I have a very dark theory (speculation, fantasy) regarding the prostitution and drug dealing.

What if Zoey's bad boyfriends had really been Josy/Tommy and Zoey and Tommy had not only consumed alcohol but also drugs. And Tommy convinced Zoey to prostitute herself to finance the drugs?
He buys the drugs from Quinn. So a bond is formed between the two.
Zoey doesn't want this anymore and moves away. (Maybe Zoey also went to the police and got into a witness protection programme, which would of course initiate a police investigation. Possibility for Undercover Lily.) Josy finds out everything and hates Tommy for it.
Tommy and Quinn meet in college and together they set up the restaurant to finance their personal drug needs.
Quinn wants to expand her drug business and gets caught by Burke. Burke gets into the business by blackmailing Quinn. Quinn sees no way out and everything gets out of hand. To meet Burke's demands, Quinn has to find new outlets. (Preps) Quinn may also arrange for the DIK house to be destroyed so that he no longer has to finance the free drugs.
Police version
Maybe Quinn knew about the MC and the connection to Zoey through Tommy.
Now, of course, Quinn has to find out what the MC knows about their business. Maybe that's why Quinn's interest in the MC. Quinn sees Rusty as a threat to her business and it was she who released the Cathy's Chunk to get rid of Rusty. To meet Burke's demands, Quinn needs to find new outlets. (Preps)
Burke may have found out about the police investigation and knowing that the DIK are not at home, he has had the house destroyed with the help of the Jocks (Chad) or by someone else and wants to blame it on the Jocks. Stephen just wants to get rid of clues.
Maya's father may be a policeman working on Zoey's case and therefore knows about Josy/Tommy and doesn't want Maya to be with Josy. The father infiltrates Lily into the Pink Rose to create a plausible backstory for his undercover agent so she can investigate Quinn. He also has a plan for Tommy. But that plan to plant an undercover agent backfires because he was the third man on the cum petition. So he can't help but put his son (Derek) in charge. And Derek diligently collects data and uses it for his own purposes.
I could write for a gossip magazine, it's not true, but it's exciting to read.