4.10 star(s) 43 Votes


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

First off, continuing from last week's update, while some of you were okay with anonymous analytics, enough of you were not to make me decide to abandon that idea. I'll have to continue relying on your active feedback, so keep that coming!

This was a rather productive week. I manage to finish the implementation of the games endings. All the text, code and choices are in place, now only the art is missing. While we wait for that, I've gone ahead and worked on some things that came up from player feedback. I've reworked the way purchasable items work, you'll now be able to buy things early on, but trying to use them may not work (or even backfire) until the wife is appropriately trained. I've also added a minor early game order for those that prefer a clean shaved wife.

Phoenix continues working on the various ending images. This is going to take at least another month, maybe more (commissioning art comes with an element of uncertainty). Meanwhile Chris is working on some fun new clothes, some of which have also been player suggestions. Did I mention I encourage feedback recently? :)

The next couple of weeks I'm going to focus on improving and streamlining existing systems, the goal being to make the game easier the grok and play. I'll share more on this next week when I start fleshing it out.

I plan to spend about two weeks during this version doing pre production for the next game while I wait for all the art to get done. There are still a lot of issues with its design that I need to figure out before I fully commit to it publicly, but it's getting closer to a state in which I can start discussing it a bit more openly. The current estimate for a release of Bell Master is the end September.

Have a great week!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

This was a... less productive week on my side. I spent most of it collecting references for the artists and making small adjustments to existing systems. I did manage to implement one cool thing this week, but I'll be keeping that one a surprise until the release. This less productive week will not affect the expected release date for this version, which remains the end of September. It might mean less time to work on pre production for the next game. But Bell Master remains the highest priority.

On the art side Chris delivered his new batch of clothes early, they turned out rather nice. I've seized the opportunity and quickly sent him another batch to get to before the version is completed. I'm breaking the budget a little on this version, but that seems fine leading up to a 1.0.0 release. And the Patreon donations help mitigate at least some of it.

Phoenix is proving to be a powerhouse, delivering 2 great images this week. I've already set her on the next one. If they both continue to deliver like this I might be able to release early. I'll make no promises yet though. I'll keep you informed as the version progresses.

Have a great day!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

This week I focused back on the clothes system. I've squashed a game breaking bug in the outfit system. As you can see in the gif I've also changed the way basic wear and remove commands work. It's still a little laggy so I'll give it some more attention over the weekend, but I think this change should make it much easier to play around with her clothes.


I've also looked into improving the way the game tracks which action has already been seen by the player. That's one of those things that sound super simple but are actually very challenging under the hood. Just to give a few examples: If you've seen a parent option but didn't see one of its children, is it really a seen option? What if that child option is a "never mind" style option? If an option you've seen before now reacts differently because you trained a relevant stat, is it still seen? Do I go over all options every time a stat changes? Point is there are a lot of edge cases and performance implications to consider here. I'm not sure a robust solution will present itself before the version is released. And frankly I think the game is fine without it. But it's been raised in some player feedback so I figured I'd at least give it an honest attempt. I'll let you know if I crack it.

Chris continues to work on the last batch of clothes. He's delivered the sketches and so far it looks awesome. Meanwhile Phoenix is hard at work on the devotion ending image. There are still 3 or 4 images left before the entire ending segment is done, but progress on that front is faster than I expected.

Next week I'll continue work on both systems mentioned above. As well as get to writing some extra content since my schedule cleared a little. Release date remains the end of September, at least until I have all art assets in hand.

Have a great day.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
I've opened up one of them newfangled discord things. Should you be so inclined:
(still testing the waters with that one, so... expect the unexpected).
  • Like
Reactions: AWolfe


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
you stupid kids and your stupid new networks. in my age we used irc and were happy with it.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mipmip


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
I remember IRC. It sucked then and my opinion of it hasn't improved due to some silly nostalgia for the "good old days". IRC back then was what Twitter is today. Both had/have better alternatives: chat forums ... such as this (or, going way way back, listserves which forums quickly replaced).


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
I remember IRC. It sucked then and my opinion of it hasn't improved due to some silly nostalgia for the "good old days". IRC back then was what Twitter is today. Both had/have better alternatives: chat forums ... such as this (or, going way way back, listserves which forums quickly replaced).
actualy it was and is server based chatting, not twittering. and not of this stupid forum shit like shoutboxes and all that rubbish.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Forums are hosted on servers, which makes them "server-based chatting". Twitter is also server-based chat. If you think tweets go directly from your device to other devices then you don't understand how the system works and you need to do some homework. I suggest you start with typing "Twitter servers" into Google.
  • Angry
Reactions: fulcrum


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
It's update time!

I've been doing a lot of small things this week. I've been setting up all the various channels and basic bots required for . It's already proved itself with a couple of useful bug reports and requests. So I went ahead and dealt with some of those. In the process I've whipped up a 32bit Windows version of v 0.12.1, in case anyone else is interested in that, you can download it .

I've also finished collecting all of the references for the last set of ending images. There are three images still left to do in that pipeline. Phoenix is working on getting those done. Meanwhile Chris delivered even more sketches for the second batch of clothes. They should all be ready in time for the version release, which is still projected towards the end of September.

Frankly, I hoped I'd have more time this week to work on some new content, but that didn't end up happening (Damn that pesky need to keep a job for food and shelter!), so I'll be focusing next week on new content and a few planned polishing touches.

Have a great week!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
Is cum inside still a work in progress, or can be done in latest version? Can't pass by that point. Nice game, btw.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
ZagorTeNay It's in the game currently. You should be able to do it once you've trained her enough. Her reaction depends on if you've gotten her used to your cum.


Jun 1, 2018
I enjoyed that once I got over the expectations I built up myself. When I read that it was leaning on the pavlov response idea but in a porn game I assumed it would be more actively used. You would make her aroused normally, ring the bell to link arousal with that sound and then at a later time of your choosing, ring it again for instant arousal. Carry on with different sounds for various states and let a whole bunch of scenarios occur with the player able to use sounds at different moments to affect whatever is happening.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
throwa That's a reasonable assumption to make. In fact, way back in version 0.0.2, that's close to how the game worked. I took a critical look at it (as well as some feedback) and the reality was that it just wasn't all that engaging in terms of game play. So I went ahead and changed it. Glad you enjoyed it even despite the expectation :)


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
It's update time!

As planned, I focused this week on polish and new content. I've finally gotten around to writing a new action. It's an action that evolves with devotion, with a minor sexuality based branch as well. Been a while since I added one of those, it still needs some editing work, but so far I like how it turned out. Meanwhile Chris and Phoenix continue to work on the art.

On the polish side I've spent time fixing a very annoying bug that involved penises disappearing just when you needed them most. And making the clothes selection code less laggy. It's still a little laggy, but much better than the state it was in the gif from two updates ago.

Next week is going to be a lot of integration work, bringing in all the new clothes and art. And implementing the new action and if I get to it in time, another fun thing I have planned. As before, the expected release date remains the end of September, at least until I have all final art pieces in hand.

Have a great week!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
It's update time!

This week went as planned. I managed to finish up and implement the new interaction I started with last week. Phoenix delivered another image and is now working on the two variants of the final shot of the game. Chris delivered all the new clothes and I managed to put them in already. Patrons over on the discord got a minor preview of that.

I've also managed to sneak in some pre production time for the next game, finally getting around to propping up a prototype of its more unusual gameplay element. There are still a few hours I need to put into it before I can start getting feedback on it, but it's coming together nicely.

Next week will focus on some leftover writing tasks that need completing before I switch gears and start devoting my full attention to the new game, until the last pieces of art for Bell Master are in place.

Have a great week.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

I started out this week with a great plan of tasks to be done on the new game. But now I'm 2 weddings and a national election later and frankly, not a lot has been done. I've managed to squash a bug and fix some typos in Bell Master. And do some minor tweaking to the new game prototype. But that's about it. I'm confident this unproductive clusterfuck of a week isn't going to become a habit. But as you know, transparency is important to me, warts and all, so you get to hear about the less good times too.

On the up side, Phoenix delivered another great piece or art. I've sent them the details of the last commission for this version. And, if all goes well, it should be done in the near future. Once that's done I'll tie everything together and begin the testing and QA process.

Until that's ready, I'm going to focus completely on the new game. I have enough details down now to start sending out commissions for the artists to design the new girls (yes, there's going to be more than one this time). With the additional goal of getting myself back on a productive, consistent track.

Have a better week!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

First off, Phoenix delivered the last piece of art yesterday and the game is now officially in final testing. I'd like to take this chance to thank Awolfe again for volunteering his time and skills in making sure you get a less buggy game. Your help has been consistent and invaluable, thank you.

In addition to integrating all of the endings art. I've also added a few new outfits to the wife's dynamic roster, and a really minor random event of the wife in her new PJs. I've built a small congratulatory screen to show at the end of the game, and fixed some minor typos across the game. I've also made a small but apparently significant change to the third orgasm strength training event.

In new game news, building the games prototype made me rather unhappy with one of the games mechanics. I spent most of my pre production time this week playing around with it to see if it can be improved. I think I cracked it, but I'm still tweaking it a little. It's still going to be a while until I have anything concrete to share. I've also started talking to a few artists about the new character designs. Frankly Bell Master took priority this week and will likely continue to up until launch.

I don't know how long testing will take or if any large issue will be found. But I feel it's reasonable to say the new version should be done and uploaded sometime this week. I will of course update you if that has to change. I'll be honest with you all. I'm both excited and terrified for this launch. I really do hope you all like it.

Have a great week!
4.10 star(s) 43 Votes