
New Member
Jun 10, 2020
It's funny, this is the only game (mainstream or not) that the minute I finished it (that was up to episode 5 at the time), I went back and immediately started replaying it from a different angle.

I feel the writing is the perfect balance between too wordy (exposition style), and too terse (blunt and emotionless). The characters speak in their own unique styles and you never feel you're just reading lines from the one writer.

Also (depending on your opinion of the DnG games which I personally like), I feel none of the scenes overstay their welcome. First time through I never broke from immersion, and never considered speeding through the dialogue.

Definitely a gem. (y)

For something to focus on after you've finished ep7, here's a link to a table that another dude started that details all the loose ends worth discussing.

Completely agreed. Also, thanks for the thread link. I've pondered quite a few of those questons via playthrough and often come to the same conclusion the game arrived at. A few surprises here and there as well, and lots of unanswered questions. It's always a lot of fun.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
Very well said.:).and this is much more than just minus 2 relationship, and Jill should behave in this or that way. Once again as so often in this game, Context matters. This Picnic is more important for Jill than MC. Because this is all happening right after Tybalt's shenanigans. let's drop why Jill believes him, and all the other part, this is all of the effect of her inexperience of real life. Regardless, Tybalt painting a narrative about MC that confuse Jill, and she begin to doubt not only MC but herself, as we see when she practice the piano song.

so this Birthday picnic, is kind of reinforcing Jill about her feelings and her decisions. " Tybalt is wrong about Him, I know it" . or something like this. But if you Reject her, You don't have this emotional adventure with Jill, and because she will not have this, she will be different with the MC, as we can see in ep 7. She run into MC, on the hallway and kind of distant with him, more cold, and kind of making up her mind about that MC is guilty.

Whereas with Sage, She simply does not need this emotional confirmation about MC. That is why it does not have effect if you visit her or not. She already made her mind about the MC, even pointing out to Bella that MC is a good guy, to Bella's surprise:ROFLMAO:.

so all in all, where it might be a moral decision to you, visiting a sick friend, and you might expect Jill to be fine with it, in reality to Jill it's much more than just a canceled picnic.
Talking about emotions, we can say that Jill is all about emotions with the MC, she likes him and is constantly asking herself if she has to go on with him and react each time something happens to the MC with a real concern.
On the other hand Sage is almost not emotional with the MC, she likes him as a fuckbuddy and when she shares emotions with him it's not about their own relation but about her relation with Chad.
And the MC noticed it and was reluctant to go on with her after they talk in the DIK's mansion library. She doesn't seem to understand or either want to have a deep relation with the MC, another example was her reaction during the HOT's party when she saw Chad in the hallway, we can clearly see that it's not over at all.

From all the 5 main girls i would say that Sage is the least interested for the moment, we can see that Bella and JIll really are and of course Josy and Maya.

Of course if you base your interest on the fucking you can get and think the girl is yours because you can fuck her brainsout, i think you may get some bad surprise.
We will see in the next update how the scene with Chad and Troy will end up and how or if Sage will react to this and finaly make her choice.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
the almost complete lack of consequences of the fourth chapter is one of the most lazily written parts of BADIK

it's not just Bella who pretends afterwards to know nothing about MC's love woes (and by far she's the most justified).

Jill, who comes to know about it in every Route, will never ask him about it, even to the point of marveling at the presentation that actually Mc and Josy could have been "serious".

But even Sage, who in case he's fuckbuddy, can't not know completely forgets what happened, never a reference to how it went down afterwards.

the only one who hasn't suffered this selective amnesia is Josy who at least in the seventh chapter asks Mc about his relationship with Jill
Most of the LIs know the MC is dating multiple girls, but Sage and Jill don't know that two of those girls were also dating each other. That's the crucial piece of information Bella has (assuming the MC stays with her during Episode 4).

As for amnesia, I'm not sure I agree. Asking a potential boyfriend about your romantic rivals is a rather delicate matter, so I don't find it surprising that it hasn't come up often. Josy asked about it when she and the MC were alone and Jill came up (and you'll note she doesn't push the issue, even if the MC ducks the question). I don't recall any of the other girls having that sort of opportunity. (Unless you count Bella and Cathy's panties, but that was a slightly different situation.)

I'm back what did I miss?
Welcome back. I think everyone else has hit the highlights. Odds are we won't get many new numbers in tomorrow's update, so you can read my take on last week's update here.

Does anyone know how to change the MC name in the scene galleries? Is there a file or something to do so?
In Episodes 1-6, you go into the Bios app on the phone, click the three dots in the top right, and then enter a new name on the next screen.
Name_change_1.jpg Name_change_2.jpg
With the new phone in Episode 7, go to the Settings app and adjust the name there.

Very well said.:).and this is much more than just minus 2 relationship, and Jill should behave in this or that way. Once again as so often in this game, Context matters. This Picnic is more important for Jill than MC. Because this is all happening right after Tybalt's shenanigans. let's drop why Jill believes him, and all the other part, this is all of the effect of her inexperience of real life. Regardless, Tybalt painting a narrative about MC that confuse Jill, and she begin to doubt not only MC but herself, as we see when she practice the piano song.

so this Birthday picnic, is kind of reinforcing Jill about her feelings and her decisions. " Tybalt is wrong about Him, I know it" . or something like this. But if you Reject her, You don't have this emotional adventure with Jill, and because she will not have this, she will be different with the MC, as we can see in ep 7. She run into MC, on the hallway and kind of distant with him, more cold, and kind of making up her mind about that MC is guilty.

Whereas with Sage, She simply does not need this emotional confirmation about MC. That is why it does not have effect if you visit her or not. She already made her mind about the MC, even pointing out to Bella that MC is a good guy, to Bella's surprise:ROFLMAO:.

so all in all, where it might be a moral decision to you, visiting a sick friend, and you might expect Jill to be fine with it, in reality to Jill it's much more than just a canceled picnic.
Shazba already said almost everything I was going to say on this topic, so I'll just focus on this part.

I agree that Jill is placing a lot more significance on the MC turning down her date because of how it plays into the Tybalt blackmail situation, but I strongly dislike that for two main reasons. First, the MC has no way of knowing about that situation (without metagaming) because Jill is deliberately keeping him in the dark. Jill should be smart enough to recognize that fact - maybe not immediately, but at least by the time the MC is sneaking into her room after the tennis game. Given that Jill's already stuck looking like an idiot in this interminable blackmail subplot, the last thing we need is for her to double down on being stupid.

My second issue is the metagaming aspect I mentioned. I shouldn't have to deliberately avoid calling Sage on my Jill run just so that MC can go on a plot-critical date with a clear conscience. I should be able to make rational decisions based on the information the MC knows at the time. Missing a few RPs with Jill is of no consequence. Missing Jill's first big lewd scene is frustrating but acceptable (especially since the MC himself wouldn't see it anyway). But missing the morning jog with her at the end of Episode 7 (and thus Jill's first attempt at deliberately risque behavior with MC), that is pushing things too far IMHO. Choosing Sage over Jill in that instance doesn't say much about how important Jill is to an MC, so making that the key to gating progress with Jill really knocks me out of the narrative and reminds me I'm playing a game. I'd much rather tie Jill's potential reticence into something meaningful.
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Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
I don't recall any of the other girls having that sort of opportunity. (Unless you count Bella and Cathy's panties, but that was a slightly different situation.)
Bella brings up Jill (if on her route) when dumping MC because of Cathy but doesn't if she isn't despite knowing that they've been dating. Don't understand that at all but whatever. I just find it a bit bizarre.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Sage is perfectly in her character, She wants to Fuck right there. and to be honest, She will say whatever MC want to hear, at the Hot party, in order to get the dick She need.:ROFLMAO:.
True, but my issue here is with MC's behaviour not Sage's. She wants it, I want it, what's the hold up DPC? I'm a massive DIK, I don't turn away from a topless woman in heat. That's AVN heresy. I'm not asking for SIMs level full autonomy, but a choice was needed here...especially since I believe at that point I was a locked-in massive DIK. Don't have a DIK act like a massive CHICK after I have already passed the point of being redeemed.

and if I also honest she was never exclusive to Dik or Chick path.
No one was really exclusive in the beginning (early season 1), but they pretty quickly thereafter fell into obvious CHICK/DIK patterns. You are increasingly squeezed out of M/J, Jill, and Bella paths if you are a DIK. I have no saves left to check, but I think the episode recaps mentioned something about Sage's DIK tendencies. Also, in previous episodes, many DIK actions granted you +RP with Sage...more than anyone else. Josy liked a few DIK choices, but for the most part Sage was clearly the only main LI for true DIKs. Guess that's gone now. :lepew::poop:

Regarding Sage, I don't think she has done too much of an about-face. It's not like she didn't give a shit about Maya, she just didn't realize what was happening with Quinn, but as president, losing three HOTs all at once is a bit of a shock and she's looking into it. :unsure:
Where did Sage show any concern for Maya (or any one else for that matter) prior to the ep. 7 saintly awakening? She must have been visited by the ghost of christmas yet to cum during her fever. Up until that point she has shown two emotional states:.angry and horny. Prior to ep. 7 the only real interaction Sage/Maya had was Sage telling Maya you can't switch mothers. Sage essentially goes from self-absorbed (ep. 1 - ep. 6) to out Jilling Jill with a sudden concern for others (ep. 7). Sage takes the veil while Jill takes the skullcap. :confused: Fishy.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Most of the LIs know the MC is dating multiple girls, but Sage and Jill don't know that two of those girls were also dating each other. That's the crucial piece of information Bella has (assuming the MC stays with her during Episode 4).

As for amnesia, I'm not sure I agree. Asking a potential boyfriend about your romantic rivals is a rather delicate matter, so I don't find it surprising that it hasn't come up often. Josy asked about it when she and the MC were alone and Jill came up (and you'll note she doesn't push the issue, even if the MC ducks the question). I don't recall any of the other girls having that sort of opportunity. (Unless you count Bella and Cathy's panties, but that was a slightly different situation.)
they have several opportunities to talk face to face with mc in each chapter, and we're not talking about his generic sentimental interest, but about a story so strong that it made him run away in the middle of the night. asking him how it went is part of the minimum of good manners.

then they see that mc has a good relationship again with maya and josy, not even that moves their interest, when jill finds all 3 of them in the library the one who is embarrassed is mc (even if he is not in a relationship with any of them)

Josy's question in the pool is very direct, maybe even too much, there are a thousand other ways to ask how it's going without being so direct.

True, but my issue here is with MC's behaviour not Sage's. She wants it, I want it, what's the hold up DPC? I'm a massive DIK, I don't turn away from a topless woman in heat. That's AVN heresy. I'm not asking for SIMs level full autonomy, but a choice was needed here...especially since I believe at that point I was a locked-in massive DIK. Don't have a DIK act like a massive CHICK after I have already passed the point of being redeemed.
I agree with you, and the problem is that the scene has no prior notice

MC may have hinted to Sage about wanting to have a serious affair with her, there are some dialogue options, but he may as well have never done it. that 180 degree change in behaviour comes out of nowhere


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Missing a few RPs with Jill is of no consequence. Missing Jill's first big lewd scene is frustrating but acceptable (especially since the MC himself wouldn't see it anyway). But missing the morning jog with her at the end of Episode 7 (and thus Jill's first attempt at deliberately risque behavior with MC), that is pushing things too far IMHO. Choosing Sage over Jill in that instance doesn't say much about how important Jill is to an MC, so making that the key to gating progress with Jill really knocks me out of the narrative and reminds me I'm playing a game.
It almost sounds like this is a point of no return with Jill, don't go on the picnic and it jeopardises the entire relationship. :eek:

Still, the fact that you can shun Sage for the entire game then go ballistic on her ass (in a good way) in episode 7 means there's hope for all the relationships to be rekindled at some point (we're not on the home stretch yet and the mc's only been at college for what, like a month?)

DPC's definitely taking a unique step here where seemingly lost relationships (M&J, Sage) can be rekindled later on (I'm speculating about the M&J, but it does feel like a couple relationship can be forged with one or the other eventually). I wonder if that luxury will be applied to all characters or if it's just to be chalked up to the randomness of life. :unsure:

Bella brings up Jill (if on her route) when dumping MC because of Cathy but doesn't if she isn't despite knowing that they've been dating. Don't understand that at all but whatever. I just find it a bit bizarre.
Cathy was the straw that broke the camel's back, plus it was the mc that technically brought up Jill in the car dumping scene (they weren't dumping cars, the mc got... yeah you know what I mean).

When the mc kinda turns the tables on Bella and accuses her of fucking with him while she's helping to set him up with Jill, she admits that's just a further complication and another reason to end the relationship. But if Cathy wasn't in the mix, Bella is prepared to keep pushing that complication from the forefront of her mind. It will get ugly eventually though, I'm sure. :cry:

Where did Sage show any concern for Maya (or any one else for that matter) prior to the ep. 7 saintly awakening? She must have been visited by the ghost of christmas yet to cum during her fever. Up until that point she has shown two emotional states:.angry and horny. Prior to ep. 7 the only real interaction Sage/Maya had was Sage telling Maya you can't switch mothers. Sage essentially goes from self-absorbed (ep. 1 - ep. 6) to out Jilling Jill with a sudden concern for others (ep. 7). Sage takes the veil while Jill takes the skullcap. :confused: Fishy.
Well, if you chose Sage over Jill (who are we kidding, that's a forgone conclusion with you :p), maybe that sob story of the mc's when he's in bed with Sage and she got all emotional woke something up in her. :unsure:

But if you choose Jill over Sage (I'm talking about other people, I know you personally couldn't do that :p), then that theory dies in the water, but perhaps her breakup with Chad also did something to her.

Up until her breakup with Chad she was rather self absorbed, she was struggling to run the HOTs (delegating too much authority to Quinn), getting bent out of shape with the suspicions that Chad was cheating on her, and any time she wasn't doing that, she was fucking the mc.

Now that the relationship with Chad is over, maybe she's got time to give a shit about the rest of the world. :unsure:

She still has to find out who the side bitch is, so looking forward to see how that's handled... :cool:

I agree with you, and the problem is that the scene has no prior notice

MC may have hinted to Sage about wanting to have a serious affair with her, there are some dialogue options, but he may as well have never done it. that 180 degree change in behaviour comes out of nowhere
That scene where the dumbass mc rejects Sage hit me harder than when M&J reject the mc.

When the girls rejected the mc I was like, "Damnit, I fucked up!" :(

When the mc rejects Sage is was like, "What the FUCK! Are you fucking kidding me!? Fucking Sage at the end of this scene was how it was meant to go! You fucking idiot mc! DISOWNED! :mad:


New Member
Jun 10, 2020
Is there a theory why Chad suddenly left the party? Is it related to Troy?
I'm going to assume everyone in this thread right now has already played EP7. If you haven't, then **SPOILERS** ...

Sage asks MC to find out why Chad is at the party. Chad is hanging out in Melanie and Sarah's room. While MC is asking around about Chad, Sarah overhears MC telling Elena that Sage was asking who invited Chad to the HOTs party. Sarah heads to Melanie's room, and when you return to the room, Sarah is there quickly whispering into Melanie's ear and Melanie promptly tells them to fuck off.
Also, earlier on during a scene with Sage (EP6 I believe), the MC and Sage kiss while sitting in the grass and helping teach her to play guitar. From a nearby window Sarah and Melanie see this and have a brief interaction, including talking about "when Chad breaks up with Sage" (prior to the actual break up). Sarah and Melanie have some sort of behind the scenes knowledge of things via the Tri-Alphas that hasn't been entirely shown yet, but they seemed to know this was coming before hand and oddly enough Chad was hanging in their room at the party to avoid Sage. Probably partially by their invite (or somehow more comfortable with them) and partially to be with his frat brothers. Anyhow, that's my take on it.
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Jul 1, 2019
That is one of the things that is really starting to irk me. You can't follow any pre-established character logic to obtain a sought after positive result. Ex. Up until the Jill/Sage dilemma, we have been taught that Jill values people who show concern for others in need. What exemplifies that more than babysitting a sick friend? That decision to help a sick friend should have been an insta RP boost with Jill....but nope, DPC says minus two points for you fucko. That minus would be more understandable if Sage wasn't sick and MC blew off Jill to go have some of that gushing, freckled carrot juice.

A second example (one that maddens me even more) was that my canon massive DIK MC who was cool with being FB, does an about face and walks out of the room when Sage is ready for action. Did I suddenly forget I'm a manwhore? And what is this shit with Sage turning from Sith to Jedi? You ain't Darth Vader. All of a sudden she is more CHICK than Jill with her over-effusive concern for Maya (whom she didn't care about two minutes earlier). Evil players only had one DIK-centric main LI (Sage) and now that is apparently over. DPC might as well do the deed and finally promote Quinn to main girl status so at least we can have something evil in this world.
Agree with massive dik mc, that was certainly out of character for him. But Sage was never meant to be a massive dik li that could very well be Quinn later on, not as a LI but rather an antagonist because I don't think massive dik mc is a protagonist anyway. When every LI leaves us, all that's left will be quinn and dpc is projecting it that way with how frequenct and intimate scens mc has with her.

For Sage, she could be a huge dik character. Everyone gonna get ass fucked by wendy strap on when sage discovers mc is doing drugs, is part of prostitution and far more shit coming up in game. Now you ask how do I judge her character, the answers are in the game, at least for the drugs part during Quinn and tommy interaction in ep 3 or 4 that sage ain't on with drugs and since prostitution is more fucked up than drugs. That will not sit right with her. She does like dik stuff but on the level of acceptance within society.

I feel like the spectrum for LI on dik scale can be
Quinn(not a LI but can have an ending): Massive Dik
Sage huge dik
Josy(Dik) and Maya(Chick) hence neutral affinity for them
Bella Huge Chik
Jill Massive chick


New Member
Dec 9, 2017
In Episodes 1-6, you go into the Bios app on the phone, click the three dots in the top right, and then enter a new name on the next screen.
Name_change_1.jpg Name_change_1.jpg Name_change_2.jpg Name_change_2.jpg
With the new phone in Episode 7, go to the Settings app and adjust the name there.
Appreciate my man, but I was thinking more like in general, because I got someone's save files to have a complete scene gallery. And now all the names in this scene gallery (even the ones I unlocked myself) is their name and not the one I chose. Do you know if there's a file where I can change this?

Bubba McSmith

Oct 30, 2020
Agree with massive dik mc, that was certainly out of character for him. But Sage was never meant to be a massive dik li that could very well be Quinn later on, not as a LI but rather an antagonist because I don't think massive dik mc is a protagonist anyway. When every LI leaves us, all that's left will be quinn and dpc is projecting it that way with how frequenct and intimate scens mc has with her.

For Sage, she could be a huge dik character. Everyone gonna get ass fucked by wendy strap on when sage discovers mc is doing drugs, is part of prostitution and far more shit coming up in game. Now you ask how do I judge her character, the answers are in the game, at least for the drugs part during Quinn and tommy interaction in ep 3 or 4 that sage ain't on with drugs and since prostitution is more fucked up than drugs. That will not sit right with her. She does like dik stuff but on the level of acceptance within society.

I feel like the spectrum for LI on dik scale can be
Quinn(not a LI but can have an ending): Massive Dik
Sage huge dik
Josy(Dik) and Maya(Chick) hence neutral affinity for them
Bella Huge Chik
Jill Massive chick
I always felt DPC was telling us where the girls align on the DIK-CHICK scale based on the status page's background image on the new phone. Go to the status page that shows your DIK-CHICK ranking and look at the background image of the 6 girls. They are lined up as the dik scale is, left to right, dik to chick: Quinn, Sage, Josy, Maya, Jill, Bella.

I've always felt Bella was the massive chick. Look at the tennis game. Bella is the only one that has a problem with the MC taking cheap shots at Tybalt. Jill does too at the presentation, but Josy convinces her it's funny and Jill laughs too. Think back to Episode 1 where Bella will throw out the MC from the library if he tries a line on her. Bella REALLY doesn't like DICKS. Maybe her husband was an ass?


Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Hi ....is it possible to get all 2d art from Jacob's shop in a single playthrough?
If possible how?
No, for a couple of reasons, one would be cost, I don’t think it would be possible to save enough. 2 would be the fact that some of the art is locked behind certain choices, actions, and paths.
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