While i was bored i moded the game a little (Atached in this comment is the .png files folders moddifieds, just add the 'game' folder to ur renpy game directory and will work!)
In general: Maked Gwen and Shar a little more slutties. <3 (see the spoiler below: preview of gwen scene modified)
Specifically i modified the character models of Shar and Gwen and the gwen couch scene. The base model is the same, just the outfits, Shar hair, pubic hair, nails, shoes, etc where modified.
I dunno if i can post the modded images or if I must do it via private, i will atach the zip there, if it goes vs the rules then ask them for private.
If someone wanna keep playing this awesome game it will add some new content.
If this message goes vs the rules, delete it pls
Sorry for my bad grammar, i perfectly understand english, but dunno how to write it properly u_U
BTW: I have various Shar hair models, but u can just have 3 working, change the name and restart the game if u wanna another hair model.
BTW2: I have no planed more modifications in this game, im modifyiing others cause im bored and i dont know how to programm xD