We do know we are slow, so a lot of what's been done in the last months has been dev tools so we can work without having to have the insane amount of back and forth we have had to do until now. We are now using GitHub to save -and keep track of- every change, we've streamlined the way dolls and scenes work, Aka made amazing tools for me so I can write and modify dialog and doll layers while playing the actual game (It was firstly done ALL via docs with tags for expressions, clothes, arms..., then with an external tool), and he's also working hard so that from 0.05 on, the saves are compatible with new versions.
I don't know, it's been a wild ride. We've re-designed and reworked so much we can't keep track of it all, it's basically the entire game. And again, most players will only see some new scenes and a new episode and think "2 years, seriously?" XD But the hard work we've done it's so things are much more easy for us from now on, and our hope is that this will translate in regular releases. Especially since enough patrons have supported us for enough time so that we can afford these luxuries. Now it's time for us to pay them back with more GAME and less PROGRESS REPORTS. And of course to ourselves! We want the game out there more than anyone!