt my thing so ...

Maya flirt with the MC. She is using him.
Everyone else flirts with the MC. Natural, its a porn game.
(Yeah she forge great relation with mc in chapter one so she can make sure mc get electric shock in head. You are right didn't used him.:cautious: )

I'm almost sure it was Quinns idea and maya was kept in a dark till the end .
Exactly to stir shit
up between Maya and MC .

So stop trying to use bullshit things like logic or common sense.
(You are no body to tell anyone that what to tell or not tell. It's upto individual person and it's upto platform to decided the rules.)
And you just told Heycock what to tell or not tell yourself :LOL:
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I suggest Heycock and abhishek_tanwar fight to death . the winners arguments will be considered canon .


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2020
I agree with you to that extent. But both of these possible fathers look at the MC in the same way. With Patrick, I could even understand that, because he certainly found out something from Derek. But with the one next to Sage father. Why would he look at a student he doesn't know like that.

Yes, the guy with the short red hair is Sage's father. I zoomed into the eyes of one of the pictures of him and in the right eye I saw that when the MC in EP5 stays with Josy, that Sage lies down with Maya.
Burke is Sage's father.

The one with the red hair is Rustys.

The guy with the bun is Jills.

And the main guy is Lynette father, you can see same suit when Neil talks about him.

Sure reused asset blah blah people said the same thing bout Chad's shoes in Troy's room.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
Burke is Sage's father.

The one with the red hair is Rustys.

The guy with the bun is Jills.

And the main guy is Lynette father, you can see same suit when Neil talks about him.

Sure reused asset blah blah people said the same thing bout Chad's shoes in Troy's room.
And all of this is a assumption, not even one is confirmed yet. And the bun guy can't be Jill's father. Read This.
Jan 30, 2021
Like you, I'm not quite sure about Maya.

I don't think Maya goes to bed with other guys but other women?

The Maya that the MC met first was quite different from the later Maya.

I also have a problem with the Josy Maya flashback. I don't think it's one big review, but it's divided into past and present.

Oh yes, the MC himself points out to us that it is a time play. The same book is also in Maya's to collect in EP3. We know that DPC is not a fan of SciFi, so he probably manipulated the timeline of BaD in the form of memories and a memory loss. The screenshot shows you what the MC is hinting at.
i love you man never change . you theories are awesome . :love::giggle::LOL:
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  • Yay, update!
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018

I haven't got a lot to report this week as I've been focused and worked on animations.

Earlier this week, I reached 100 posed animations, so that's a nice milestone for the episode.

I haven't started working on animations for some scenes I have big plans for yet, and I'm far from done with overall animation work.

However, I will start working on static renders soon to get some previews posted on Patreon.

All in all, it's going well and I have a mountain of work ahead of me for this episode.

Poll news
A cosmetic poll for Maya ended today and it was a split vote between the different tiers - just like last week's poll.

It was very close in all four polls. The $10 and $15 polls voted for option number 2, whereas $25 and +$30 voted for option number 4.

When tallying the votes, the overall result was:

41.2% for option number 2

40.2% for option number 4

And the winner of the poll is thus option number 2.

Soon, a poll for "Special Renders - Other girls" will start. And as mentioned in an earlier update, these redesigned polls will strive towards balancing the number of renders/render sets for the girls. These polls are subject to further change in the future.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake
No point in posting charts this week, since they'd be the same as last week. Not surprising, but still disappointing.

Not the best Maya look (and those bright white pants are going to be a nightmare to clean), but it's not bad.

RIP number 4 :cry::cry::cry: once again the higher tier patreons had the better taste :ROFLMAO: , sadly this time it was not enough:cry:. But her ass will look good in white too(y)

also ename144 will be very sad, no numbers this week. :(
Tell me about it! :cry:

There is one number, though: he reached 100 total posed animations "earlier this week." He reported 83 fully rendered animations last week, and an overall rate of ~14 animations rendered per week. That suggests that he does not have a large queue of posed animations that he's working his way through.

I take this as an indication that DPC has realized his new render setup is capable of outpacing his ability to give it work and thus he needs to change the way to approaches the game. In the old days, he was better off creating large render queues at first then turning to other tasks to ensure there was no wasted rendering time.

In the new days he can render almost a fast as he can pose (faster, for statics), so he's probably better off focusing on other aspects first and only spending a small time posing animations. He can always spend time binging on art if he needs to, as he implies he will do soon.

In other words, I suspect this will be the new normal: lots of vague statements about progress, but relatively few hard numbers until we get late in the process. :(


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2020
And all of this is a assumption, not even one is confirmed yet. And the bun guy can't be Jill's father. Read This.
That links me nowhere.

I assume it's just another half ass theory saying that the guy I'm saying is Papa Jill is actually Father Sage.

Had this conversation many times before, not going to bother again.


Sep 18, 2017
Newb Question:

(Wow look at the politics in this thread LMAO)

Can you play as a girl in this game?

is the amount of content the same as playing as the default Male MC?
Jan 30, 2021
Newb Question:

(Wow look at the politics in this thread LMAO)

Can you play as a girl in this game?

is the amount of content the same as playing as the default Male MC?

it's VN it has a lot of story so your choices are limited to things
game engine can change on the go (Like mcs name and pet names)

changing sex would require tiwce the amount of work not to mention mc joining DIKs
would make very little sense when there is HOT .

in short it can't be done . it would be whole new game


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Just did another play through of this game with mostly a Bella dominated track. Last was a Sage dominated track.

What an amazing piece of work.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Burke is Sage's father.

The one with the red hair is Rustys.

The guy with the bun is Jills.

And the main guy is Lynette father, you can see same suit when Neil talks about him.

Sure reused asset blah blah people said the same thing bout Chad's shoes in Troy's room.
You are very much mistaken. Burke is either an imposter pretending to be Lynette's brother or he really is the MC's uncle.

Rusty's father is either the one with the braid or not there.

The one with the short red hair is Sage's father. To repeat. You should start zooming into the screenshots and looking into the eyes. You can clearly see that Sage is lying down on the bed with Maya in EP5.

The guy in the gray plaid suit is not Lynette's father because his skin tone is way too light. The chin we see from Lynette's father is much darker.
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Jan 30, 2021
Just did another play through of this game with mostly a Bella dominated track. Last was a Sage dominated track.

What an amazing piece of work.
don't let Bella lure you in with her medusa look ... i spent first month playing only Bella route .
be afraid ,be worried ... be very afraid.

I have a screenshot of why I suspect Josy may be related to Jill and they may be twins. One lives with Pete and the other with Jill. This laugh is just as diabolical as Jill's laugh. Maybe the second Josy is a little baby raccoon.:ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1240447
She's not laughing ... this is a face of someone who just peed in the pool :ROFLMAO:

Josus Joestar

Jun 14, 2020
I have a screenshot of why I suspect Josy may be related to Jill and they may be twins. One lives with Pete and the other with Jill. This laugh is just as diabolical as Jill's laugh. Maybe the second Josy is a little baby raccoon.:ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1240447
Lmao, bro, you got your point, but then I realize that there are 3 characters with this exact smile Josy, Jill, and Jade. But Imo I think that this smile is only suited for mommy Jade.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
I have a screenshot of why I suspect Josy may be related to Jill and they may be twins. One lives with Pete and the other with Jill. This laugh is just as diabolical as Jill's laugh. Maybe the second Josy is a little baby raccoon.:ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1240447
She's not laughing ... this is a face of someone who just peed in the pool :ROFLMAO:
Both of you are wrong, She had Weed !!!
Screenshot (371).png

ChipLecsap Save her fast ! She gonna fall down !

Huh, I Saved her....She's mine :giggle: She fell in my arms and kissed me......no sharing
" or we can share "

now whats going on here ? never seen RobertDe giggle before ...
I actually meant to wrote " or we can share.....just kidding......no sharing" But I just realized that the before part got deleted :KEK:
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