Why would I seek justification for Quinn? I'm not really a fan of hers.
What I'm trying to do is understand this story.
As to Quinn's motivations, why does she go after Maya specifically, instead of Ashley or anyone else? You say her motivations are just money but I'm not so sure. We see her argue with Rionna about recruiting Maya but that scavenger hunt list is way over the top of everyone else's. It seems to be more about malice than manipulation.
Your arguement for Maya and the HOTs seems a little circular. Maya does have a motivation to join the HOT's, free tuition, but her contempt for them triggers a hostile environment. But you are blaming the HOT's attitude for failing to change Maya's view of the HOT's, when it's Maya's contempt for the HOT's that's generating their hostile attitude?!?
You seem to be willing to accept any story on it's own terms, well at least any story that gives you sex scene's. I'm more demanding than that, it has to be consistent for me to get immersed in it.
Well, we don't really see to much interaction between Maya and Quinn, beside the beginning of episode 3. In the ep3 scenario we do see a submissive Maya toward Quinn. But what we don't know is their very first meeting. We don't know anything about this, only a brief mention about it by Maya. so your guess is as good as is mine, about how it played out.
With all the other information we have, we can assume a possible scenario. Whether Maya mentioned or not the "Free Tuition", let's assume she did, Quinn not rejected her immediately. if she so despise Maya , She could easily send her away right there, but she did not. While Quinn is not the one who started this rumor, She takes full advantage of it, because its benefit her, benefits her Business. So what She see when she look at Maya? a potential employee. Regardless of your personal feeling about Maya's personality, Maya is Hot, and peoples would pay to Fuck her.
That's what Quinn saw, a Hot girl, in front of her, who is desperate for Money. Whatever Maya reason for needing money, she does not a give a shit about it , it's not her concern. so all its left, is to Test the Bitch. to see, how far she goes , if she is willing or not. Maya natural, submissive behaviour was just an even better thing for Quinn, who is very Dominant, and has a mean personality. Why Quinn have this mean personality, might be worth to explore , but at this moment it is irrelevent. whatever the reason, it can't be an excuse for Trashy behaviour, and we see her behaviour toward those who also close to her, Riona, Tommy, or even toward her dealer friend.
so why Maya list is so extreme? Well, for this Test to see how villing she is , and if Maya also try to switch Mother, it could add extra spice from Quinn. She does not tolerate this kind of things, we see this from the Riona Quinn scenes, when Riona pointing out her failures, She slaps her. So her motivations are clear, of her personality you want to understand, why she is who she is . We are not in that part yet, but we can assume it will be explored at one point. May be only if MC and Her having an intimate relationship.

and if he is not , then, it might not even matter. A Real life example for this, is Me, who actually, don't care what happened to you that makes you this person, who love to smell his own fart, and look down on everybody else.
all what matters is your actions, with that little snarky comment at the end yet again , you seems very judgmental, above everyone else person.
as for Maya creating the Hostile environment herself?!

. seems far stretched. Surely, Sara considering her hypocrite, but so does Sara is hypocrite.
Maya say , girl should not use their body , and Sara call her hypocrite, because what she agreed to do. on the other Hand, Sara does not give a fuck about feminism and yet she goes to the class, becasue easy credit, and "just agree everything they say and they will let you pass" .
I would call both of them as

Who is right who is wrong, who know. But Maya, Josy, Ashley all pointed out, that it feels a little harsh for them, while for girls like Lilly, she was fine.
In the end of the day, its hard to blame Maya for everything. She made her mistakes by not asking more specific questions, but when she tried , Sage arrived, Quinn shoot her down, and her desperations to get out of her situation bring out the worst from her. While Quinn takes advantage of it all, until it was no longer benefits for her.
That is why, this is really on Sage. She gave no shit about anything , but once she does, she goes around and try to fix the things. If she only did it faster, things might have been different, but does this really matter?! I think not.
No need to response, please

. I will respect your opinion and move on