4.10 star(s) 43 Votes


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

I've spent some time this week looking into existing actions and seeing what can be polished and improved (no surprise, it's a long list). I've started the artists on relevant commissions. There are already some results for this process. The café date image set has been completely remade and now fits better with the general style of the game.

To make sure this version isn't all just rewrites and polish, I've also done most of the writing towards a new date and Chris completed a commission that will build towards two new actions. Production is currently on schedule. With the next release planned for mid May.

Have a great week.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time.

And this time, there's some real talk.
The thing is this, creating all the art required for the main game UI upgrade is going to eat up an entire versions worth of art budget. I will be dipping a little into next versions budget to make sure you do get at least some new CGs. But the end result is that both this version and the one after that will have fewer CGs then normal.
Having a well polished UI seems important enough on the way to a "final" version to justify this. I hope you'll understand.
I will be using the income as well to stretch the budget as far as it will go (every little bit helps).
To be clear, this decision isn't final as I'm still considering alternatives, but this is the most likely direction at the moment.

In other news, the new date is in the game and now just waiting on final art. Due to the budget restrictions mentioned above I've had to restructure my tasks a little, I'm focusing on writing actions that don't need much in the way of new art, and rewriting existing content where needed.

Thanks for your continued support!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

Plenty of progress to report this week: Chris created a new outfit which should make it into the coming version. BDOne started the (long) process of upgrading the UI. It's going to be a lot of back and forth between us until all the details are settled, but judging from the first steps made this week, I'm cautiously optimistic. I plan to share images from this process as it develops, with 5$ patrons getting a sneak peek a little earlier.

I've focused mostly on writing this week, going between touching up existing content, enhancing the devotion level up responses, and adding a new order.
I've also taken the time to follow up on great feedback from @Donny Ranistvenich. Turns out, mid to late game balance was really fucked, with too many options opening up per level. So I'll be making some changes to when existing actions unlock. Spreading them out more evenly and making sexuality go all the way to 11. This shouldn't really affect existing players but will hopefully make it a better experience for new players.
And since I like data visualization:

Isn't game dev glamorous :)

Have a great week!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

It's been a rather insane week in my personal life (all good stuff, but still time consuming). However I did manage to steal a few moments to work on Bell Master here and there.
The UI redesign process is going strong. BDOne has been truly instrumental in this, providing multiple edits, good suggestions and overall being a pro. High tier patrons have already gotten a couple of early peeks. But as usual I'd like to get as much feedback as I can, so here's the current mock up of the in game menu, do let me know what you think! (Please note, "mock up" means this is not a final version and not in the game, yet):


In other news, the rebalance effort is nearly complete. I've moved a bunch of actions around. All that's left to do is to verify that everything that changed still works correctly. I've also finished writing and implementing a new action, which links up with a new purchasable toy and a new order which were already implemented last week. I think many of you will get a kick out of that one. Despite less than ideal scheduling, expected release remains on mid May.

Have a great week!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

This week was a well balanced week. The rebalancing of sex based actions is done and I continued the UI update work with BDOne. I implemented the UI updates for most of the menu screens while he continued to design the main game screens and stat bars. 5$ patreons will be getting a sneak peek of that work during the weekend.

I've added a fun new article of clothing, which joins the blindfold in the list of clothes that are kept on when moving between poses. I've also fixed a bug in that system so both should work this time :)

In addition, the foundations for the games ending segments have been laid down, with a small initial game ending event added (mostly because I wanted to write some more old man dialog). It's still going to be a while until the proper endings are all in the game, but you have to start somewhere.

Have a great week!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time.

The UI upgrade process is finally done. It's taken longer than I planned and took over most of this week. But it's done. In addition to upgrading images and changing some of the details of how the stat bars look. Probably the most time consuming aspect was upgrading every bit of text in the game. I won't bore you with the tech details, but the gist of it is that, since I began work on the project, Unity purchased and integrated a far superior text display library called TextMeshPro. Moving to it required a fair amount of manual changes, but the result is text that is much crisper, easier to read, and easier to style across the game. Looking at the end result, it was well worth the effort.

To break up the monotony of working on the UI, I also did a reordering pass over existing options, making sure options are laid out in a reasonable order (or at least, an intentional one).

Frankly this week was rather tedious, polish sprints are necessary of course, but they're not my favorite part of the work. Next week should balance things out though and be all about writing and rewriting content. So that should be fun. Release is still planned for mid May.

In leisure news, I tried out Devilish Business this week and had a good time. It's like a low budget 2D Lab Rats 1. Came in with low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. Also GOT episode 3 and Avengers Endgame happened, so, yeah, crazy week.

Have a great week!



Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time.

So bad news out of the way first: BDOne has been hit with some crunch at work and so will not be able to finish work on the art for the new date on time. I've considered releasing the version without the new date (or without the art) but this being a polish version, its light on new content as is. And so, in agreement with the opinion of the patrons, I'm postponing the release of this version. The new estimated release is near the end of May.

The good news is that this will give me some time to add even more polish, and if all goes to plan, add a little feature from the "nice to have" column. I'll share more about it if I see it pans out.

With that out of the way, this week I spent mostly on rewriting existing content, fixing typos, adding minor changes according to stats, and overall making the existing content slightly thicker all around. To break up the monotony I've also put in some super simple animation in the title screen and fixed a rather devious bug in the plugs code.

And since everyone knows bad news is best delivered with tits, here are some tits showing off multi pose wearables.

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Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
As I mentioned after the last release, there are two targets to hit before the final version, the first is polish, which the upcoming version handles, and the second is endings, which the next version should cover.
So the short answer is no, the next release isn't the final one, but we're getting rather close.
Jun 30, 2018
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
As I mentioned after the last release, there are two targets to hit before the final version, the first is polish, which the upcoming version handles, and the second is endings, which the next version should cover.
So the short answer is no, the next release isn't the final one, but we're getting rather close.
That's good, because I've got hope that with a good start, Your next project is going to bring You more fame and money.
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Reactions: SubhumanFilth


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
You and me both.
It'll be a while until I can say anything definitive regarding a new project, pre production takes time to get right and I'm frankly more focused on Bell Master at the moment. I'll update on that when it becomes more concrete.

Either way I'm still in hobby mode so fame and money, while of course encouraged and appreciated, are only a secondary goal for me. The primaries being making games I can be proud of and getting more eyes on my stuff, which means more feedback and better overall games. though being able to cover my art costs would be nice :giggle:


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
though being able to cover my art costs would be nice
You're about a third of the way to your target. But, sadly, I don't see you hitting your target before the game's final release. You'd have to change the game to having a harem of girls to get enough added attention. Which would do two things. First it would blow up your art budget, since you'd need a LOT more art. And you'd be taking the game into a drastically new direction.

Still, it's a possibility for a BM 2.0. It'd allow you to continue with BM, rather than end the story. Either the MC or the wife could propose a threesome, which then could expand beyond that into a harem if they developed a liking for it. The MC would have new girls to train from scratch, and the wife could even become the head slave and harem manager. Just a thought.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
I like having Bell Master focused on a single couples dynamic. As you said, it'll be a drastic new direction to add a harem element to it now. Much like NTR content, while it could bring in more players, it's not really the game I set out to make. I'm lucky enough to be in a place where I can spend that art budget out of pocket and focus on doing my own thing.

As for Bell Master 2. That's... something I'll definitely consider :)


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

BDOne has started work on the last pieces of art for the upcoming version. With work crunch still being a factor, it may take a few days.

As Patrons already know, I've spent this "extra" week on a quick and dirty version of a feature that has been requested quite often. Custom outfits. You can now save any arrangements of clothes as a named outfit, adding it to the wife's roster of randomly chosen clothes. She might change before going to work if you go too crazy though :)

As it stands now, you can save as many outfits as you want. And also delete outfits so the wife doesn't choose them anymore. You can also instruct the wife to change into any of her built in outfits or any outfit you made together.

Since this was an unplanned feature, it's only a rudimentary implementation, and may lead to some silly behavior if you push it. But it should at the very least be fully functional and bug free. I've set aside time to improve this system after the final release.

( Somethings fucky with Gifs here, so for a quick look at the system, check out )

Have a nice week.
Last edited:
Feb 25, 2018
Just finished the current build.
-Some of the animations are pretty neato, even if bare bones
-Lack of sounds make for a boring experience
-Dialogue is pretty good, hope the dev gets voice actors for it or something
-The mechanics are pretty nice, if not dated and easily cheesed
-Would like to have a gallery cheat at some point for those who don't wanna sit through the whole game clicking a billion times
-You really do have to click a billion times to get anywhere at all, some menu reworks would do well
-Fair amount of costumes are already available and good looking
-Wife character is a great design
-More animations would be very welcome, even if it's expensive

All in all, not a bad experience, if not fairly mediocre due to the presentation. The game itself, if polished, would be great fun and maybe in the future some kind of Artificial Academy 2/Koikatsu style freeroam game where you go about using your bell in public would be fucking amazing, but now I'm just dreaming of things that'll never happen.

TL;DR: good game, has promise, needs work
4.10 star(s) 43 Votes