Just finished most of my playthroughs(5 LIs + Lily + NicolEnvy + Sarah + Melanie + Riona + ManWhore | 11 total). I don't know what I was expecting but... I'm kinda disappointed. Normally, every single playthrough was very different, characters' scenes were different, your interactions with them were different. In this update however, this was
not the case.
If you have 2-3 playthroughs, this update is excellent. There is a lot of content, looks amazing, progression is meaningful on most characters. But when you play almost every different route, it was extremely repetitive. I'll try to bitch & praise about them in their own sections (in order of my playthroughs).
I'm guessing this won't be short, so I don't want to put everything in one spoiler block to become invisible. But I'll use inline-spoilers as much as I can. But if I miss something,
This was the first one I played. It was amazing if you ask me. The
hairstyle change was a pleasant surprise. She acted a bit weird bc of her parents, but that's understandable. She also was a little bit overly dramatic about
Zoey but that's understandable too. You had the chance to select the
ILY scene or the
Camila 3some scene which I believe was a great natural progression on whether you continue to
flirt with others or
stay absolutely loyal. Since this is the first one, Repetition was not clear to me, but even after the other ones Sage route may still be the most original one.
Josy & Maya
Repetition is the most unbearable here. First you–for some reason–spend some
with only one of them (No matter your previous decisions, you can only select one of them not both or neither. I actually checked the code to make sure, there is no way to keep focus on both of them). During this scenes,
you accompany them with their hobbies. Then you comfort them about their
mommy issues. Then you
ILY them too, just like in the Sage path. At this point, I though that "okay this was a bit cheap, but josy route and maya route are not really different routes. Just preferences. So little bit repetition is a-okay.
Also, my main problem with this route was sudden prioritization of "realism". In the previous episodes–if you played your cards right–you can continue the 3some without any major drama. Sure there were some dialogs and scenes about possible jealousy btw characters but those were almost always avoidable–depending on your choices throughout the games. Not only that, you were even talking about possible 4somes. But in this episode,
there was unavoidable drama. The game FORCED you to a "solo" path with one of them and it didn't even prompted you to choose one of them. It just assumed one for you. To be clear,
there isn't any break-up yet but it's clear that that's where we're going. This instant decision to make things
more real felt extremely out of place–especially when the game is still okay on accepting porn logic on so many other plots.
Bella & Jill (seperately ofc)
The repetition became a real problem after I finished these 2 routes. In both of these routes, you go to the
exact same vacation, sleep in the exact same bed, fuck in the exact same time and space while the remaining two characters joke about the same thing at the same time. I mean really? Truth be told, each of them has
seperate scenes of their own but it was basically the exact same experience with just different models and
slightly different dialog. But at least
Bianca exists so these routes are pretty great

. On another note, I was surprised that these two didn't have their own versions of
ILY scenes like the other LIs.
Lily & NicolEnvy
LILY ROUTE IS THE FUCKING GOAT. It has the most story to tell by far. The looming "aloofness" problem from the previous episode was
very well done.
But I'm afraid we won't see much of this path in ep12. I'm guessing DPC is trying to balance the
Others routes. We didn't see Sarah and Melanie much in previous episode so they were more active in this one. We have seen Envy quite a lot so far, so she was
relatively absent in this one. Lily was pretty important until this point, so I'm not expecting to see her in the 12th episode.
I'm guessing that
she will be cold about the relation that you have and avoid you the entire epsiode, but at the end you'll either breakup or kiss & makeup.
Sarah & Melanie (again, seperately)
This was unnecessarily repetitive. These 2 are heavily connected with each other. So them referencing each other, some heavy callbacks, parallels, etc. are fine. But these were almost identical. For example in the dorm party episode, DPC had a chance to make them exact copies of each other but decided on otherwise. He created the fuck-zone for Mel and focused on the glory hole for Sarah. In here, both are
in drought, horny. So you make a move on them, they jump on the oppotunity. They drag you to a secluded place. They're pleasantly surprised if you kiss them. You fuck. If you kissed them, you become closer. Even message with them for the first time in the entire game. I didn't play the Camila version but that may be the same too.
Also on a side not, I have NO IDEA why but you cannot progress with Camilla if you told Derek that you fucked Jade in ep4. I didn't really
investigate why but that's the case. Any clarifications would be appriciated.
Sadly, she doesn't have any scene with MC, unless you count the unreplied message text appearing on her phone at the end.
I didn't played this yet but it's kinda funny that DPC basically made this to Quinn stans
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This route is also the fucking
G.O.A.T. You can now fuck almost every somewhat attractive NPCs in the game. No drama, no bs–
aside from Zoey, just plain good fun. ALSO, the sudden burst of "realism" bothers me here too–well not here but something related to the party. In the party, you can fuck
Lily, Becky, Tiffani, Tara in a single night(I didn't actually test this but I think you can). But when it comes to
Sarah and Mel, you need some time to get it up again. DPC, bro, please be a little bit more consistent.
Fun fact: if you fucked Tara in the glory hole scene with sarah in the dorm party,
She thinks that, the dick she got from the glory hole is bigger than your actual dick in this episode.

Real thing can't compare with her fantasies I guess
General BS
I don't know why but this episode felt a lot more formulaic and populist. The fact that he spoiled every major scene on Steam previews surely does
not help. Also, the fact that the 5 LIs are suddenly best-friends feels out-of-place. When did those fuckers get so close??? I don't have a problem with it–Sage joking about an orgy with them actually great

–but it just seems forced.
Complaints aside, it was still fun and great–just could've been much better. At least we'll guaranteed to learn about what the hell Bella hides behind that door. I'll play a Quinn route and a possibly a Zoey route eventually. Wonder what I'll complain after I play those

. And yeah I just complained about a porn game for at least 1 page worth of text, don't kick me when I'm down