That's the thing, too many possibilies. It could be as simple as seeing bella drinking in the hallowen party to press charge against Jill. But because we know Magnar want to destroy the frat, he must have chose something who gonna lead to the destruction of these one, so it could even be something against his sister, like who is behing the fake roster account who trashtalk tybalt or evenThat's the problem though and also the reason why I said I had no clue what he's gotten: There are just way too many possiblities to only deduce it to like 3 or 4 options.
There are so many bad things going on around Tybalt (preps, family, depending on choices, with almost nothing really universal that I can think of except the restaurant), that currentlly imo the blackmail could really be almost anything.
So you telling me that i get a maya scene but a josy one exist? This trouple route on episode 11 is even more dissapointing! The game is telling me that this maya and josy route will end split for no reason. Like at the end we have the option to sleep with one of them (assuming you didn't say "i love you" ), but the other one doesn't seem happy about's based on who you hang out with before the barbecue, if you hang with Maya, you get her scene, if you hang with Josy you get her scene.
I don't know what dictates whether they say i love you back, i had the love points pinned the entire time, and there are no variables that change them
It's kinda bullshit that despite the fact that i manage to go with one girl and the other after when i could, the game seem to be on the verge of forcing you to choose.
At least tremolo should be able to say "good night" to the other girl and not ignoring her; also on many occasion you get the option to sleep with both so i dunno why you cannot do that here. It's pure bullshit to me and i hope that we will be able to save this relationship but DPC seem to have already decide that we will not.
Wait i'm pretty sure i've hang out with Josy to do the fort pillow but i get the maya scene with ice skating, so i'm not sure you are right on this track.
ThanksHey, this is interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Yes, it makes sense. I think I've sorted out my feelings a bit. It's only partly nostalgia, and mostly something else. However, I won't go into detail, since this is not on the topic of the thread. Anyway, it was interesting to read your answer.
It isn't related to this, but i suspect that you did a riona path and i kinda wanna know if episode 11 is a good one on her path.
I mean all my route are on the chick path but i like the girl so i'm curious if i do a run to get her or even if a chick run is possible with her (i'm thinking it's not but fucking her or not in the hot party allow us to be her friend in a way)
I also wonder if i could do a sage chick path AND staying with her after the maya/josy reveal (episode 4 i believe, during the hell week), but the research fonction could help me in that regard.