
Active Member
Jan 29, 2020
I would not complain about a threesome with her and Lily but I am also dying to have a moment alone with her because more than sex I want to see the side of Nicole that we do not usually see
A little hangout with Nicole to get to know her more could be nice ! I would also like to meet her son ! The quickest way to a MILF heart is the proof that you can be a good baby daddy. ;) Let’s just hope he won’t be a cock-block...


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
*Sage and hots were supposed to be at the diks party but at the last moment they ditched them for the preps
It wasn't 'at the last moment'.
We know it was arranged with Tybalt before the car wash.
The HOTs just didn't have the decency to tell the DIKs that they weren't coming.
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Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Why would I seek justification for Quinn? I'm not really a fan of hers.

What I'm trying to do is understand this story.

As to Quinn's motivations, why does she go after Maya specifically, instead of Ashley or anyone else? You say her motivations are just money but I'm not so sure. We see her argue with Rionna about recruiting Maya but that scavenger hunt list is way over the top of everyone else's. It seems to be more about malice than manipulation.

Your arguement for Maya and the HOTs seems a little circular. Maya does have a motivation to join the HOT's, free tuition, but her contempt for them triggers a hostile environment. But you are blaming the HOT's attitude for failing to change Maya's view of the HOT's, when it's Maya's contempt for the HOT's that's generating their hostile attitude?!?

You seem to be willing to accept any story on it's own terms, well at least any story that gives you sex scene's. I'm more demanding than that, it has to be consistent for me to get immersed in it.
Well, we don't really see to much interaction between Maya and Quinn, beside the beginning of episode 3. In the ep3 scenario we do see a submissive Maya toward Quinn. But what we don't know is their very first meeting. We don't know anything about this, only a brief mention about it by Maya. so your guess is as good as is mine, about how it played out.

With all the other information we have, we can assume a possible scenario. Whether Maya mentioned or not the "Free Tuition", let's assume she did, Quinn not rejected her immediately. if she so despise Maya , She could easily send her away right there, but she did not. While Quinn is not the one who started this rumor, She takes full advantage of it, because its benefit her, benefits her Business. So what She see when she look at Maya? a potential employee. Regardless of your personal feeling about Maya's personality, Maya is Hot, and peoples would pay to Fuck her.
That's what Quinn saw, a Hot girl, in front of her, who is desperate for Money. Whatever Maya reason for needing money, she does not a give a shit about it , it's not her concern. so all its left, is to Test the Bitch. to see, how far she goes , if she is willing or not. Maya natural, submissive behaviour was just an even better thing for Quinn, who is very Dominant, and has a mean personality. Why Quinn have this mean personality, might be worth to explore , but at this moment it is irrelevent. whatever the reason, it can't be an excuse for Trashy behaviour, and we see her behaviour toward those who also close to her, Riona, Tommy, or even toward her dealer friend.
so why Maya list is so extreme? Well, for this Test to see how villing she is , and if Maya also try to switch Mother, it could add extra spice from Quinn. She does not tolerate this kind of things, we see this from the Riona Quinn scenes, when Riona pointing out her failures, She slaps her. So her motivations are clear, of her personality you want to understand, why she is who she is . We are not in that part yet, but we can assume it will be explored at one point. May be only if MC and Her having an intimate relationship. :unsure:.
and if he is not , then, it might not even matter. A Real life example for this, is Me, who actually, don't care what happened to you that makes you this person, who love to smell his own fart, and look down on everybody else.
all what matters is your actions, with that little snarky comment at the end yet again , you seems very judgmental, above everyone else person.

as for Maya creating the Hostile environment herself?! :unsure:. seems far stretched. Surely, Sara considering her hypocrite, but so does Sara is hypocrite.
Maya say , girl should not use their body , and Sara call her hypocrite, because what she agreed to do. on the other Hand, Sara does not give a fuck about feminism and yet she goes to the class, becasue easy credit, and "just agree everything they say and they will let you pass" .

I would call both of them as :unsure::unsure: Human.
Who is right who is wrong, who know. But Maya, Josy, Ashley all pointed out, that it feels a little harsh for them, while for girls like Lilly, she was fine.

In the end of the day, its hard to blame Maya for everything. She made her mistakes by not asking more specific questions, but when she tried , Sage arrived, Quinn shoot her down, and her desperations to get out of her situation bring out the worst from her. While Quinn takes advantage of it all, until it was no longer benefits for her.

That is why, this is really on Sage. She gave no shit about anything , but once she does, she goes around and try to fix the things. If she only did it faster, things might have been different, but does this really matter?! I think not.

No need to response, please :). I will respect your opinion and move on :)
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Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
Sage said Quinn was supposed to tell the DIKs, but she didn't.
Right. Exactly as I said, just with different words. :p
The HOTs didn't tell the DIKs.
As I've pointed out a few times. The point of Greek Orders is community. Acting and taking responsibility as a group.
Quinn, as VP, did not do her job. Therefore the HOTs, as a group, have to take responsibility for that.
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Sep 3, 2017
Sage said Quinn was supposed to tell the DIKs, but she didn't.
It is kind of comical tho, that in 2017-2018 no one contacted anyone at the DiK's in time to give them a warning for ditching them at such an important date. No matter if Sage just said "lol let Quinn do it", it's INSERT_CURRENT_YEAR, how come no one sent a message? All the girls just gone from the face of the earth to the point the DiK's had to hunt for them, it's almost like someone paid to keep it hush-hush from the DiK's. Not even Helena or Heather, it's way too suspicious man. Sage's 'just a prank bro' is not good enough of an explanation for me dawg.


Feb 13, 2018
It is kind of comical tho, that in 2017-2018 no one contacted anyone at the DiK's in time to give them a warning for ditching them at such an important date. No matter if Sage just said "lol let Quinn do it", it's INSERT_CURRENT_YEAR, how come no one sent a message? All the girls just gone from the face of the earth to the point the DiK's had to hunt for them, it's almost like someone paid to keep it hush-hush from the DiK's. Not even Helena or Heather, it's way too suspicious man. Sage's 'just a prank bro' is not good enough of an explanation for me dawg.
Most people prefer to avoid drama, so I'd guess when the HOTs decided to go to the other party the girls just evaded the topic, I mean no one wanna be the messenger with the bad news. It's kinda awkward and complicates stuff, if there's anything they don't like most likely it's awkward and complicated stuff. :D


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
does the fact that mc can call her at any time (every free roam..) and that, having chosen to work at pink rose, he should see her often count for anything?

not even that with the VIP pass we can see both her and Tania (which for the story of Tommy will have some importance)?

I'm not saying she's the seventh LIs, but I don't think she's a one night stand like Nora (who isn't necessarily a one night stand either)
I think DPC sure as hell intends for her to be a regular thing, no way he sets up the whole VIP pass/“Text you when I’m available” for a one episode thing. Game explicitly drops a forth wall break to tell you she will be available during certain free roam events.

That said, in my opinion she’s kinda superfluous. It comes across like he needed something to make the VIP pass worth a damn, make winning hell week worth something and Madame Whatever was spat out without impacting the plot.

Personal opinion... she’s like the Cathy/Jade dreams. A vehicle to get porn into the game with no real impact on the plot. But I agree DPC has every intention of her being a regular feature. I could be wrong... but the game didn’t need another stripper. Didn’t need anyone else from the pink rose for the MC to fuck. In my opinion Madame brings nothing new to the table other than porn scenes.


Sep 3, 2017
Most people prefer to avoid drama, so I'd guess when the HOTs decided to go to the other party the girls just evaded the topic, I mean no one wanna be the messenger with the bad news. It's kinda awkward and complicates stuff, if there's anything they don't like most likely it's awkward and complicated stuff. :D
That would be a huge plot contrive tho. Helena who is joined by the hip with John-boy said nothing when Sage just came party time and told them they were going to a different party? Heather who is very clearly in love with Tommy, said nothing to him, when she knows how much initiation means to Tommy? Like I'm not asking for them to go running and tell on Sage, but come on. Helena would at least send a message to John-boy saying something about having to go to a party at the Preps during the initiation party, so would Heather, Maya and Josy wouldn't know anything until they got their phones striped, but it's just to much of a contrivance to me.

Either Sage is just playing dumb and they were meant to leave the DiK's hanging in the air, which would make sense on why Quinn is taking the heat since that being the scape-goat would be a show of trust to Sage, and Sage does trust a hell of a lot in Quinn. We do see them discussing not going to the party at the Car-wash, so how come this whole time it remained a secret? No HoT knew (at least not Helena, Heather, Maya, or Josy) until they were unavailable? It really tickles my dingleberry man.

Anyway, I would like to toss the blame on Quinn as much as the next guy, but this is at the very least a HoT fuck-up, if not malicious in nature (getting paid to leave the DiK's hanging), and Sage is the main culprit, she is the President she has the responsibility, and she is incapable of picking a fucking phone and calling Rusty? Come on... For the first time, it seems Quinn is being a good VP and taking the heat personally over the sorority.

Sage: Girls we are going to a party with the preps, dress fancy.
Helena: Wait let me just tell John-boy we won't be making his party.

Boom Secret is out. Alternatively:

Sage: Girls we are going to the prep party, dress fancy.
Heather: Does Tommy know of this, initiation means a lot to him.

I feel something is fishy, just saying.
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Aug 23, 2020
Quick question: are the episodes self-contained, or do they all end on a cliff-hanger like a Telltale game? How about the seasons?

I'm asking because I generally don't enjoy playing these kinds of games when the story is cut off halfway through.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
It seems that way doesn't it. My general impression is that progress seems a bit more sluggish for ep 8 so far though. I don't know if that's just because I'm getting more hyped up with every ep development cycle and more hungry for news, or if he's hit some kind of genuine block somewhere, but my recollection of the updates for ep 7 are that there was a lot more info by this stage, he really seemed to hit the ground running with it. He still has to be aiming for October at the latest though, surely?
The thing is that we just don't know how far along development is. DPC has decided not to crank out renders at top speed, but that doesn't mean he's been idle. Episode 7 spent most of the final month of development with renders largely complete while DPC finished other features. It's quite possible he's trying to finish those non-render tasks earlier this time. But it's also possible he's focusing on other tasks (like preparing Season 2 for Steam) and progress on the actual episode is just slower than Episode 7. With no meaningful metrics, there's no way to tell.

For now, I think we'll just have to set reasonable expectations and hope for the best until we finally get some meaningful data.

I’m feeling left out of today’s discussions so I’m gonna weigh in with my own theories.

Does anyone else think Jill’s horse is actually the step-father of MC’s grandfather’s champion racing dog?

I mean. The horse exists... the rest I’m just extrapolating. The implications are staggering though. How did a horse end up raising a dog? Some animals have been known to “adopt” other species young.

Looking at the horse it’s about old enough to care for a puppy. Dogs live 10+ years depending on the breed. Nothing in the story specifically says MC’s Grandfather didn’t raise racing dogs and he has a track record of things under his care running off to be with someone else.

That's a ridiculous theory! I'm very disappointed in you, Mindern.
Jill's horse is obviously the step-mother of the MC's grandfather's champion racing dog. ;)

that without a doubt

but the contrast remains between how much she is willing to trust her two main tormentors, and how much she finds it difficult to trust MC, whose every revelation seems to require a test to be passed.

Of course she trusts Quinn mainly out of desperation, but that the mistrust that Quinn deserves should be paid for by MC is, let's say, not the best.

As if trust is a finite resource and since she has to give it undeservedly to Quinn, then she can't give it deservedly to MC as well.

it is a constant in every dialogue between them to ask each other for sincerity and always to grant only a piece of it, and this constancy, personally but I don't think it was just my feeling, has created a general climate of distrust, whatever Maya says, I expect there is something more

Most of the time it's been revelations about the loan issue (which I could have done without) but other times it's been important passages, most recently the issue of the room key.

For example, we know that she was at home for a family lunch in the last chapter, so I assume that during this lunch something happened, something that will be revealed from here on.
I don't really think that's a valid comparison. Maya never told Quinn about her relationship with Josy, or why she needed the money, but she was about to tell the MC when Josy arrived. Maya's "trust" for Quinn is really just a result of having no alternative to doing what Quinn says.

Her trust in her father is at least a little stronger since she did sign the "student loan" without reading it, but she clearly views that as a mistake in retrospect. Again, though, it's not clear how much trust she puts in her dad's plan to inform Derek before he visits because what options did Maya have if she disbelieved him? In fact, right after Derek told her about being informed, Maya was resolute that she needed to get the free tuition ASAP to avoid having to trust her father.

In short, I think you're comparing apples and oranges here. Maya was slow to trust the MC with her deepest, most painful secrets. She was much faster to trust her dad and Quinn, but only with things Maya had no practical way to avoid trusting them (and she was reluctant to trust her dad even that far).

I think DPC sure as hell intends for her to be a regular thing, no way he sets up the whole VIP pass/“Text you when I’m available” for a one episode thing. Game explicitly drops a forth wall break to tell you she will be available during certain free roam events.

That said, in my opinion she’s kinda superfluous. It comes across like he needed something to make the VIP pass worth a damn, make winning hell week worth something and Madame Whatever was spat out without impacting the plot.

Personal opinion... she’s like the Cathy/Jade dreams. A vehicle to get porn into the game with no real impact on the plot. But I agree DPC has every intention of her being a regular feature. I could be wrong... but the game didn’t need another stripper. Didn’t need anyone else from the pink rose for the MC to fuck. In my opinion Madame brings nothing new to the table other than porn scenes.
Well, I wouldn't put Madame's scenes quite at the level of those Jade/Cathy dreams (which can rot in AVN hell where they belong), but I otherwise agree. We needed another stripper like Arieth needed fewer inhibitions. At least give Brandi the job, the poor girl might as well be invisible!

DPC really should have just added more exclusive content with the existing Pink Rose girls, but he was probably worried about needing to account for extra variables in future Pink Rose scenes. Which is fancy way of saying he needs to make sure winning the VIP pass is as meaningless as possible. $10 well spent, Rusty. :rolleyes:

That would be a huge plot contrive tho. Helena who is joined by the hip with John-boy said nothing when Sage just came party time and told them they were going to a different party? Heather who is very clearly in love with Tommy, said nothing to him, when she knows how much initiation means to Tommy? Like I'm not asking for them to go running and tell on Sage, but come on. Helena would at least send a message to John-boy saying something about having to go to a party at the Preps during the initiation party, so would Heather, Maya and Josy wouldn't know anything until they got their phones striped, but it's just to much of a contrivance to me.

Either Sage is just playing dumb and they were meant to leave the DiK's hanging in the air, which would make sense on why Quinn is taking the heat since that being the scape-goat would be a show of trust to Sage, and Sage does trust a hell of a lot in Quinn. We do see them discussing not going to the party at the Car-wash, so how come this whole time it remained a secret? No HoT knew (at least not Helena, Heather, Maya, or Josy) until they were unavailable? It really tickles my dingleberry man.

Anyway, I would like to toss the blame on Quinn as much as the next guy, but this is at the very least a HoT fuck-up, if not malicious in nature (getting paid to leave the DiK's hanging), and Sage is the main culprit, she is the President she has the responsibility, and she is incapable of picking a fucking phone and calling Rusty? Come on... For the first time, it seems Quinn is being a good VP and taking the heat personally over the sorority.

Sage: Girls we are going to a party with the preps, dress fancy.
Helena: Wait let me just tell John-boy we won't be making his party.

Boom Secret is out. Alternatively:

Sage: Girls we are going to the prep party, dress fancy.
Heather: Does Tommy know of this, initiation means a lot to him.

I feel something is fishy, just saying.
I'm not seeing the problem here. First, we don't really know if the rank-and-file HOTs normally know what their upcoming events are; it wouldn't shock me to learn most of them just go with the flow.

Second and more importantly, there weren't many opportunities to tell anyone. Sage confirmed the changed plans during the car wash, which was at most about 8 hours before the party began. I doubt the other girls would be told before then. There wasn't a lot of warning. And once the other girls learned, it's not like any of them would want to call their SOs to discuss HOT business in front of Quinn or Sage, so there would only be a small window of time for this to come up in normal conversations.

Lastly, even if they knew they were ditching the DIKS, why would any them be so eager to tell the DIKs the bad news? Sage and Quinn would presumably say the DIKs already knew the change of plans (which Sage honestly believed), so there wouldn't be any urgency to confirming it. Why not wait until tomorrow when the DIKs will have had a chance to calm down a bit?

Really, the only reason any of the HOTs would go out of their way to talk to the DIKs about the ANO party is if they thought the DIKs didn't know about the change, and there's no reason to think any of them did. We only saw Heather questioning Sage's leadership after the party.


Sep 3, 2017
I'm not seeing the problem here. First, we don't really know if the rank-and-file HOTs normally know what their upcoming events are; it wouldn't shock me to learn most of them just go with the flow.

Second and more importantly, there weren't many opportunities to tell anyone. Sage confirmed the changed plans during the car wash, which was at most about 8 hours before the party began. I doubt the other girls would be told before then. There wasn't a lot of warning.
I will have to disagree here. In my supposition, I already took into account the HoT's being kept in the dark until the last minute possible, but let's remember here, they did not dress normally, it was a fancy party, so they needed to dress fancy, hence Sage would need to give them at least a few hours to prepare. The only way it would remain a secret during these hours with Maya, Josy, Helena, and Heather knowing is if Sage (or Quinn) explicitly told them to remain radio silent.

And once the other girls learned, it's not like any of them would want to call their SOs to discuss HOT business in front of Quinn or Sage, so there would only be a small window of time for this to come up in normal conversations.
Maybe for girls like Camilla, Riona, Sarah, Melanie, sure they wouldn't want to get in between anything. But Helena? Heather?

You gotta give me at least Helena, in what kind of a relationship does one paramour keep the other in the dark?

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Again we are talking about a modern setting, they have cellphones they can very easily send messages without alerting Warden Sage or Warden Quinn.

Lastly, even if they knew they were ditching the DIKS, why would any them be so eager to tell the DIKs the bad news? Sage and Quinn would presumably say the DIKs already knew the change of plans (which Sage honestly believed), so there wouldn't be any urgency to confirming it. Why not wait until tomorrow when the DIKs will have had a chance to calm down a bit?
Most of them would, But again Helena and Heather wouldn't. Presumably Sage didn't tell anyone which is super weird, just Quinn, until the last moment, and then still forsook the opportunity to just tell Rusty directly FFS WE HAVE SMARTPHONES! You don't need to send a formal letter.

Second, why would you think in the morning it would be any better? It would be worse, they just slept on feeling betrayed the anger would turn into bitterness. They had their initiation ceremony ruined by the HoT's after they took a huge risk to hire them over the pink rose, in the morning it would be a lot worse.

Really, the only reason any of the HOTs would go out of their way to talk to the DIKs about the ANO party is if they thought the DIKs didn't know about the change, and there's no reason to think any of them did. We only saw Heather questioning Sage's leadership after the party.
Not go out of the way, but literally, just call theirs SO's to talk about it, Jesus it's weird that they either didn't or they couldn't. You receive some bad news like that you don't hide from your SO, WTF, you tell them directly, Helena not calling to talk to John-boy about it is huge contrivance in this whole plot for me.

Granted the whole plot is useless since, the DiK's run back to the HoT's since they have a hot pussy monopoly on campus, and Tommy goes back to Quinn, due to the fact she has a drug monopoly on campus, leaving all parties exactly where they started.

But yes, it's a huge contrivance that neither Helena nor Heather contacted John-boy or Tommy when they heard about the party change, even if told they that already new. People in relationships don't hide behind other people, I can squeeze my eyes and say maybe Heather would, but Helena wouldn't hide from John-boy over something like this.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, and this deal (Diks and Hots) was brokered by Quinn, which would make her even less likely to be the one to want to screw them over by keeping them in the dark, and as I previously explained it is impossible that this whole situation was kept under wraps on accident. Hence the reason I think Quinn is taking one for the team here.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I will have to disagree here. In my supposition, I already took into account the HoT's being kept in the dark until the last minute possible, but let's remember here, they did not dress normally, it was a fancy party, so they needed to dress fancy, hence Sage would need to give them at least a few hours to prepare. The only way it would remain a secret during these hours with Maya, Josy, Helena, and Heather knowing is if Sage (or Quinn) explicitly told them to remain radio silent.

Maybe for girls like Camilla, Riona, Sarah, Melanie, sure they wouldn't want to get in between anything. But Helena? Heather?

You gotta give me at least Helena, in what kind of a relationship does one paramour keep the other in the dark?

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Again we are talking about a modern setting, they have cellphones they can very easily send messages without alerting Warden Sage or Warden Quinn.

Most of them would, But again Helena and Heather wouldn't. Presumably Sage didn't tell anyone which is super weird, just Quinn, until the last moment, and then still forsook the opportunity to just tell Rusty directly FFS WE HAVE SMARTPHONES! You don't need to send a formal letter.

Second, why would you think in the morning it would be any better? It would be worse, they just slept on feeling betrayed the anger would turn into bitterness. They had their initiation ceremony ruined by the HoT's after they took a huge risk to hire them over the pink rose, in the morning it would be a lot worse.

Not go out of the way, but literally, just call theirs SO's to talk about it, Jesus it's weird that they either didn't or they couldn't. You receive some bad news like that you don't hide from your SO, WTF, you tell them directly, Helena not calling to talk to John-boy about it is huge contrivance in this whole plot for me.

Granted the whole plot is useless since, the DiK's run back to the HoT's since they have a hot pussy monopoly on campus, and Tommy goes back to Quinn, due to the fact she has a drug monopoly on campus, leaving all parties exactly where they started.

But yes, it's a huge contrivance that neither Helena nor Heather contacted John-boy or Tommy when they heard about the party change, even if told they that already new. People in relationships don't hide behind other people, I can squeeze my eyes and say maybe Heather would, but Helena wouldn't hide from John-boy over something like this.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, and this deal (Diks and Hots) was brokered by Quinn, which would make her even less likely to be the one to want to screw them over by keeping them in the dark, and as I previously explained it is impossible that this whole situation was kept under wraps on accident. Hence the reason I think Quinn is taking one for the team here.
As I tried to explain to you, the DIKs weren't in the dark (as far as they knew). What was the rush to discuss something the DIKs already know? The HOTs changing plans might be a bummer, but there would be plenty of other opportunities to party with the DIKs. It only became a disaster because Quinn ducked out of warning the DIKs, and we know Quinn kept that part a secret.

And that's assuming the HOTs knew they were originally going to be at the DIKs; Heather clearly did not know that.

I agree that Elena would probably have learned about the Hell Week plans from John Boy if nothing else, but again, there was no pressing need to discuss the disappointing news right then. You say the girls must have had some warning since they had to get dressed, but they already knew they were going to a party and it's not like they changed to clothes especially suited to the prep party. It's likely they really did learn at the last minute since Quinn wanted to keep this quiet.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
The problem we run into when we hang out on the forums (too much? :unsure: ) discussing a piece of writing is that we run out of big things to talk about. Then we start nit-picking little things and, maybe, reading too much into it when it doesn't line up with reality.

Reminder: Suspension of disbelief.

You're absolutely correct that in reality there's almost zero chance one of the girl-friends wouldn't have mentioned it to their DIK boyfriend. Or any of that HOTs wouldn't have said something on social media.
But the B&R campus is a work of fiction.
We apply 'suspension of disbelief', accept that this is the way it happened because that's the way the author said it happened.

If DPC were to try and write it to line up with reality it would A) bore you to death, and B) make 'War and Peace' look like a light read.

We should discuss our theories of character motivations, where the story is going, what we don't exactly like about the story, etc, etc. to our hearts content.

But when you catch yourself nit-picking details, remind yourself of those 3 words. 'Suspension of disbelief' ;)

On the topic of suspension of disbelief...
Why doesn't anyone complain about the MC being hung such that it'd make porn stars jealous?
Where's the complaints that:
"Hey! That guy is short and most short guys have short cocks! It's not real enough!
I want to play a short MC that a realistically small dick!!!"
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
If DPC were to try and write it to line up with reality it would A) bore you to death, and B) make 'War and Peace' look like a light read.
2 things:

I would totally play a porn version of War and Peace, (Oh, Prince Nikoláievich Bolkonsky, you are so huge)

Secondly, you remind me of this:

Third, (suspension of disbelief), but you are right, we need to argue something besides wich girl is the hottest and who is everyone biggest fan.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
I think that if DPC starts to read all this comments on the story, he will die laughing and the game will never be finished!!:ROFLMAO:

My god it's fun to start guessing who did what for what reason but we must keep in mind that this story is certaintly much more simple than we imagine!!
And it's not a realistic world, it's a parodic college setting where the priority is set to fun and not to create a realistic environment where everything matches.
So there are certainly a lot of holes in the plot and as your choices can have consequeneces it's still more difficult to maintain a stable core story, so what DPC has done is great but don't expect miracles!.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
2 things:

I would totally play a porn version of War and Peace, (Oh, Prince Nikoláievich Bolkonsky, you are so huge)

Secondly, you remind me of this:

Third, (suspension of disbelief), but you are right, we need to argue something besides wich girl is the hottest and who is everyone biggest fan.
GOD DAMN YOU Heycock!!!! :devilish:

You just had to remind me about Community. I loved that show.
Now you've just added another show to my list of shit to binge watch.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
As I tried to explain to you, the DIKs weren't in the dark (as far as they knew). What was the rush to discuss something the DIKs already know? The HOTs changing plans might be a bummer, but there would be plenty of other opportunities to party with the DIKs. It only became a disaster because Quinn ducked out of warning the DIKs, and we know Quinn kept that part a secret.

And that's assuming the HOTs knew they were originally going to be at the DIKs; Heather clearly did not know that.
View attachment 1241833

I agree that Elena would probably have learned about the Hell Week plans from John Boy if nothing else, but again, there was no pressing need to discuss the disappointing news right then. You say the girls must have had some warning since they had to get dressed, but they already knew they were going to a party and it's not like they changed to clothes especially suited to the prep party. It's likely they really did learn at the last minute since Quinn wanted to keep this quiet.
About that party, we can see a few days before Quinn and Riona talking about a way to get some money and Quinn said she has a plan and that Sage will be a part of it.
So Quinn has negociated a price with the preps then has convinced Sage to accept that offer because the HOTs need money, but Quinn will keep a large part of it for herself and she also wanted to organize some "event" for presenting Mona to some sponsors and get also money from this. There was aloso a girl who was quite upset in the second floor, i guess Ashley maybe, she certainly also had to "confort" some sponsor for her scholarship!!
Sage told Quinn to tell the DIKs about all this but she didn't because she was worried that the DIKs would have a bad reaction and cause some difficulties and she wanted all this to be as discreet as possible because of the scam she organised.
So Sage certainly told the HOTs to not tell anything to the DIKs and let Quinn explain it officially.
Quin did not say a word hoping that the party will be over before the DIKs will be aware of it. Unfortunately Arieth was stupid, went the the wrong party and caused the DIK to understand that the HOTs were partying with the preps.
And all the shit started!!
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