
New Member
Sep 19, 2018
I'm confused by the download labeling. Is the update-only labeled Mac because it only works for the Mac version, or can I use that to update my PC version from 4.2 without having to again download the entire game just to get the next chapter?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I'm confused by the download labeling. Is the update-only labeled Mac because it only works for the Mac version, or can I use that to update my PC version from 4.2 without having to again download the entire game just to get the next chapter?
Yes, it's labeled Mac because it only works on Mac versions.

The Win patch is no longer in the OP but is still available, just need to search the thread:

Not sure why the mods don't have it in the OP, but yes there is an official patch for 0.4.x/0.5.0 -> 0.5.1 for Windows (2.10 GB).

There is also an unofficial patch for 0.5.x -> 0.5.2 (4.3 MB).
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Active Member
Jun 17, 2017
On the topic of Quinn...

What happens in that scene? I never chose to have MC stay at the HOTs so didn't see that one.

Ya, I find that interesting for sure. In my playthroughs, outside of the friendly text at the end of Episode 5, MC has primarily a bad relationship with her since I reject her restaurant and the weed, lol. To me, it seems pretty obvious though that she has some kind of serious interest in the MC over other dudes on campus based on her behavior. Gonna be fun seeing how things go as MC no doubt will be forced into situations with her moving forward on the topic of the drug dealer stuff.
You go into her room and have a playful sexual encounter. During this you can try and kiss her, she reacts with surprise and then masks it with anger.

Personally i’ve Pursued Quinn hard in all my Playthroughs, love every scene with her. Hoping to get more opportunities to poke under the armor she wears, to the girl feeling something for the MC.


Engaged Member
Jun 17, 2019
I guess we all can agree that, for a game with so many choices, paths and options given, it seriously lacks some minor dialogue variations that reflect those player's decissions and its possible motivations in a better way. When you have so many people complaining about how they can't understand certain reactions is either a bad character's design or a "lazy" writting that doesn't really take into account every possible path the author has opened with all those choices. And I say "lazy" and not lazy cause I want to be fair with the amount of work this script shows.

I know you can't predict every player actions and motivations and there'll always be someone misunderstanding the whole plot or even trying to break it on purpose, but I do think there are several points where some alternative text (or a minor choice) would have helped a lot to improve the gaming experience


Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019
"Mona stormed out on Stephen at the prep party, Trouble for Quinn?". Now although I may not have seen this on my play through, I accept it's true, that it happened and it's canon because my involvement wasn't necessary for that to happen.
Can this happen? That happens automatically when you move away from Camila when you are done with her. Unless you call Quinn right away I don't know how you can avoid it. Being able to skip it should be a bug.
What happens in that scene? I never chose to have MC stay at the HOTs so didn't see that one.
If you try to kiss her while having sex she backs off scared/disgusted saying you spoiled the mood.
So, based on some conversations that have been happening here recently, I've been thinking that, for as good and in many ways excellent as this game can be, the different perceptions of players with regards to the story events and characters is something that I feel can be a bit of an issue.

I'll admit that this could be seen as a minor niggle as it only really applies to when the game is being discussed with others, such as in this thread, but when you think about other forms of media - films, TV shows, books, etc - they are telling a story that is a fixed story, as in it has a clearly defined beginning, middle, and end, and the sequence of events in these stories, as well as all the character actions and traits, are therefore fixed and predetermined by the author/creator. So when it comes to discussing these things with other people, you're discussing the events and characters as they have been portrayed in this fixed story and so your interepretations and analyses of the characters are based on seeing the same series of events play out in the exact same way. This game is very different to that.

Whilst we can certainly debate and discuss the characters and events with our own interpretations and analyses of them, the problem is that we're often looking at a different set of events and character issues because of the choices we're making and this then informs our different perspectives. This isn't like discussing a movie where you're putting forward your own take on the same events that everyone involved in the conversation saw happen in the exact same way, instead we're usually discussing a different series of events based on our own playthroughs and these inform entirely different views on the events and the character development.

There's a common phrase, "singing from the same hymn sheet", which can mean that a group of people can have the same understanding about something, but we aren't all singing from the same hymn sheet because we understand things differently when it comes to this game based on how we played it and it's what leads many of us to have wildly differing views on the story progression and on character relationships.

In a sense, this gets back to the issue that's been discussed before about how this game forces certain things upon all players even if it contradicts the choices and direction they have taken with the MC. It also doesn't help the overall discussion when looking at a particular character's feelings and motivations because some portion of players won't have seen certain events that inform the opinions of others and so it ends up with two sides discussing vastly different interpretations based on two different experiences of the events in question.

This is what can sometimes make discussion of this game somewhat frustrating and I think perhaps we all need to start approaching these discussions by clearly indicating these are our own perspectives based on how we've played and not assume that we're all seeing and experiencing the same things.

TL;DR - Whether it's a good or bad thing, this game can cause players to have very different perspectives on events and characters based on how they play, so let's not assume we're all seeing the same things and make that clear in our posts.
It's hard if you haven't seen the whole picture. I always try to use things that happen in every route when theorizing, or at least distinguish between DIK and CHICK (as if there were only two possible routes :ROFLMAO: ) but I agree with Cndyrvr4lf that some people will understand specific moments differently. I'm not sure if your problem is with people who have played only one route or with people who see things differently regardless of choices (or a combination of the two).


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
You also have to remember whether we intend it or not that the reason our perceptions are different is that we have all lived different lives. Someone who was cheated on (in a serious relationship or that was extremely hurt by it) is probably going to view any cheating as more severe then someone who hasn't been. Regardless of how much we try to keep our own personal views out of it, it probably isn't always successful. Just one example....

The other issue I have noticed is that people talk about the LI's and Side Girls according to how they were during their run. Not realizing that there are many routes through the same scene based on past Major choices and Minor Status. Just cause something was happy and go lucky on your route doesn't mean every route is happy go lucky.
fully agree on the first part, it happens every time we have to judge another person's action, our experience will always be the reference.

on the second it depends.
we assume that judging the behavior of a fictional character is a pastime, a fun, but has no real value.
but the character is always the same regardless of the path. as an example: what Josy says to MC (in the case of a pact refused) after the prep party is "true" even if MC instead chases Maya and is true even if the pact is accepted: Josy believes that she can be happy with MC.

we already have very few elements to judge the characters, if then each choice creates a separate multiverse that cannot be traced back to the others then we might as well give up.

Zirael Q

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
Right, and his story about how the Diks and Alphas came to hate each other was as a result of him fucking Aerith
Well, there is that too but it's implied that happened uhh last year? Maybe they weren't together back then, dunno.
He mentioned Riona, but we don't know when that happened or how long they have been together. Can we be sure he's cheating?
Well, Heather and Tommy are together for a considerable time since Heather cares about Tommy's situation in the Cathy scandal. Asking to a total maggot about if Tommy will get into trouble or not. Looks like a long time to me. Also, you wouldn't talk about how good Riona's blowjob is if it isn't recent enough, right?
Of course we can't be sure unless we see it in the game, but I suspect he cheats on her. If he at least didn't use the restaurant I'll be very surprised


Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019
Well, there is that too but it's implied that happened uhh last year? Maybe they weren't together back then, dunno.

Well, Heather and Tommy are together for a considerable time since Heather cares about Tommy's situation in the Cathy scandal. Asking to a total maggot about if Tommy will get into trouble or not. Looks like a long time to me. Also, you wouldn't talk about how good Riona's blowjob is if it isn't recent enough, right?
Of course we can't be sure unless we see it in the game, but I suspect he cheats on her. If he at least didn't use the restaurant I'll be very surprised
Does Heather care about Tommy's situation or Tommy's position? At times she looks concerned, but others she looks like a gold digger, but considering Tommy uses her drugs I doubt who is taking advantage of who.

About Riona it may have been recent, it may have been last year. I suspect he's cheating too, but for now it's all speculation. Maybe that's where her story is going? I doubt she would take Tommy and Riona's thing nicely if she knew.

EDIT: How much does Heather know about the restaurant anyway? She knows about the drugs, but not about the restaurant afaik.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
I agree to a point, but I also feel like the choices the MC makes at our behest should have some sort on impact on who he is. Certainly, that's the idea behind the affinity system (arbitrary as the implementation is). Likewise, I do think it's fair to expect other characters to take some notice of the MC's actions, even if those actions will not always be interpreted (or intended) in the way we wish they were.

In general, I think we should give the MC wide latitude and always strive to view his actions in the most favorable light possible. Still, I think it's fair to point out inconsistencies when they get blatant enough. I promised to stop ranting about the "no strings attached" issue, so instead I'll use Bella's Episode 5 lewd scene as n example.

I can accept that the MC is, for whatever reason, somewhat obsessed with Bella. Even if he didn't make a move on her in Episode 4, he still really wants to. Fair enough. But I still say it is a mistake not to tie her Episode 5 lewd scene to the one in Episode 4. Even if we grant that the MC can choose not to push in Episode 4 and still want to do so later, the way the scene in the sauna is staged just makes no sense to me. Bella all but begged the MC to stop in episode 3, and he did. Yet now he's presses her again, and this time when she says no he keeps going. I just don't see a way to square that circle, even if I assume the MC really, really wants Bella.

To me, that's the point at which it's fair to start questioning external issues. IMHO, the scene works very well as a followup to Bella's Episode 4 lewd scene; there, the MC does back off when Bella says no, only for Bella to reverse course and continue the scene herself. It's only when you skip that scene that the problems arise. So yes, I could insist it must be an in character action and try to work out why the MC was willing to back off once but not the second time. But I think it's a more convincing argument to say DPC didn't want to restrict Bella's sauna scene to people who stayed with her in Episode 4, and just forgot to take the consequences of that into account when he wrote the scene.

Obviously, exactly where to draw the line always going to be a judgement call. But that's the cost of doing business when debating a work of art. All we can do is try to state our criteria clearly and be as objective as possible when applying them. Well, that and stay polite when all those uncultured swine do the same right back to us. :p
My issue comes in that whilst our choices do influence the MC predicting how they do with certainty is no more reliable than predicting plot points in general and thus are conjecture. Knowing the “why” is no easier to predict than any other plot point. My issue is people inserting motivations on the MC with such certainty because they haven’t separated out their feelings from him. It’s particularly annoying because people (perhaps unintentionally) speak with such certainty when referencing these motivations that existed only in their head. One often mentioned is “I was faithful to X so Y plot point is stupid!”... choosing not to bang people isn’t the MC being faithful, he doesn’t see it that way and says so repeatedly. I have zero issue with people filling in inconsistencies and looking outside the story (I do it all the time, I get meta about this shit a lot with myself citing the avoidance of NTR being a common one) but I always try to phrase it as conjecture. The core of my issue isn’t people predicting motivation or plot points it’s the very specific issue of people taking their motivation and treating it like canon. It’s the bizarre idea player motivations become canon once an in game choice is made. But that isn’t how it works. It’s a very specific gripe. Your conjecture on Bella in Ep5 had you not stayed with her in Ep4 is fine. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest and is constructive discussion about the game because it’s you openly predicting something based on ingame content, it isn’t you expanding on a motivation you assigned MC. Conjecture born of a plot element is one thing. Conjecture born of personal motivation is another.

Sage is an example where motivation was eventually stated. The choice early on to not become her fuck buddy has in Ep5 a stated motivation from MC. He declares to her why he stopped anything sexual, saying he didn’t like her obsession with Chad and their relationship and he didn’t want to get in the middle of anything. It makes for a very specific plot point in that the MC has an issue with, and is aware, of Sage’s obsession.

Maybe there’s more to why, but that’s conjecture in the same way what’s behind Bella’s door is. To draw any other conclusions about the why other than what the MC himself stated is conjecture. To think rejecting her is an act of faithfulness to someone else has zero in game support and goes against the stated motivation that is now a plot point. Namely that he finds her obsession concerning.

The reason the MC is angry with Maya/Josy in Ep4 is another big one. He’s fairly clear on why he’s upset but people constant self insert the reason they’re upset with them. I did this in the past! Im not innocent of this shit. But drawing conclusions on the plot based on feelings the player has about scenes is obviously absurd.

My point is the choices we make are our choices but the reason MC does them are a plot point unto themselves. Sometimes the reason why is obvious, sometimes not so much, but to infer motivation and draw conclusions based on what is conjecture about his motivations is no different than the people drawing conclusions about Bella based on the axe.


Staff member
Apr 5, 2017

It's been a mixed week workwise. I've written more of the dialogue and posed some static renders.

I've added sound effects and music to completed parts of the episode, done some playtesting and further planning of the development.

PCs have mostly been rendering animations and they have been working on some longer animations.

1320 static renders and 60 animations are completed.

I have a lot left to write, code, pose and render. I've made a list of scenes that I want in the episode and even though I've written ~7500 lines of main dialogue code (Best compared to episode 5 main dialogue file 9074 lines), I have much left to write.

I think we're heading for the longest episode to date, which is really exciting but also means that the wait will be longer.

I'll continue to give you updates to the best of my abilities.

As thanks to all patrons for helping me reach 7000 patrons, I'm currently posting daily wallpapers in a special render series I call "Beach fun".

These special renders will also be included in episode 6. I'm using this status update to give you the daily render of Sally.


In poll news, the winner of this week's cosmetic poll for Sage is option number 1:

It will be featured in episode 6.

A new cosmetic poll for Josy will start shortly. It will be the final cosmetic poll for the episode, but not the final poll.

Dr PinkCake

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018

1320 static renders and 60 animations are completed.

I have a lot left to write, code, pose and render. I've made a list of scenes that I want in the episode and even though I've written ~7500 lines of main dialogue code (Best compared to episode 5 main dialogue file 9074 lines), I have much left to write.

I think we're heading for the longest episode to date, which is really exciting but also means that the wait will be longer.
So, although this render count is around 50% of ep 5 and the animation count is around 40% of ep 5 in just over a month of development, I guess from this being billed as "the longest episode to date" we can no longer use these percentages as a marker of the speed of progress and assume that it will be done in less time than ep 5.

Makes me think that we're probably looking at this episode having a lot more renders than the previous episode, maybe somewhere 3-4000 or possibly more. :eek:

In poll news, the winner of this week's cosmetic poll for Sage is option number 1:

It will be featured in episode 6.

A new cosmetic poll for Josy will start shortly. It will be the final cosmetic poll for the episode, but not the final poll.
Shame. I really preferred the yellow top as we've seen Sage in green plenty of times, but I look forward to seeing what the Josy poll has to offer. :giggle:


Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019
So, although this render count is around 50% of ep 5 and the animation count is around 40% of ep 5 in just over a month of development, I guess from this being billed as "the longest episode to date" we can no longer use these percentages as a marker of the speed of progress and assume that it will be done in less time than ep 5.

Makes me think that we're probably looking at this episode having a lot more renders than the previous episode, maybe somewhere 3-4000 or possibly more. :eek:
I though the same, if this episode is longer maybe we should make longer estimations. But consider how many are already done it looks like a major part are done already, both animations and lines. So I don't know what to think anymore.
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